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Bajwa has Recordings of Imran Khan Claims Anchor Aftab Iqbal

Truly turned into a real estate mafia and with people of the same caliber.

Proving everyday what sort of a pimp he is, shameless and disgraceful. Keep proving and keep coming with new stories.

It all adds to the strength and popularity of IK, and PTI, and the ultimate winners would be the people as military have lost it, gone berserk and mad.
This shows the caliber of our so called military leaders. Proven once again that only corrupt slaves and incompetent chamchas are promoted in army. Imagine the level of our maj and lt generals when their chief is such a lowlife imbecile.
If you are ok with talibans, afghans and institutional rot in armed forces. Then i have no issues.

Taliban happened in Benazir tenure. Afghans were always the scums that they are. Institutional rot that we see today is unprecendented even by Zia tenure
Everybody wants to capitalize on Imran-Bajwa break up :laugh:
It's a mix of comical and sad at same time, I mean back when I joined, would have never imagined content like this on Pak Army on PDF.

Wow what a decade can do really
Well I wouldn't be so absolute in my comments. There are a few good ones among the lot as well...

The distribution can be roughly segmented into those who are actually the cream of the bunch regarding military affairs, and who thoroughly enjoy the fauji naukri. Absolute professionals, no room for politics, even internal ones.

Then there's those who were bright, but ab bas naukri hi kar rahay hain and passing the time until retirement and those shiny perks.

Then there are those who actively indulge in politics more than fauji umoor.

And then there are those who get to the top due to connections and contacts more than merit.

The institution was based on 2 pillars,

Promoting the best, and weeding out the average.
When we see people like the current 2,3 and 4 stars, we know that something seriously has gone wrong.
A man in worth nothing, if he accepts to be part of the majority irrespective of personal brilliance. I can narrate stories since 1998. but then again; that wont change nothing.

The culture of sycophancy and related arts are not only survives but grows from bottom to top level. That points out to the dead wood which our Army is carrying.
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BAJWA Tape recorder and Video Camera
Price : Not known
Description: record all types of talks, can carry anywhere, and need only 4 batteries.for all types of movies.
View attachment 916377




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Taliban happened in Benazir tenure. Afghans were always the scums that they are. Institutional rot that we see today is unprecendented even by Zia tenure

Lol mujahadeen become tangos. Afghans were the gifts so that pak can dance that they won against Soviets.
These are all lies
Except for the fact that Bajwa in his craven need to seek attention wants to stay in the limelight and tell his "story" to the public. The low class paindu just can't let go of the fact that he's known as a traitor across the country.

He told his petulant little stories to more than one journo and his denial post facto is even less convincing.

Taliban happened in Benazir tenure. Afghans were always the scums that they are. Institutional rot that we see today is unprecendented even by Zia tenure
If you compare the 1 star and above caliber generals during Zia's time and since the rot truly went in hyperdrive during Mushy's Amreeka Bahadur induced mass purge, the difference is night and day.

In those days, we can the people like Siddiq Salik, Akhtar Abdul Rehman, Hameed Gul, etc.

Now we have lollywood pimps with their disheveled getup, pot bellies and hair plugs masquerading as warriors.
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