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Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

One reason of this killing is release of asia bibi by sc as boy told to police that professor has been speaking against Islam for many times and he decided to kill him as courts release those who comit Blasphemy so he took law in his own hand .It is due to failure of judiciary

Isn't she still in "protective custody" even after her exoneration?
this should be condemned but in our universities there are many professors who are preaching liberalism and antiIslamic concepts and have linkages with foreign agencies and receive funding from them and they are destroying our culture and moral values in the name of education

What exactly is your culture? Or moral values? Liberal? So now giving a welcome party to new students is liberalism? Do you even know what being a liberal means ? There is orientation and campus tour for new students. Tell me exactly how exactly is that "liberal". People like you are the problem in PK
Indus Pakistan , Oscar, Vcheng, M sarmad

Watch his confessional video. He looks calm and very peaceful as he has done some extraordinary job. He is probably influenced by Khadim Rizvi's dalla tehreek and he thinks by murdering his teacher who is mocking Islam by arranging college farewell party, he just booked his ticket to Jannah.
Lastly the blame as always goes on Islam, Hazrat Muhammad SAW's Islam, not Khadim Rizvi's personal Islam.
What exactly is your culture? Or moral values? Liberal? So now giving a welcome party to new students is liberalism? Do you even know what being a liberal means ? There is orientation and campus tour for new students. Tell me exactly how exactly is that "liberal". People like you are the problem in PK
These are not ordinary parties they involve drinking and other obscure acts and indian songs.We are facing poverty and tough economic conditions professors are wasting money of nation in parties
He looks calm and very peaceful as he has done some extraordinary job.

Effective indoctrination and a strong belief system at work, nothing new. He believes what he did was right, and is much a victim as a criminal.

These are not ordinary parties they involve drinking and other obscure acts .We are facing poverty and tough economic conditions professors are wasting money of nation in parties

If you don't like what happens at any party, you do have the choice not to go, and let others make the same right to make a decision for themselves.
Yes I will. The sly thing is they have occupied the strips on one guise or another along the road thus effectively blocked off entry to the plot behind. In effect it entails grabbing the strip so the rest can be encroached on later.

About time the police and legal authorities in Pakistan started earning their wages. I have heard this scenario a dozen times.
Yes we need to shut down everything. Example
Due to corruption we shut down Paliment
Due to teaching not upto the mark we close School, collages and Uni
Due to bad policing we shutdown all police stations
Due to bad medical treatment we should closed all hospital as well.

Grown up, stop blaming and start finding solutions of problems. The main problem we have that we don't have any system in every department. Create systems and implement strictly will resolve many issues.

Madrassa system post 1857 have become the flag bearer of judo Christian concept of separating religion and world affairs . And. Mullah class which is inherently sterile can't do nothing productive for the state
Good on you. That is why we need Islamic revolution in Pakistan. We need the mullah's and their pious students from madaris to take over Pakistan and clean the country of western influence. The entire country should be ran by a council of mullahs headed by a just khalifa. Every district, every provinve, every government department should be ran by a mullah. All universities also need mullahs. Enough of poisenous western education. We need to go back to 1840s before Angrez came and go desi 100%.

Even if that means we get ruled by a Sikh Maharajah.

Ps. I say make Rizvi the Khalifa.


May be we should learn lesson from our ancestors who were at same time expert of religion while on other hand were successful Military men, business intellectuals, scientists etc. The words are often used '' Islam is a way of life'' but sadly Muslims of Pakistan have not implemented it practically. We should have Unis/ Educational institutes which instead of teaching forcefully the sectarian bullshit and narrow views should teach Islam in practical way along with history of great Islamic intellectuals. All Madrsas should also teach Islamic history, languages and teachings regarding tolerance, kindness towards other humans, importance of Ijtehad in case of any legal/social issues.

But on other hand they should also teach about real meaning of Jihad and how it should be done, the whole true process. On one side our religion teaches us peace and harmony but on other side allows Muslims to take all necessary measures for safety of Muslim estate .

The above mentioned Maulvi was used by certain elements and when he raised voice against them he was bared and still his whereabouts are unknown.
View attachment 547888 https://twitter.com/SabihUlHussnain/status/1108250144716275712?s=19

Prof Khalid Hameed, prof of English in Govt SE college Bahawalpur has been brutally murdered by his student over a heated argument about college farewell party.
Student name is Talib hussain and the argument was about incoming farewell party which he thought was against Islamic traditions.
I personally know Professor Khalid Hameed. He was such a nice teacher who always stood up for his students.

Watch his confessional video. He looks calm and very peaceful as he has done some extraordinary job. He is probably influenced by Khadim Rizvi's dalla tehreek and he thinks by murdering his teacher who is mocking Islam by arranging college farewell party, he just booked his ticket to Jannah.
Lastly the blame as always goes on Islam, Hazrat Muhammad SAW's Islam, not Khadim Rizvi's personal Islam.

This retarded low IQ murderer seems like the perfect husband material for shamima begum.
Don't be ignorant. They never ruled India because there was no India then. They ruled large part of South Asia but only for 2 centuries with one in state of nominal control. So get your facts right. This is what madaris education does to you. And they drank alcohol, had sex parties with Hindoo concubines, imprisonned their fathers, murdered their brothers and in case of Akbar even tried to make a new man made religion.

So much for your Islamic pious Moghuls.


Sir all rulers were not same similarly many acts were need of time, as we all know Mughal rulers were mix of good and bad. Sultan Altamash, Qutbudin Aibak, Ghauri and Aurangzeb are heroes for many.
Sir all rulers were not same similarly many acts were need of time, as we all know Mughal rulers were mix of good and bad. Sultan Altamash, Qutbudin Aibak, Ghauri and Aurangzeb are heroes for many.
Haider Ali. Tipu Sultan
My favorites Ayub khan and Zia ul haq

From history Salah ud din Ayubi
Madrassa system post 1857 have become the flag bearer of judo Christian concept of separating religion and world affairs . And. Mullah class which is inherently sterile can't do nothing productive for the state
Nor harm us. Do they looted our money our resources?. We have bigger problems yet to be solved. We need a very good and effective system to run our country
The code of conduct should be there both for teachers and students in educational institutions, though I am not regular in my prayers yet can openly say that in the name of modernization vulgarity has been spread in our country over the years. What happens in Unis in the name of parties every one knows who has some educational background. Our Unis are full of Charsi and Alcaholics but we are against Mullahs only. The boy perhaps has some mental issues as often such acts described by Western masters of many here. We accept when Jihad teachings are deleted from Islamiat books but when we get any chance to criticize religion or Mullah we are on front seat blindly. The vulgar language used here for Mullah should also be openly used for powers who used and abused this Mullah for their own motives.

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