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Bajrang Dal's warning to Arundhati Roy

to those who have visited Pakistan, they know us for our hospitality and warmth; if they want to visit or settle in Pakistan, they are always welcome to do so --it is up to them, not I, and definitely not you

it isn't about me loving or hating anybody; it's simply about them having the courage to stand up speak the truth.

Kashmir is not part of the indin state, therefore your post holds little sway.

Seems like you, on the other hand, could do with a hike and some fresh air, you sound a bit hot-headed and bamboozled today :lol::lol:

those who visited pakistan know u guys for ur what??Ru sure??Last time i read no sane law abiding person wanted to visit pakistan, heck pakistan is not even hosting ICC world cup.
But yes if r talking of intellectuals like Dawood,Mullah Omar,osama etc etc then yes pakistan is their 7 star suite.

AR speaking truth??Does she have the courage to speak the truth about kashmiri pandits in lal chowk??does she have the courage to tell all the records of the killings maoists have done.For me she is a scum bag.Even a school goer can make her hole shut if her/she does a week of reaserch on her life/character/stmts.And for geelani lite lo yaar buddha kitna jee le gaa aur

pakistan needs to wake up from sleep and check their borders first.No matter how hard u guys cry we do wat we feel like is right.U guys kicked pro indians in kasmir 21 years back we ppl will kick pro pakistanis in kashmir for the next 100 years and then set their souls free.
those who visited pakistan know u guys for ur what??Ru sure??Last time i read no sane law abiding person wanted to visit pakistan, heck pakistan is not even hosting ICC world cup.

well, you must be very young as you don't have much a long memory it seems

actually, a good many of your countrymen have travel blogs on their trips to Pakistan. Maybe you should, on your own time, expand your horizons.

talk to some Sikhs perhaps, they always come to Pakistan every year from hindustan and they get better treatment in the former than the latter, it seems.

But yes if r talking of intellectuals like Dawood,Mullah Omar,osama etc etc then yes pakistan is their 7 star suite.

i don't know why you log into forums when instead you should be either comedian or circus clown

AR speaking truth??Does she have the courage to speak the truth about kashmiri pandits in lal chowk??

the pandits fled to delhi in haste for purely economic reasons....all this talk of hindu pandits being oppressed is exaggerated nonsense.....propaganda more suited for your many tabloids

does she have the courage to tell all the records of the killings maoists have done.For me she is a scum bag.Even a school goer can make her hole shut if her/she does a week of reaserch on her life/character/stmts.And for geelani lite lo yaar buddha kitna jee le gaa aur

another fuming angry post.....



pakistan needs to wake up from sleep and check their borders first.No matter how hard u guys cry we do wat we feel like is right.

and that's why the Kashmiris are in total defiance and resistance against it

U guys kicked pro indians in kasmir 21 years back we ppl will kick pro pakistanis in kashmir for the next 100 years and then set their souls free.


pro-Kashmiris in Kashmir are what matter in the end, as far as the conflict is concerned.....and based on recent events --which mirror what has been going on for decades -- anti-indian sentiment in Kashmir runs very deep and is deep rooted.

it's naiive and quite delusional to try and claim that Kashmir is an integral part of hindustan when every ground reality suggests the complete and utter opposite
I think you yourself went offtopic advocating Shariah while living under the umbrella of Democracy.Hence you had to face a series of not so comfortable questions,which raised a sudden urge inside you to get back to the topic.

Actually you are wrong again, I never mentioned Shariah, it was one of your countrymen who quoted me from another thread, so I never was confused. it was my opinion that Shariah should come in Muslim countries, opinion and actions are two things. And I didn't have a sudden huge to change the subject, like I said before open a thread and I am willing to discuss it.

And about Roy if you criticize the Chinese, why can't we. Furthermore if you actually read my post I never criticize the Indian goverment in not being democratic, just said if people think more like Indian Rabbit then India would become undemocratic under the eyes of other countries. There is a difference bewteen opinion and actually causing violence, so far she has not caused any violence.
And if you love him and Roy so much, take him into Pakistan. He's not getting any part of the state and hence can go take a hike.

Would you tell your son to take a hike if you both had a disagreement on a certain issue, and tell him to go to Pakistan.
And what's that point might be? That he wants to follow Sharia but cant for innumerable reasons yet sharia is the thing to follow but he couldn't move to sharia following country as he is a kid and indians are creepy(shove some random lol as well!)

And whats your point, that you can't answer Roy but go on Shariah...haha, funny has hell. By the way it was Indian not Indians as I said Nforce was creepy in trying to represent my views....get it right..lol..nice try..failed epically though.
Add Yasin Malik to this Gilani...that guy is a proven terrorist and has even admitted to killing four airforce personnel.

what about babu Bajrangi didn't he admit to killing a Muslim women, the state has not charged him, from what I have read. So....isn't that double standards.
Actually you are wrong again, I never mentioned Shariah, it was one of your countrymen who quoted me from another thread, so I never was confused. it was my opinion that Shariah should come in Muslim countries, opinion and actions are two things. And I didn't have a sudden huge to change the subject, like I said before open a thread and I am willing to discuss it.
So,someone quoted something from some other thread,and you decided to go off topic in this thread.The bottomline is you went off topic in this thread.
And about Roy if you criticize the Chinese, why can't we. Furthermore if you actually read my post I never criticize the Indian goverment in not being democratic, just said if people think more like Indian Rabbit then India would become undemocratic under the eyes of other countries. There is a difference bewteen opinion and actually causing violence, so far she has not caused any violence.

Criticizing the Chinese does not even come into the scenario.Now this is sheer immaturity.I used the examples of Lu Xiaobo or Aung San Suu Kyi to point out the difference.Ms Arundhati Roy still enjoys all her rights as a citizen of the country.If she goes off the limit,then it is the rights of the people of India as well to charge her in the court of justice.But that falls well within the scope of law.As mentioned by Tshering22 that Democracy is not Equivalent to Anarchy.Now thats the plus point of democracy.The rights of the people are taken care of,unlike the examples that I have mentioned.
what about babu Bajrangi didn't he admit to killing a Muslim women, the state has not charged him, from what I have read. So....isn't that double standards.

Yasin Malik roams free today instead of getting the gallows because of lack of evidence.Same is the case with Babu Bajrangi.

I personally have no sympathy for the likes of Yasin Malik or Babu Bajrangi either.But then,Judiciary in a democracy does not function based on mental perceptions,it needs concrete evidence,unlike some age old and obsolete laws based on religion.
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