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Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

Unfortunately vast majority of Pakistani's equate Pakistan with Muslimstan which requirews them to act as uncles for the entire Muslim world. And you see the results.

I don't think I am talking against Islam. Many though will.
Most accused you of doing so, I'm just repeating what the others have said, to prove my point.
Unfortunately vast majority of Pakistani's equate Pakistan with Muslimstan which requirews them to act as uncles for the entire Muslim world. And you see the results.

Fortunately, I respect the right of Pakistanis in their collective wisdom to make whatever they fell is the best path for their country. If they want to assume such a role, then all power to them, of course. With that right also comes the consequences, both good and bad, for them to deal with. I am okay with that too.
Don't be ignorant. They never ruled India because there was no India then. They ruled large part of South Asia but only for 2 centuries with one in state of nominal control. So get your facts right. This is what madaris education does to you. And they drank alcohol, had sex parties with Hindoo concubines, imprisonned their fathers, murdered their brothers and in case of Akbar even tried to make a new man made religion.

So much for your Islamic pious Moghuls.

Demise of mughals resulted due to akbar made deenIlahi which is similar to what liberals thought in Pakistan and it resulted in to rise of hinduism in subcontinent again due to loss of Overwhelming Islamic rules and values in subcontinent in the name of giving rights to minorities and interfaith harmony and at the end when british invaded subcontinent hindus are in such a position that they become more powerful than Muslims by ordinary british support
Fortunately, I respect the right of Pakistanis in their collective wisdom to make whatever they fell is the best path
I don't respect that. If I see a friend or a loved one heading towards disaster or on the wrong path will do what I can to change their mind ~ even if I am the lone voice and fail. At least I tried.

Demise of mughals
You don't know what your talking about. When you gave 800 years to Moghul rule compared to less than 300 year it shows your ignorance. Go get a education first.
I guess Pakistan could learn from their "iron bro" PRC and what they did in Xinjiang or from Turkey when they deal with the HTS and PKK EHEHEE even Iran cracks down on folks like this

*Erdogan may be hated by many Secular Turks but in Pakistan he would be considered a Liberal tbh unlike the facade he promotes as Sultan

*Like @Indus Pakistan you would never see Erdogan dress up as a Sultan but in a suit eh


*these are what "neo-ottoman larpers" in Pakistan fap to a President of "Secular Republic" eh
I don't respect that. If I see a friend or a loved one heading towards disaster or on the wrong path will do what I can to change their mind ~ even if I am the lone voice and fail. At least I tried.

One can try only up to a point. Believe me, I tried. I failed. I accepted it. Someday you will see that too.
One can try only up to a point. Believe me, I tried. I failed. I accepted it. Someday you will see that too.
You know I am 56 years old. I have not. And never will. I know maybe in another 50 years Pakistan will be something like what me and you want but I will keep saying my mind come what. To the last breath.

And I know this is being optimistic but I believe the country is past the lowst point and the trend is positive, even if it will take decades. There are many half educated, ignorants like @Yaseen1 so it will take time.
Don't be ignorant. They never ruled India because there was no India then. They ruled large part of South Asia but only for 2 centuries with one in state of nominal control. So get your facts right. This is what madaris education does to you. And they drank alcohol, had sex parties with Hindoo concubines, imprisonned their fathers, murdered their brothers and in case of Akbar even tried to make a new man made religion.

So much for your Islamic pious Moghuls.


Add in the Ottoman sultans and Abdulhamid eh

Most accused you of doing so, I'm just repeating what the others have said, to prove my point.

I don't respect that. If I see a friend or a loved one heading towards disaster or on the wrong path will do what I can to change their mind ~ even if I am the lone voice and fail. At least I tried.

You don't know what your talking about. When you gave 800 years to Moghul rule compared to less than 300 year it shows your ignorance. Go get a education first.
Mughal is general term used in slang language my reference is to Muslim rule over india for 8 centuries and indian hindus also accept this but you are pointing out unnecessary things to avoid replying a true answer as you have nothing left for reply
You know I am 56 years old. I have not. And never will. I know maybe in another 50 years Pakistan will be something like what me and you want but I will keep saying my mind come what. To the last breath.

Your in luck the "Saudi petro lottery" that made these folks common is drying up and Turkey plus Indonesia are kicking the Wahhabbi scum in GDP wise all the Turks and Indonesians need to do is form a alliance or sorts ditch the Arabs and we good and the PRC expanding could help

You know I am 56 years old. I have not. And never will. I know maybe in another 50 years Pakistan will be something like what me and you want but I will keep saying my mind come what. To the last breath.

We are the same age group, and I also respect the right for all of us to learn our lessons in different ways and times in our lives. The fact we both choose to live abroad says it all already. Those who are actually on the ship are the ones to decide where they want to steer it, not the ones in the ship miles away.
nothing left for reply
I don't reply because honestly I regard you as too retarded and waste of my intellect. You can't reason with animals can you? I know when to press and how far to press. Your simply a lost cause. You simply were born lacking intellect or have recieved such poor education that iot has left permanent damage. Both are incurable. Ta ta.

The fact we both choose to live abroad says it all already.

Those who are actually on the ship are the ones to decide where they want to steer it, not the ones in the ship miles away.
The fact that me and you are on PDf tells us something. Typical Brits., or Yanks don't waste their time on PDF. In my case I have family in PK and land that my ancestors ploughed. I have a emotional, physical and economic investment in that country. Of course as generations go our interest will whither although if you look at 3rd/4th Italian/Irish Americans they still exhibit rooting for their countries of origin.
The fact that me and you are on PDf tells us something. Typical Brits., or Yanks don't waste their time on PDF. In my case I have family in PK and land that my ancestors ploughed. I have a emotional, physical and economic investment in that country. Of course as generations go our interest will whither although if you look at 3rd/4th Italian/Irish Americans they still exhibit rooting for their countries of origin.

A point well-made, and conceded by me. :tup:

(And agreed.)
And did I tell you @VCheng my extended family in Pakistan are in army, police [one a senior officer in Karachi], FBR, PWD and most are corrupt to the bone. So I know how it works in Pakistan. Although exhibit a very thin layer of piety. Money is what counts. And my dad did law at Karachi University in early 60s before moving to UK to do his post graduate in London. Yours truelly followed on.
And did I tell you @VCheng my extended family in Pakistan are in army, police [one a senior officer in Karachi], FBR, PWD and most are corrupt to the bone. So I know how it works in Pakistan. Although exhibit a very thin layer of piety. Money is what counts. And my dad did law at Karachi University in early 60s before moving to UK to do his post graduate in London. Yours truelly followed on.

I could tell similar stories, but I refrain since I do not feel the environment here conducive enough for the likes of me. It is better to read more than post. ;)

On topic, how ironic that after the murder of Mashal Khan, a student, we are now here with a teacher killed.
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