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Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

Russia will never allow Turkey, or Azerbaijan, to gain more influence in the Caucasus.

Why not? Because it doesn't now, doesnn't mean it will in the future. Turkey is becoming stronger player by the day, while Russian influence is diminishing militarily and economically ( 10, 20 or 30 years from now). If Turkey offers Russia an interesting deal, it might turn a blind eye, and Azerbaijan might seal the deal within 48 hours.
Why not? Because it doesn't now, doesnn't mean it will in the future. Turkey is becoming stronger player by the day, while Russian influence is diminishing militarily and economically ( 10, 20 or 30 years from now). If Turkey offers Russia an interesting deal, it might turn a blind eye, and Azerbaijan might seal the deal within 48 hours.

Why not? Because Turkey and Russia are competitors in the Caucasus and Central-Asia. Thats why.
Pakistan & India have fought 2 wars over Kashmir & numerous skirmishes since the beginning; we claim Kashmir & control (37%) of it on the basis that it was a Muslim Majority area & should have gone to Pakistan in '47 & because many Kashmiris, in '47, wanted to join Pakistan. India claims & controls (43%) of Kashmir on the basis that the Ruler of Kashmir choose to join India instead, though this is disputed & Kashmir is hence an integral part of India.

Neither us nor them are willing to compromise on any 'territory' that we control.

The Pakistani President General Pervaiz Musharaf came up with a compromise solution in the early to mid 2000s to make the borders that divide Pakistani administered Kashmir & Indian administered Kashmir, as irrelevant; with free movement from Kashmiris on both side to each other's lands, trade, pulling back the troops from those areas & allowing self-rule to either of those Kashmiris to manage their own affairs as they see it fit without any interference from Pakistan or India but without changing the 'de-jure' status of Our Kashmir being Pakistani territory & their Kashmir remaining Indian territory.

Unfortunately this plan, though on the verge of agreement, couldn't take root due to domestic political problems in Pakistan.

Do you think such a compromise solution could be achieved between Azerbaijan & Armenia with respect to the disputed region ?

@Armstrong for the next foreign minister of Pakistan :lol:
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Why not? Because it doesn't now, doesn't mean it will in the future. Turkey is becoming stronger player by the day, while Russian influence is diminishing militarily and economically ( 10, 20 or 30 years from now). If Turkey offers Russia an interesting deal, it might turn a blind eye, and Azerbaijan might seal the deal within 48 hours.

everyone knows that after Putin came in power,day by day Russia is becoming stronger in military and economy,what are you talking about? diminishing ?! Russia never let any one to Disturb the region, Armenia and whole Caucasus is important for Russia.There are two Russian military bases in Armenia and no one can destroy this strategic relationship.

The US and west countries with All their puppets have warned in Five-Day War (South Ossetia) that how much Russia is serious about protecting of her national interests.
everyone knows that after Putin came in power,day by day Russia is becoming stronger in military and economy,what are you talking about? diminishing ?! Russia never let any one to Disturb the region, Armenia and whole Caucasus is important for Russia.There are two Russian military bases in Armenia and no one can destroy this strategic relationship.

The US and west countries with All their puppets have warned in Five-Day War (South Ossetia) that how much Russia is serious about protecting of her national interests.

What a joke, What good is Armenia for Russia. Its should be named 'Litte-Africa' seeming the countries status and economy. Russia has MUCH MORE to gain from cooperating with both Turkey and Azerbadyan so i doubt Russia will sacrifice billions and billions uppon money for 2 small bases.
everyone knows that after Putin came in power,day by day Russia is becoming stronger in military and economy,what are you talking about? diminishing ?! Russia never let any one to Disturb the region, Armenia and whole Caucasus is important for Russia.There are two Russian military bases in Armenia and no one can destroy this strategic relationship.

The US and west countries with All their puppets have warned in Five-Day War (South Ossetia) that how much Russia is serious about protecting of her national interests.

Не трать время объяснят для этого идиотa. Он повторит ту же самую ложь для остальной части его жизни, независимо от действительности.

Long live Armenian-Russian friendship!

What a joke, What good is Armenia for Russia. Its should be named 'Litte-Africa' seeming the countries status and economy. Russia has MUCH MORE to gain from cooperating with both Turkey and Azerbadyan so i doubt Russia will sacrifice billions and billions uppon money for 2 small bases.

Instead of asking such basic elementary questions, why don't you save everyone time and look it up yourself. FYI Armenian economy grew 6.2% this year, and Azerbaijan's grew by less than 2%. In a couple of years, when Caspian oil runs out, Azeri economy will be in freefall.

That is when Armenia and Artsakh will strike. It will be a severe blow, but Armenians will NEVER do what Azeris did to us in Sumqayit and Baku.
Lol worse than Azerbaijan? Russia-Armenia-Iran. Who is truly sorrounded?
Didn't you say something about Turkey having a border with Azerbaijan? :)
Are you aware that, when Erdogan phoned Putin and declared the Turkish Army is prepared to establish no-fly zone in Syria, Putin said "Turkish army entering Syria is like Turkish Army entering Moscow"?.

Cool story bro :tup:
What a joke, What good is Armenia for Russia. Its should be named 'Litte-Africa' seeming the countries status and economy. Russia has MUCH MORE to gain from cooperating with both Turkey and Azerbadyan so i doubt Russia will sacrifice billions and billions uppon money for 2 small bases.

Armenia is a buffer-state against Turkish expansion in Caucasus. Thats why Russia and Iran are supporting Armenia. Its of enormous importance to both countries.

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