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Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise


Russian FM Lavrov hinted that the Patriot systems in Turkey are placed against Iran, and not necessary against Syria.
PATRIOT systems are not placed "against" anyone. These are defensive systems. Iran does have ballistic missiles but it's extremely unlikely for them to pick this time to attack Turkey.. :lol:

I think Russians are just trying to protect their image. Looks like an excuse for giving so little practical to support to Asad
i mean turkey is an israel lover , just like finland and USA , so they heard the news about the iron dome and you decided you wanted some anti-missile batteries of your own...
This is childish :D we have two types of artillery radars one of them was used to track the syrian mortar shell to it's source. We just detect enemy artillery and suppress it. Israel do not share the same situation with us, to them the threat is constant.
By their own logic , israeli technology is superior to western tech like the patriots , so the patriots ain't a match for possible iranian missile salvo.
Again, it's not a big deal. Patriots are for much bigger ballistic missiles possibly carrying chemical warheads. For smaller threats we just detect the source of the salvo and destroy it.
I don't necessary share his concerns, but its quite remarkable that the Russian FM is making such statements. I wonder if he truly believes what he says.

Lavrov: Turkey

I checked the Turkish sources and according to those, he said: "it might be used against Iran too"

The source you sent however saying that :
The deployment of NATO’s advanced surface-to-air Patriot missiles is intended to counter threats not only from Syria, but from Iran as well, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday.
Azerbaijan only relies on its own strength, unlike Armenian president who recently stated publicly that he would call CSTO for help in next war.

Some members earlier in this thread made a good point, why Russia and Azerbaijan has good military relations if they are all hostile and such. Yes, Armenia is a political and military forepost of Russia and is also a member of CSTO, but beyond this, Azerbaijan and Russia has good relations. I understand that the slave mentality "Kajutyun" does not let him understand why Azerbaijan rejected prolonging the Gabala radar station lease, but this is normal in relations between two normal countries.
actually , this isn't any relationship between Arran ( or so called Azerbaijan ) and Turkey ... except when ottman empire attacking west-north Iran , they simply invade it and killed thousands of civilian and stole women and girls and of course rapes Them .... till Iran army ( safavid / afsharid / Zandi / Qajar ) come and kick them out from Iran ....


and about Armania - Arran issue :

the war is not the answer ... it only spreading hatred .... for thousand of years , these people live beside of each other and if they really want ,they can continue their lives peacefully ...


about turkey help Arran ( so called Azerbayjan ) :

for sure if they attack Armenia , IRI would send troops help Armania ...
Because Iran is already surrounded wth guns pointed on it, any aggressive move of them will pull the trigger, not ot mention how stupid it would be for Iran to send troops to a war that has nothing with them, I don't know though if Iran is controlled by a bunch of teenager counter strike players :D
actually , this isn't any relationship between Arran ( or so called Azerbaijan ) and Turkey ... except when ottman empire attacking west-north Iran , they simply invade it and killed thousands of civilian and stole women and girls and of course rapes Them .... till Iran army ( safavid / afsharid / Zandi / Qajar ) come and kick them out from Iran ....
Do they teach it like that in Iranian schools? Safavids was recruiting from anatolian Turkmen tribes. That's why Ottoman Empire declared war, beaten safavid army near tabriz somewhere (I've heard you've built a monument there) and retreated from Safevid territory.

What invasion? what massacre? The battle took place in an uninhabited area. Who kicked whom out of where? The Ottoman Army retreated on it's own. We never seek to invade Iran, It'd be a huge drain on time and resources. We were concentrated on conquering Europe that's how it always was.
Because Iran is already surrounded wth guns pointed on it, any aggressive move of them will pull the trigger, not ot mention how stupid it would be for Iran to send troops to a war that has nothing with them, I don't know though if Iran is controlled by a bunch of teenager counter strike players :D

Well, that doesn't explain your statement 'why Iran can't do a sh!t.' The word 'can't' implies that Iran isn't able of making any move, which is of course not true. Iran can do something, if it wants, but the question is; would that be smart?
"twilight" is another example that Persian users are really one of the most retarded and troll bunch.
@Surenas and @Targon

I'm sure Iran will put their nose in it wether you consider it smart or not. Just like how they did with PKK and caught red-handed.

The question is if it'll have any effect on the final outcome. What could they achieve by sending in some basij militants? Armenia is still badly outgunned.
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Well, yes they aren't able do do anything, unless as I said ıf Iran is not under the control of PERSIAN GOD KING :D


Nope, they would dare some minor attempts againts something that threatens them openly but Armenia is not one of them.
Ignore Surenas and his retarded remarks. He thinks its all chess-game. Influence this influence that bla bla.
@Surenas and @Targon

I'm sure Iran will put their nose in it wether you consider it smart or not. Just like how they did with PKK and caught red-handed.

The question is if it'll have any effect on the final outcome. What could they achieve by sending in some basij militants? Armenia is still badly outgunned.

If it were up to me, I would have supported Armenia too. Not because I like Armenians, or hate Azerbaijanis, but simply because it is in my own national interests to try to prevent further Turkish expansion in the Caucasus. I think even Russia would agree with me on this matter. Thats why I don't see Turkey intervene in a future war. They won't drag themselves in a war, which would probably be limited in scope anyway.
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Iran has suicidal regime. We shouldn't underestimate the extent they are willing to do sinister things. At the moment Turkey says they won't participate on an attack on Iran, but if Iran keeps supporting PKK terrorism this can change swiftly. Turkey didn't put Patriot system for nothing.
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