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Nov 9, 2009
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Pak hand emerges in North Korea's nuclear threat to US. Should India be worried?

North Korea on Friday shocked the world by announcing that the country's rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S.," an escalation of the country's bellicose rhetoric and a direct response to U.S. nuclear-capable B-2 bombers joining military drills with South Korea a day earlier.

North Korea has been given the power of nuclear blackmail by systematic nuclear proliferation from Pakistan.

On Sunday at a busy press conference marking his return, former president Pervez Musharraf accepted Pakistan's role in encouraging nuclear rogue countries.

U.S. analysts are now concerned that the exit of A Q Khan has not ended Pakistan's proliferation.

US intelligence analysis reported in the U.S. media reveal that North Korea was and is still being given active assistance in its nuclear programme by Pakistan.

It is Pakistan sourced plans for uranium enrichment centrifuges that have allowed North Korea to shift from a plutonium-based nuclear programme to a uranium-based one. Pakistan is suspected to have provided not only the designs, but also the aluminium to build the centrifuges and pre-fabricated parts.

The Pakistan link to the North Korean nuclear weapons programme is not unheard of. In July 2011, the father of Pakistan's Nuclear Programme A Q Khan released a secret letter claiming that the North Koreans had offered 3 million dollars in bribes to military officials to secure nuclear plans and material.

Pakistan's links to North Korea Nuclear weapons programme go back to 1994 when Benazir Bhutto was accused of personally delivering nuclear plans - a claim which she denied.

It is now suspected that North Korea banked heavily on Pakistan to continue its nuclear programme.

Read more at: Pak hand emerges in North Korea's nuclear threat to US. Should India be worried? : Asia, News - India Today

Once an Indian villager lost his Donkey, while out searching in desperation, he stumbles upon an Indian film set.....a romantic scene is being filmed, the hero is delivering dialogue while holding his leading lady in his arms...."Janam, mujey teri inn dou ankhoun mein sari dunya nazar atti hey".....the villager listening in shouts....."Yaar Dekhna meri Gadhi {Donkey) bi kahi'n nazar atti hey".
Moral of the story.....no matter what happens around the globe, the Indians have to stick their nose in it.
I am not interested in discussing this as Pakistani and North Korean nukes and missiles are bugged by both US and China. In case of threats we can get the source code.

Your words would be encouraging to the Indians provided you were the home security minister but as we all know, the frivolous Indian media can cause you guys to do frog jumps.
Once an Indian villager lost his Donkey, while out searching in desperation, he stumbles upon an Indian film set.....a romantic scene is being filmed, the hero is delivering dialogue while holding his leading lady in his arms...."Janam, mujey teri inn dou ankhoun mein sari dunya nazar atti hey".....the villager listening in shouts....."Yaar Dekhna meri Gadhi {Donkey) bi kahi'n nazar atti hey".
Moral of the story.....no matter what happens around the globe, the Indians have to stick their nose in it.

Instead of wasting time , energy & imagination we could have simply Googled and found reasons for the Indian apprehensions.

AQ Khan, the godfather of North Korea's bomb

AQ Khan, the godfather of North Korea's bomb – Telegraph Blogs

There is nothing much unusual about armed guards outside the houses in my quiet, neat neighbourhood of Islamabad. These are the homes of retired generals, well-connected politicians and international aid workers, all of whom might be targets for Pakistani extremists. But one house stands out. Instead of frail, elderly guards armed with shotguns, one house is ringed by uniformed police officers with AK-47s. Roadblocks control traffic, floodlights illuminate an area of scrub that has been cleared of trees and machine gun positions have been dug in all around.

This is the home of AQ Khan, the metallurgist who did more than anyone to build Pakistan’s atomic bomb and who then went on what can only be described as a proliferation spree, selling nuclear secrets to any rogue state that came calling.

The technology behind today’s test in North Korea can be traced back to the man in the heavily guarded villa. As many as two planes a month arrived in Pakistan from Pyongyang during the late 1990s, bringing the missile technology in exchange for AQ Khan’s secrets, such as how to use centrifuges to enrich enough uranium for a weapon.

Today he is largely a free man. He received a pardon from President Pervez Musharraf in 2004 apparently in return for a televised confession in which he admitted selling the technology but insisted that he acted alone. All very convenient.

So the security outside his house is not so much to keep AQ Khan locked away like a criminal. In fact he can occasionally be spotted at coffee shops and regularly gives interviews to the local media. He has even set up a party to contest elections due this year and has said he is willing to serve as prime minister. His Tehreek-e-Tahafuzz Pakistan party tried to register the image of a missile as its symbol – suggesting a wicked sense of humour.

Nor is the security really to stop the terrorists. As the father of the Islamic bomb he is a source of national pride, revered as a hero and an inspiration to those who want to take on nuclear-armed superpowers on their own terms.

No. The security was tightened in 2011, soon after the American raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad. I noticed it on one of my regular strolls to buy ice cream as I passed Dr Khan’s house. The watchman’s hut opposite his home – usually deserted – was buzzing with activity. Fresh razor wire had been laid in the wasteland where baboons and wild boar roamed.

If Navy Seals could fly in undetected to kill the world’s most wanted man barely 30 miles from Islamabad, perhaps they could reach the capital to kidnap a man who has never explained exactly what he sold to whom.

The US still considers him a proliferation risk and would dearly like to question him. How else can we know just what technology North Korea is using and how close Iran might be to a bomb? But for now the man with those secrets remains living in comfort in his fortress home and we can’t be sure how many Pakistani generals and prime ministers knew exactly what he was up to.
Instead of wasting time , energy & imagination we could have simply Googled and found reasons for the Indian apprehensions.

Indian behaviour at best can be described as a bewildered divorcee at any gatherings.
For arguments sake, i don't recall NK being hostile towards India. !!
Indian behaviour at best can be described as a bewildered divorcee at any gatherings.
For arguments sake, i don't recall NK being hostile towards India. !!

Description of Indian behavior by a Pakistani are a) Of no consequence and b) Biasied.

Next , lets stick to the subject. Perusal of the NY Times would bring out articles that have similar inferences as The Guardian.

What has NK being or not being hostile to India to do with the subject @ hand which is the Pak link to it explosion ?
We are a free nation we can so anything we want! We traded nuclear secrets in exchange of missile information! Its a give and take!
We are a free nation we can so anything we want! We traded nuclear secrets in exchange of missile information! Its a give and take!

Thats just what the media ( Indian & world) is alluding to.

What was the need for this thread ??
Hah! Americans can arm our enemies and we will nuclearize theirs............and keep on whinning about nuclear proliferation, its an open secret that there is no respect for international norms worldwide, so quit expecting us to be any different. Its a race for survival and we will do whatever it takes.
Description of Indian behavior by a Pakistani are a) Of no consequence and b) Biasied.

Next , lets stick to the subject. Perusal of the NY Times would bring out articles that have similar inferences as The Guardian.

What has NK being or not being hostile to India to do with the subject @ hand which is the Pak link to it explosion ?
You are a reasonable gentleman,....don't you think all this proliferation thing is one big hypocrisy.....the likes of America are the major producer and suppliers of weapons of death and destruction.....it helps their employment and economy....these so called conventional weapons are widely used the world over killing tens of thousand innocent people....on the contrary, the non conventional arms are merely for deterrence.....and never been used once for over 60 years.
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