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Azhar Mashwani abducted by Pak Army

BTW Mashwani is my friend, our company has business relations with him (how he got business is another story), I am against his arrest.

Disappearance of anyone without notice without trial is a cause for concern. It is very painful especially for the family.

Whether it is a government or an agency, it is absolute cruelty and it is the responsibility of the state to protect the fundamental rights of every citizen.

The government should contact Azhar Mashwani's family and console them.

The government should use its resources to search for Azhar Mashwani and should not give-up until his recovery.
yeh bhsdi ka propaganda master phir aa gia ha , tu aagar business man hota to aik message ka 20 Rs laita PMLN sa ? :lol:
BTW Mashwani is my friend, our company has business relations with him (how he got business is another story), I am against his arrest.

Disappearance of anyone without notice without trial is a cause for concern. It is very painful especially for the family.

Whether it is a government or an agency, it is absolute cruelty and it is the responsibility of the state to protect the fundamental rights of every citizen.

The government should contact Azhar Mashwani's family and console them.

The government should use its resources to search for Azhar Mashwani and should not give-up until his recovery.
To me your post comes across as your bothered because it affects you asyou say you do business with him. I don't know either of you but would it be polite of me to say I don't know how you got the business either.....that's another story.

A strange way to show concern.
BTW Mashwani is my friend, our company has business relations with him (how he got business is another story), I am against his arrest.

Disappearance of anyone without notice without trial is a cause for concern. It is very painful especially for the family.

Whether it is a government or an agency, it is absolute cruelty and it is the responsibility of the state to protect the fundamental rights of every citizen.

The government should contact Azhar Mashwani's family and console them.

The government should use its resources to search for Azhar Mashwani and should not give-up until his recovery.
He was taken by the govt what?? do you mean govt should use it resources for him to recover?

2018 deal was against criminals. As like myself and most of other patriots here were mislead by army that army operation is against the criminals but from events of past 1 year it is evident now that it was just a smoke screen and armed forces were managing everything from behind the curtains and the real objective was to keep the power..

So I am hopeful that with new reality in front there will be no deal atleast for illegal activities however, working with establishment for betterment of Pakistan (like it was done during COVID) should be continued.
Has also exposed badly the Pakistan judicial system where people can easily be arrested and no action taken against false accusations and arrest.

The whole constitution needs an over haul. How can someone put 100 cases against someone without repercussion

The world is watching and so are investors (who knew everything and predicted this will happen)

Hence if there is a deal 🤝 by Imran Khan it won't make him any different then nawaz sharif.

Atleast maryum is more younger than IK of IK does a deal we would prefer maryum

But then again without a blood IK can't be in power ... elections will be delayed further untill most of party workers are in jail (5-10 thousand) IK will then simply have no people to man the election seats.

Only thing that can save Ik (in addition to blood) is either a deal or bankruptcy
Thats not the solution. We want to hurt these crooks not Pakistan. GHQ is tax payer building its another story that pm house parliament and GHQ are occupied by Fascist forces. But the solution is easy not so complicated.

We agree that army belongs on border defending frontiers not occupying cities. So on that principal we the public can harass them should harass them when you see them in cities. They are using fear tactic well you play fear with fear
why we have to storm GHQ when we can storm their homes their farm houses. We can harass their kids when in public an example of it is If you see any kid or relative of an army crook bump into him gather public and say he is doing badmashi because he is relative of brigadier or general so and so and watch public react. Mark those places like gym khanas and marinas and golf courses storm their because that's where you will find them drunk on whiskey fetching the ball. harass their families as they are harassing general Pakistani people with their evil low mentality
Those are fair points.

BTW Mashwani is my friend, our company has business relations with him (how he got business is another story), I am against his arrest.
Abey Beghereit, nice way of victim bashing. Haramzaday as* kisser. You are exactly the problem with Pakistan, bunch of stupid sycophants (google this if you don’t know what it means), ruling over much more smarter, intelligent people. I hope you and few other bootlickers get what’s coming to you for your stupid sycophancy.
But then again without a blood IK can't be in power ... elections will be delayed further untill most of party workers are in jail (5-10 thousand) IK will then simply have no people to man the election seats.

Only thing that can save Ik (in addition to blood) is either a deal or bankruptcy

Blood LMAO!? How about just elections.

Why on earth the most popular leader needs blood ? What a deranged and bs logic.

He is the last person in Pakistani politics that needs blood. All he needs is election and he will clean sweep. Infact, its PMLN & establishment that are actively looking for excuses to do bloodshed. The bloodshed will be their excuse to delay elections indefinitely. They know their fascism and their incompetency has made them the most hated entities in Pakistan.
BTW Mashwani is my friend, our company has business relations with him (how he got business is another story), I am against his arrest.

Disappearance of anyone without notice without trial is a cause for concern. It is very painful especially for the family.

Whether it is a government or an agency, it is absolute cruelty and it is the responsibility of the state to protect the fundamental rights of every citizen.

The government should contact Azhar Mashwani's family and console them.

The government should use its resources to search for Azhar Mashwani and should not give-up until his recovery.
Friends like you, who needs enemy.

Military establishment should realize that Pakistani people are calling for some heads for current mess. Not civilians but military sacrifice. Now real sacrifice is expected from PAK ARMY. Here are few steps to retreat like desert fox.

1. Transfer current ISI chief to somewhere in Balochistan and disperse the current sector commanders to active frontiers .

2. Release all PTI workers and journalist. No more establishment backed charges.

3. Bajwa should be court martialed and hanged and if he ask " BROTHERS WHY " then few serving and retired generals should explain it to him that "YOU GOT YOUR HAND CAUGHT IN COOKIE JAR AND TRYING TO BE GREEDY YOU PUT WHOLE INSTITUTION AND COUNTRY AT STAKE. WE GOT AWAY WITH IT BUT YOU GOT CAUGHT NOW WE NEED YOUR HEAD FOR THE SAKE OF OUR INSTITUTION ."

4. Call for new elections asap and end this nightmare.

If i was COAS i would do that right now....... But I'm not
I believe they will torture a confession out of him that he operated a shadow twitter account under “Dr Fatima - PTI” which was abusing the military leadership. He will be made to confess that he did it at the behest of IK. Then they will charge IK under the “abusing military” law and disqualify him.
This poor young man will most probably be physically and mentally damaged for the rest of his life 😔

Ehsan Ullah Ehsan lives comfortably in Turkey, Kulbushan gets 3 square meals a day and watches TV, Abhinandhan got checked up by Drs , given a cuppa tea and even a brand new suit.
While these butchers are torturing our own people.
BTW Mashwani is my friend, our company has business relations with him (how he got business is another story), I am against his arrest.

Disappearance of anyone without notice without trial is a cause for concern. It is very painful especially for the family.

Whether it is a government or an agency, it is absolute cruelty and it is the responsibility of the state to protect the fundamental rights of every citizen.

The government should contact Azhar Mashwani's family and console them.

The government should use its resources to search for Azhar Mashwani and should not give-up until his recovery.
Govt should use it resources to search for Mashwani ......seriously ..
Blood LMAO!? How about just elections.

Why on earth the most popular leader needs blood ? What a deranged and bs logic.

He is the last person in Pakistani politics that needs blood. All he needs is election and he will clean sweep. Infact, its PMLN & establishment that are actively looking for excuses to do bloodshed. The bloodshed will be their excuse to delay elections indefinitely. They know their fascism and their incompetency has made them the most hated entities in Pakistan.
Same reason why mujeeb ur rehman ended up needing blood
Same reason why Fatima Jinnah needed blood but instead ayub got it in case of 1965 war

That's unfortunate reality in gang war.. Pakistan ran by army military inc gang and getting rid of it won't come without cost
Imagine they are monitoring this site also and they find the people who were advocating for separatism when they arrive in Pakistan....

Many people were saying it openly and had profile pictures insinuating such 😭

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