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Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

I could tell similar stories, but I refrain since I do not feel the environment here conducive enough for the likes of me. It is better to read more than post. ;)
My dad is now on dialysis and at 86 is slowly fading. We are in process of now sorting out our estate. The share in UK is easily resolved but my dad invested massively in steerling foreign currency accounts in Pakistan ~ over £300,000 in early 1990s. We are having problems with that. Even more problematic is the land in our village. Our relatives have slowly moved on it and sliced/diced plots to grab. My mum and brothers are of the view that we should just let it go but only yesterday in a meeting I told them 'No'. If I have to go grab a Ak-47 and do a trial by fire I will. Last time I was there I had two set of cousins using guns on each other. But it's the principle that counts. This is creating lot of friction in the extended family and bringing out old grudges. But I guess this is how it is.
My dad is now on dialysis and at 86 is slowly fading. We are in process of now sorting out our estate. The share in UK is easily resolved but my dad invested massively in steerling foreign currency accounts in Pakistan ~ over £300,000 in early 1990s. We are having problems with that. Even more problematic is the land in our village. Our relatives have slowly moved on it and sliced/diced plots to grab. My mum and brothers are of the view that we should just let it go but only yesterday in a meeting I told them 'No'. If I have to go grab a Ak-47 and do a trial by fire I will. Last time I was there I had two set of cousins using guns on each other. But it's the principle that counts. This is creating lot of friction in the extended family and bringing out old grudges. But I guess this is how it is.

I wish your father the best of health, and you the best of luck in your travails.

(Having gone though the same myself, I really mean it.)
It is so amusing reading comments that would have helped Nehru in his hay day. India got a secular state and to top it off every single ethnic group that lives in Pakistan today. So, to those who start a secular versus religious divide/argument today, it is done and dusted. Seculars got their state and Muslims their very own. Problem is the seculars want to convert this very openly religious state by subverting, distracting and misleading. Especially through educational institutions because it is under the radar everyone wants to get their kid educated but not brainwashed/indoctrinated into secular agenda.

People here openly argue and call all Muslims as the cause of every problem in Pakistan... take your pick... education, GDP, technology so on and so forth. They also show themselves as more patriotic, they play ethnic and linguistic divisions. The laymen here would be fooled as a genuine argument but miss the plot. They seek a foothold though on this platform they hold sway, they are adamant and knock you down with contempt. I have always found seculars being smug and haughty. They give you the impression that they know it all.

It is same in Turkey where secularism won and ruled for a better part of the century. They had both the arrogance and military at their side. Today they are looking for room to survive. One more thing Ottoman Empire was the first secular empire followed by the western Europe and the rest of the world. They had already created nation states i.e. millet and Pasha from every millet and both Christians and jews on every echelon of power. Today people ask why did they collapse so fast and why Muslims didn't feel they shared common goals? Secularism had its victim! Turks.
Secularism broke Muslims yet it united west! Conversely, Muslims were United by religion and west was separated by religion.
Today they show you smoke and mirrors to split you from your deen. Want hard borders between Muslims... to create contempt for your brother on the other side and create pride for these lines. They don't want you to know that when you cross these and meet your brothers they take you with open arms because of your faith and not your ethnicity. This platform will tell you that all Afghans and Bangladeshis hate you, yet in Nur Mosque they all were standing in same lines they shared food in Ramadan and invited each other to their homes.
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Small towns have a higher degree of extremism due to lack of exposure.
Sadly, religious extremism will always be the downfall of Pakistan.
My dad is now on dialysis and at 86 is slowly fading. We are in process of now sorting out our estate. The share in UK is easily resolved but my dad invested massively in steerling foreign currency accounts in Pakistan ~ over £300,000 in early 1990s. We are having problems with that. Even more problematic is the land in our village. Our relatives have slowly moved on it and sliced/diced plots to grab. My mum and brothers are of the view that we should just let it go but only yesterday in a meeting I told them 'No'. If I have to go grab a Ak-47 and do a trial by fire I will. Last time I was there I had two set of cousins using guns on each other. But it's the principle that counts. This is creating lot of friction in the extended family and bringing out old grudges. But I guess this is how it is.

Don't allow these criminals to win. Get and keep your land. I hate it when these scum win.

If you don't need the money, fight these people and keep your land. Then sell it and give the money to charity.
Small towns have a higher degree of extremism due to lack of exposure.
Sadly, religious extremism will always be the downfall of Pakistan.

do you have confirmed accounts before awarding Islam this monopoly?

220 Million people. one killed the other. 97 percent are Muslims.

what happened to opening threads on a tweet?

or this is just to prove Indian theory that pakistanis are religious nutheads?
Random incident occurs.

Natural instinct of a Pakistani. Blame Islam

Goes to threads about India. Be all righteous Muslim.
Goes to threads about Palestine. Be all ethno fascist.

Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat

No one is blaming Islam.

Mullahs, extremists and 'the apologists' are a curse upon Islam and humanity.

And you are trying to defend this guy:

koi nai hojata hai!! students bhut zyada hai maslihat keh tahad chor do Pakistan he toh hai!
Don't allow these criminals to win. Get and keep your land. I hate it when these scum win.

If you don't need the money, fight these people and keep your land. Then sell it and give the money to charity.
Yes I will. The sly thing is they have occupied the strips on one guise or another along the road thus effectively blocked off entry to the plot behind. In effect it entails grabbing the strip so the rest can be encroached on later.
No one is blaming Islam.

Mullahs, extremists and 'the apologists' are a curse upon Islam and humanity.

And you are trying to defend this guy:

i am Not defending anyone. heinous crime happened.

just because a stressed out student killed his teacher does not mean we should get rid of the fundamental document of the state or paint it as some blasphemous act of Pakistan.

you guys simply need a reason to do your chestbeating
Hence I advocate shutting down of all madrassas. They are pimping for the sake of their moola sources
Yes we need to shut down everything. Example
Due to corruption we shut down Paliment
Due to teaching not upto the mark we close School, collages and Uni
Due to bad policing we shutdown all police stations
Due to bad medical treatment we should closed all hospital as well.

Grown up, stop blaming and start finding solutions of problems. The main problem we have that we don't have any system in every department. Create systems and implement strictly will resolve many issues.
i am Not defending anyone. heinous crime happened.

just because a stressed out student killed his teacher does not mean we should get rid of the fundamental document of the state or paint it as some blasphemous act of Pakistan.

you guys simply need a reason to do your chestbeating

You are being overly apologetic now.
Listen to what he is saying, carefully.
One reason of this killing is release of asia bibi by sc as boy told to police that professor has been speaking against Islam for many times and he decided to kill him as courts release those who comit Blasphemy so he took law in his own hand .It is due to failure of judiciary
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