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Bad conditions for Muslims in India

Interesting stuff of Premji. Nonetheless, my original statement still stands. The indian GINI data suggests lots of rich people but a proportionally higher number of poor people.

As for the first part, I will say this again. Not too long ago, Pakistan's poverty level was rated at 17% by world bank. The figure being provided (62 million ~ 33% of people) is by state bank. The data is thus inconsistent because poverty cannot double in 1 year. SBP probably uses a higher definition of poverty. There's lot of different poverty figures going around, so it's best to stick with one.
Yep, the movement has not stopped....even today. Even today sikhs or hindus come to India for shelter. Do Indian muslims come to Pakistan for shelter?

How exactly do you expect people living in poverty in india to go across the border. Ask the indian kashmiris if they want to be part of Pakistan or remain with India.

Thats not right. Its the other way around.

Ok. If you say so.
How exactly do you expect people living in poverty in india to go across the border.
Ask the indian kashmiris if they want to be part of Pakistan or remain with India.

Jab jaan pe banti hai toh sab ho sakta hai. Bengalis came to India in 71, sikhs and hindus come from NWFP to India. Because they are really in trouble. Indian muslims(including Kashmiris) would have come running to paksitan if situation in India was desperate, but it is not.
It's an apples and oranges comparison really. If Kashmiris moved, you probably won't hear about it. Additionally, I am not so sure if they are free to move, because as you know. Further, the dangers faced by minorities in Pakistan are not state-sponsered while in india it is to a good extent.
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You are misreading me here. I am not saying 25% of 1.2 billion is 800 million. I said that the 25% figure is indian interpretation of poverty and that in reality some 75% of indians (i.e. 800 million is 75% of 1.2 billion..) are living in poverty or poverty-like conditions.

It is distinctly said in the article that 800 million live BELOW 50 CENTS a day. Nothing $2.

Sure, I would not like to talk about it. But the problem is that it's more often than not indians who start talking about poverty in Pakistan.

Thanks for masking the poverty issue in your country. No wonder so many things are going wrong there when the whole population is focussed why India is not doing anything regarding its poverty, its caste problem, its this, its that.

You should read Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What I have said is true, 800 million figure you quoted as poverty is based on 2.00$/day figure. The picture is far better when you compare to Pakistan but that in itself does not give India consolidator price.

Those are mistaken kills. Your state and parties are targetting innocent people. Notice the difference.

You have got your numbers wrong again. There are roughly 140 million muslims in india. India's population is around 1.1 - 1.2 billion.

Yes, as you aware that we are implementing targetted killing. The goal is to eliminate all Muslims in India.

You're dealing in quite a bit of personal attacks. Try avoiding that.

Anyways, it's 3% of population to start off. TTP explosions started only within last 2 years. Tell me the proportion of minorities at that time.

PA explosions? What explosions? They have targetted TTP, if you're trying to use that.

Pakistan's minority figure after partition has been pretty stable after the movement of different people during that time.

Quite nicely duck the questions when you see the same horrible picture in your country. Nice job! Looks like Zardari is elected from this group of people.

Like I said, the higher GDP per capita is negligable by the the GINI coefficients.

Yes Gini coefficients are worse in India compared to Pakistan and so what do you propose. Kill rich too! I will add to the list as well.

Any other things that will Pakistan happy. Already Pakistan blames for bomb explosion made by TTP in the name of religion (Islam) on India which as we all know is fanatically killing all Muslims. You should talk to Ezjar and ask him too the tortures he had been going through.

I know it flies in Pakistan to show tortures done on Muslims by other religious fanatics but the same people donot even pay lipservice when a Palestine sucide bomber kills the Jews or a Pakistani suicide bomber attacks Mumbai - everything some how works only one way. Wonderful!
It's an apples and oranges comparison really. If Kashmiris moved, you probably won't hear about it. Additionally, I am not so sure if they are free to move, because as you know. Further, the dangers faced by minorities in Pakistan are not state-sponsered while in india it is to a good extent.

Yes every attack done In India to minorities are state sponsored and every attack done to minorities of Pakistan are non-state people..And also every attacks done in India was by good terrorsits and Every attack done in Pakistan is by bad terrorits ..Nice logic you guys got .No wonder
Oh dear me. Pathetic use of sarcasm and false staistics as a way to defend yourself. Now this is becoming a waste of time for me going over the same thing againd and again. Some people have their heads buried in sand. Think whatever you want to think and go your own way while I go mine.

Seiko - don't put words in my mouth. I will not respond to your post because it's ridiculous beyond epic proportions.
Oh dear me. Pathetic use of sarcasm and false staistics as a way to defend yourself. Now this is becoming a waste of time for me going over the same thing againd and again. Some people have their heads buried in sand. Think whatever you want to think and go your own way while I go mine.

Seiko - don't put words in my mouth. I will not respond to your post because it's ridiculous beyond epic proportions.

No buddy i am not puting words on your mouth..But tell me is this the way most of the people feel in your country??TTP is very bad accordingt o you still you literally worship Afghan Taliban and hope that they should take over Afganisthan..Their ideologies are same and still its your neighbouring country no problems for you..They can torture the women in Afganistan and kill them its ok they are strong followers of Islamic laws and they are enforcing it but when it done in Pakistan it will be evil and not according to Islam..When a person killed another person who were from different religion in Pakistan its a single incident but in India its minority opression..think about it??

PS:As boxer posted in another thread never heard any Islamic faith Champions tried to speak up against opression of muslim population in China..Why??are they not part of Ummah??or Chinese muslims are not muslims according to your standards??
Yes you are putting words into my mouth. Let me just quote what you put into my mouth.

And also every attacks done in India was by good terrorsits and Every attack done in Pakistan is by bad terrorits

Anyways, as for the rest, how did Afghan Taliban come into this? I can discuss that but it's not part of this topic.

As for chinese muslims, I only started hearing about their problems recently. I will look into what's happening there.
Yes you are putting words into my mouth. Let me just quote what you put into my mouth.

Anyways, as for the rest, how did Afghan Taliban come into this? I can discuss that but it's not part of this topic.

As for chinese muslims, I only started hearing about their problems recently. I will look into what's happening there.

I quote that and talked about Afgan talibs to point out the wierd logics in some of your countrymen

Do look into Chinese muslims matters how they were banned from going to mosque to pray..and also check whether India banned her Muslims to practice their religion

The Chinese Muslims are in fact the muslims of central asia.
This is a huge region that takes up half the land mass of the world.
The Han oppress the Chinese muslims due to 5 thousand years of hatred against the mongolian tribes.
It was the mongolian tribes who became muslims.
Today it is called Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, China, Turkey etc.
They ruled India for centuries.

It was called the Mughal dynasty Mughal=Mongol.

The fall of the dynasty led to the downfall of the Muslims of India and the creation of Pakistan.

The fact is a thousand years ago we were all Hindu.

For 350 years the Muslims in India have stopped their spiritual work which has led to a shortfall in the development of both India and Pakistan.

Love and Blessings,




Indian Muslims demanding their rights :agree:
India's GDP / capita on PPP terms : 2972$
So, an Indian Muslim would earn : 2823$

Pakistan's GDP/capita on PPP terms: 2644$

Mind you, these numbers are from 2008. In 2009, Indian economy has grown somewhere between 6.5-7%, whereas Pakistan economy has grown between 1-2%. So against the difference has increased.

An Indian Muslim is far better living in India economically speaking than living in Pakistan besides having friendly TTP.

So these are pictures that you could find about India, think about pictures I could for a country who income is less than 150$/capita than India's. But I am not like you finding enjoyment in some one else's misery. It your mindset and so as well may enjoy pictures and charm yourself a bit more!

Some one is burning...........
Again I say burn ur states if people are living on roads.
Average People of Pakistan are much much batter in living standards then the average Indian.
Some one is burning...........
Again I say burn ur states if people are living on roads.
Average People of Pakistan are much much batter in living standards then the average Indian.

Yes ...an average Pakistani has much better life....he stays in house... indoors most of the time ...because moving out in the streets is dangerous...you never know who is going to blow himself in the name of jihad and take him along with him. Indians live on roads(according to you).....ad they re not scared of losing their lives to Moronic Jehadis..... so who's got better life.... decide for yourself.

sorry, That was a cheap shot....but you asked for it.
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