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Hah! Americans can arm our enemies and we will nuclearize theirs............and keep on whinning about nuclear proliferation, its an open secret that there is no respect for international norms worldwide, so quit expecting us to be any different. Its a race for survival and we will do whatever it takes.

Whatever hopes the world may have had were dashed after Abbotabad.

The issue here is why did the poster have to shoot himself in the foot by starting this thread when its not the Indian nation & media alone who feels so ?

You are a reasonable gentleman,....don't you think all this proliferation thing is one big hypocrisy.....the likes of America are the major producer and suppliers of weapons of death and destruction.....it helps their employment and economy....these so called conventional weapons are widely used the world over killing tens of thousand innocent people....on the contrary, the non conventional arms are merely for deterrence.....and never been used once for over 60 years.

Well I maintain there is a code of honor among thieves too.

Evidently this thread was started without much research - more like a default response to anything that emanates from India.

Sure Indian media is not the most educated but does do its background work in most cases.
I am not interested in discussing this as Pakistani and North Korean nukes and missiles are bugged by both US and China. In case of threats we can get the source code.

come up with that yourself or is that also from a bollywood flick? :laugh:
These are the same claims about alleged proliferation in the late 90s. Are there any new allegations of proliferation since those previous claims?

Has Pak developed new technology worth proliferating ever since it did the last time ?

The recent NK explosion was linked to the last one Pak made.
These are the same claims about alleged proliferation in the late 90s. Are there any new allegations of proliferation since those previous claims?

This is the closest that comes to new allegations of proliferation

Classified By: A/DCM E. Candace Putnam, Reasons 1.4 (b), (d)

¶1. (S) PolOff delivered August 7 reftel demarche points to
MFA Disarmament Director Mohammad Kamran Akhtar. Akhtar
later reported back that he had checked with MFA's
Territorial Division, which had no record of a flight
clearance request matching the description in our points.
The MFA requested more details on the flight path. He added
that the MFA's Legal Advisor was reviewing the possibility of
conditioning overflight permission on an inspection. There
were concerns that such conditionality would violate the
international legal norm of "right of safe passage."

¶2. (S) Akhtar stressed, however, that this reply was "not
final or definite," though probably delayed sufficiently to
be overcome by events. He emphasized that Pakistan was fully
implementing all UN Security Council resolutions regarding
nuclear proliferation related to North Korea and Iran. He
assured that Pakistan's customs agents remain vigilant.


Pakistan: Unaware Of Air Koryo Flight; Lawyers Reviewing Usg Request

PS : Air Koryo is North Korean Airline believed to be involved in nuclear proliferation.
Its nuclear proliferation.

a.) AQ Khan as per charges and as per his admissions provided centrifugal DESIGNS to N. Korea. Know-how and some industrial machinery and inverters, hoses and other components needed for the centrifuge cascade were provided but not nuclear material or any ready made centrifuges. Like the thing with Iran or Libya, they were one-off events and Pakistan's already has provided enough assurance that such transactions would not be taking place in the future

b.) Pakistan is not a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty
Whatever hopes the world may have had were dashed after Abbotabad.

The issue here is why did the poster have to shoot himself in the foot by starting this thread when its not the Indian nation & media alone who feels so ?
If the world knows what we are upto then why the indian media has taken upon the role to puff the obvious?
These are the same claims about alleged proliferation in the late 90s. Are there any new allegations of proliferation since those previous claims?

You are forgetting Muammar Gadaffi who revealed Pakistan's role. :laugh:
If the world knows what we are upto then why the indian media has taken upon the role to puff the obvious?

You have a problem with the truth ?

My contention here is the need for ' foot in mouth ' disease of the poster at No 1 when the Indian media was not wrong in what it says.

If Pak has proliferated - its their call. I am ok with it - actually couldn't care less. Dont try to be a saint & sound indignant - Thats all.
@Windjammer Buddy a simple question, US provided weapons to Pakistan too, which I think is responsible Nuclear power, but tell me can same thing be said about North Korea ?

And its not about some fighter jets or other bombs, its about Nuclear Weapons. And add to that NOKO, a rogue state.

The type of weapon and Credibility of a nation , is the issue.
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a.) AQ Khan as per charges and as per his admissions provided centrifugal DESIGNS to N. Korea. Know-how and some industrial machinery and inverters, hoses and other components needed for the centrifuge cascade were provided but not nuclear material or any ready made centrifuges. Like the thing with Iran or Libya, they were one-off events and Pakistan's already has provided enough assurance that such transactions would not be taking place in the future

b.) Pakistan is not a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty


Q: What have we learned about Khan,s efforts to assist North
Korea,s nuclear program?

Former Pakistani President Musharraf has previously
acknowledged that Dr. A.Q. Khan and his international network
provided sensitive centrifuge technology, including about two
dozen centrifuges, to North Korea.

Cable reference id: #09STATE2556
Your words would be encouraging to the Indians provided you were the home security minister but as we all know, the frivolous Indian media can cause you guys to do frog jumps.

Trust me you people are using dud ballistic missiles of long range, the recent failed test is a warning to Pakistani establishment. India can defend this threat easily if US and China are not on your side.

The moment the test fails next day we see a temple demolished by angry establishment who do not know who bugged the missile guidance system. A country which spends 35 Billion on defense can also spend the same amount to neutralize the threat on the other side.

Now you can trumpet your fake capabilities and be happy as usual.
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