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Baituallah Mehsud claims responsibility for NY shoot-out

How did a Vietnamese gunmen get in touch with Baitullah Mehsud in the first place?

I think someone's whispering in Baitullah Mehsud's ears to take responsibility for everything so US can invade Pakistan.
Sounds like a hoax call. either by someone or by mehsud himself.

A terrorist attack on america will not be on an immigration centre.
The fact that the guy is still there shows that someone is blocking is death...
How did a Vietnamese gunmen get in touch with Baitullah Mehsud in the first place?

I think someone's whispering in Baitullah Mehsud's ears to take responsibility for everything so US can invade Pakistan.

I agree Omar, this is what CNN wrote on the sad incident that took place yesterday:

"(CNN) -- Authorities are still sorting out the details after a shooting rampage Friday at a Binghamton, New York, immigration center left 14 people dead, including the suspected gunman.

A senior law enforcement source with detailed knowledge of the investigation identified the suspect as Jiverly Wong, who is believed to be in his early 40s.

Authorities executed a search warrant at Wong's home in Johnson City, near Binghamton, and spoke to the suspect's mother, the source said.

Earlier in the day, Binghamton police Chief Joseph Zikuski said the gunman entered the American Civic Association building. At 10:31 a.m., authorities received a 911 call from the receptionist, who said she'd been shot in the stomach, Zikuski said.

She told police that a man with a handgun also shot and killed another receptionist before proceeding to a nearby classroom, where he gunned down more victims, Zikuski said.

Authorities said 37 people made it out of the building alive, most of the survivors managed to survive by hiding in a boiler room and storage closets.

Nearby apartments were evacuated, and Binghamton High School was locked down for most of Friday afternoon.

Authorities also said a car was used to block the back door of the building. Two semi-automatic handguns -- a .45-caliber and a 9-millimeter -- were found at the center, where immigrants were believed to be taking citizenship and language classes.

The shooter, who was carrying a satchel of ammunition, was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot to the head, Zikuski said.

Four people were wounded in the attack, in what the Binghamton Mayor Matthew Ryan has called the "most tragic day" in the city's history.

"This is a community that comes together in a time of crisis," he said. "We can certainly see that happening already in this community.

This is going to be tough on those families who have victims. Many of them are originally not from this country," Ryan said.

The American Civic Association helps immigrants and refugees with a number of issues, including personal counseling, resettlement, citizenship and reunification, and provides interpreters and translators, according to the Web site for United Way of Broome County, which is affiliated with the association.

Zikuski said Wong, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was unemployed at the time of the shooting. He told CNN's Susan Candiotti that Wong had recently worked in a vacuum repair shop.

Ryan said Wong attended classes at the American Civic Association and had a connection there.

Ryan also said he plans to meet with council members Saturday to plan a citywide vigil."

Motive unclear in deadly Binghamton shootings - CNN.com

I see a possibility here that mehsud is getting his dictation from some one else to accept the responsibility, so that US gets a reason to attack Pakistan, now we can come to a conclusion that mehsud here is not fighting for Islam he is terrorist and will do anything for money. I hope that we take him out soon inshallah.

Pakistan's top Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud has claimed responsibility for the shootings at an US immigration services centre in New York state that killed 13 people.

"I accept the responsibility. They were my men," Mehsud told reporters in Peshawar on phone from some undisclosed location.

A lone gunman took more than 40 immigrants hostage on Friday when they were taking a citizenship class at the American Civic Association building in Binghamton, located around 225km northwest of New York city.

The attacker, later identified as Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong, 42, killed 13 people before shooting himself in the head. Four more people were also critically wounded.

Mehsud said the massacre was in revenge for the continued US drone attacks on Pakistan's tribal region bordering Afghanistan. The seven semi-autonomous tribal districts are known to serve as sanctuaries for al-Qaeda and Taliban rebels.

The militant commander added that his men would hit US targets until Washington halted the missile strikes.

Pakistan's private Aaj news channel quoted Mehsud as saying that his group was ready for and even deadlier attack, apparently on US soil.

Mehsud's claim came five days after he made a similar statement about three recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan, including an assault on a police training academy near the eastern city of Lahore on Monday, which killed seven recruits and a civilian.

In Tuesday's statement, the Taliban leader had also threatened future attacks inside the US.
Just a recall on the recent US shooting spree's so here it goes:


March 2009: A gunman kills a total of 11 people in a series of shootings southern Alabama

Dec 2008: A gunman dressed as Santa Claus kills nine people and himself on Christmas Eve in LA

Sept 2008: Six people die in a series of shootings in the north-west of Washington state

June 2008: A worker at a plastics plant in Kentucky kills five people before killing himself

Apr 2007: 32 people and the gunman die at the Virginia Tech campus

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Gunman kills 13 in New York siege

I see no link between mehsud with this shooting as it is quite similar to past shootings which have claimed many lives.

Although no one believe's that mehsud carried out the shooting yestreday, if he had accepted responsibility for the above shootings as well then it was worth looking into it, but it hasn't happened.:smokin:
Mehsud has provided a wonderful oppurtunity to america so that they can invade pakistan...This is all a part of a big game...
I remember I had a post written a week or so back where I had outlined the overall gameplan, and that it revolved heavily around implicating Pakistani's in a terror attack in a western country probably the US to give the go ahead for drastic actions on Pakistan. It's too late...TTP and BM have now been designated the spokespeople of Pakistan due to GoP and army's overall failure, giving them control of large parts of Pakistan.

I see this forum becoming quite active in the near future.
1. Increased funding and aid to Pakistan to combat its internal problems caused by the illegal occupation of the country next door, with new barbed wire strings attached.


2. A broad attempt to inflict serious destabilization to Pakistan will have paid off, giving legitimate reasons and clear mandates to install more puppets and moles in our government or to actually take control of the country by physical presence, possibly after a well rehearsed 9-11 type event in some western nation (operation Mumbai failed) with strong links to Pakistan.

The case is being built up against Pakistan for serious action, and it is well past its infancy.

In my opinion there will never be a more appropriate moment for PA to capture this lunatic ba***** and prove their allegiance to both the US and their own people who call him a kafir.

Will be the greatest PR for PA if they pull it off somehow.
Although I am not a big fan of zaid hamid but I remember once he said that a war will be declared upon our western borders...seems like the oppurtunity has come their way.

The leader of the Taliban in Pakistan claims he was behind the attack on an immigration cente in the US which left 13 people dead.

"I accept resonsibility. They were my men. I gave them orders in reaction to US drone attacks," Baituallah Mehsud told a news agency.

A gunman armed with two pistols injured dozens more in the attack in Binghamton, New York state, before turning the gun on himself.

The killer, believed to be a 42-year-old Vietnamese, blocked the rear exit of the centre with his car before entering and opening fire.

How intersting, now Vietnamese are also supposedly working for Baitullah Mehsud. Do Vietnamese "Muslims" even exist? I know Indonesia and Malaysia have large Muslim populations, but Vietnam...I dont think so.
^^Vietnamese aren't very fond of Americans are they? So how difficult is it to brainwash one?
The foreign sponsored Baitullah is deliberately trying to provoke
US incursion into NWFP since his all other tactics have miserably failed, This is the most silliest statement he has ever come out with since when vietnamese have become his legions lol yesterday the foriegn minister has said any incursion will not be acceptable.
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