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Azeri want attack on Iran


Jul 15, 2012
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The standoff between Iran, Israel and the United States over Tehran’s nuclear weapons ambitions has drawn in another player: Azerbaijan.

According to intelligence officials, Iran’s security services have concluded that Azerbaijan, its Muslim neighbor to the north, has been enlisted by Israel in a campaign of cyber attacks, assassinations and detailed military planning aimed at destabilizing and ultimately destroying Tehran’s nuclear research program.

That Iranian perspective, described by a range of current and former US intelligence officials who asked that their names remain confidential, has led to a crackdown on Iran’s sizeable ethnic Azeri minority and the launch of an Iranian counter espionage offensive to destabilize the government of President Ilham Aliev. Ethnic Azeris are Iran’s largest minority group, comprising about 16 percent of the population, mostly clustered along the northern border and in Tehran.

Over the past several years, as tensions between Israel and Iran have heightened and US and European talks on Iran’s nuclear program have stalled, Iran has been rocked by a series of assassinations of senior Iranian nuclear scientists and at least one instance where a complex and damaging computer virus, called Stuxnet, was inserted manually into the servers of its nuclear program.

Iranian officials have publicly blamed these attacks on the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency. But US officials say Iran has recently concluded that the assassinations and other acts of sabotage has been orchestrated with the help of Azerbaijan.

One source, a former senior CIA agent who still briefs US government officials on developments inside Iran, said he would not comment on the specifics of a relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan beyond confirming that drone aircraft had been among the $1.6 billion in weapons purchased by the Azeris — a fact that was reported publicly earlier this year.

“What I can say is that Iran believes the link is much more substantial — to the point where they fear Israeli aircraft or special ops guys could be based on Azeri territory,” the official said. “In many ways, what Iran perceives is as important as anything else.”

Last January, apparently after the debate on the Azeri issue ended among Iran’s regime, Tehran’s own intelligence service authorized attacks against the Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan and other Jewish targets in Baku, the Azeri capital. Azerbaijan’s security services discovered the plotand arrested several people described as plotting bombings and sniper attacks.

As is customary in such a shadow war, the US, Israel, Azerbaijan and Iran have pointed fingers but have all vehemently denied any connection to the various plots, assassinations or bombings. Iran called the arrests in January “a comedy show fabricated by America.”

Azerbaijan, meanwhile, has denied any involvement in anti-Iranian actions, and just this month its ambassador in Pakistan rejected reports that Israeli officials have been assessing Azeri airbases as refuelling zones for its warplanes should a strike against Iran be ordered.

Aliev’s government has been a consistent recipient of US aid since his father took control of the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. He has presided over a rapid expansion of the country’s oil sector, which languished for years under the mismanagement of Soviet bureaucrats. Recently, however, diminishing energy production, corruption and an increasingly autocratic tone from Aliev’s government have soured ties somewhat.

Still, Azerbaijan’s place on the shores of the energy rich Caspian Sea — and at the doorstep of Iran — has kept the US from acting on its displeasure.

In part, this reflects the complexities of the region. The Azeris are locked in a long, bitter territorial dispute with Armenia over an enclave called Nagorno-Karabakh, over which the two fought a war soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

To the west, Turkey, with its own historic enmity toward Azerbaijan’s archrival, Armenia, has represented a natural ally for the Azeris. Since Russia has supported its fellow Orthodox Christians in Armenia, and with Iran and Russia tacitly allied over its nuclear ambitions, Azerbaijan has naturally sought support from the United States and its regional allies, creating a web of dangerous trip wires.

But the idea of serious cooperation with Israel places these criss-crossing tensions on another, far more serious level. Such a tacit alliance, if it indeed exists, poses a significant threat to Iran’s clerical regime. Azerbaijan provides a valuable intelligence listening post for Israeli agents along the Islamic Republic’s northern border.

The news about Israeli possibly landing or refuelling at Azeri bases led some in the United States, including former Bush administration firebrand John Bolton, to accuse the Obama administration of deliberately leaking the reports to sabotage Israeli capabilities.

More seriously for Iran, ethnic Azeri’s move with relative freedom and invisibility inside a country already shot through with repressed dissent. As a potential fifth column for anti-Iran covert activities, ethnic Azeris would be very attractive, one of the former US intelligence officials said.

“Something I can promise you is that much of what’s going on between the US, Israel and Iran remains unknown,” said the former CIA officer and senior Clinton administration official, requesting anonymity. “War with Iran is not about ‘when,’ it’s about ‘where’ and ‘how’ and depending on your definition, it’s ongoing.”
It's two months old and already discussed on this website. Next.
No, this article was written this month. It is new and not posted on this forum. If you don't like the news don't click on my post again.
No, this article was written this month. It is new and not posted on this forum. If you don't like the news don't click on my post again.

You have changed the article and the link. That's why your post is edited. You posted this article as the original one:

Report revives speculations on Azerbaijan-Israel plot against Iran — RT

So your original purpose was to post an two months old report, in order to start a flame war and trolling festivity, and when I point out to all that, you quickly changed the article. The mods should close this one, because it was discussed earlier and because your intentions aren't pure.

I have the right to click on every post and criticize it. If you can't handle that, you should not visit this forum.
I have the right to click on every post and criticize it. If you can't handle that, you should not visit this forum.

You have the right to criticize it but you don't have the right to censor news. That is called fascism and I don't think this forum represents that. If you don't like the ethics of this forum, you should go to a exclusive Iranian forum because this forum is not the place for you.

You have changed the article and the link. That's why your post is edited.
No, I only edited to change the title.
You have the right to criticize it but you don't have to censor news. That is called fascism and I don't think this forum represents that. If you don't like the ethics of this forum, you should go to a exclusive Iranian forum.

This forum is not a democracy. We have banned topics here, and if you don't like that, you can log out and go cry in Turkey about fascism and the lack of journalistic freedom.
This forum is not a democracy. We have banned topics here, and if you don't like that, you can log out and go cry in Turkey about fascism and the lack of journalistic freedom.
Can you please leave my post and stop trolling if you don't have anything constructive and on-topic to add? This forum is not all about you, this forum is a community with ethics, freespeech and manners. You are being rude.
Can you please leave my post and stop trolling if you don't have anything constructive and on-topic to add? This forum is not all about you, this forum is a community with ethics, freespeech and manners. You are being rude.

Free speech is overrated and not a established fact on this forum. I think the notion of 'banned topics' is already showing that.
Free speech is overrated and not a established fact on this forum. I think the notion of 'banned topics' is already showing that.
I think this forum is not for you. It is your choice to stay or to leave this forum but stop posting off-topic things in my post again.
I think this forum is not for you. It is your choice to stay or to leave this forum but stop posting off-topic things in my post again.

I would do everything if I feel it's justified in doing so. The forum is for me, and even for you, but not for people who want to start flame wars and trolling festivities. This news article is already discussed here, and that should be enough for the mods to close this thread. I rest my case.
The forum is for me,
No, I don't think so, again, it is your choice to stay or to leave of course, but your ethics and the ethics of this forum is not compatible.

This news article is already discussed here, and that should be enough for the mods to close this thread. I rest my case.
No it is not. The article is written this month and I'm sure it is not posted on this forum.
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