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Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

Wow, And desperation is when Some country Even Begs its defense On sellers Credit

nope....that's called a mutually agreed condition placed upon a purchase (yes, purchase)

or Begging from the west In the name of WOT To counter India

nope.....that's called hustling! Those weapons do, however come with a cost. Often the costs were paid, the goods werent delivered. We're just getting our dues, son.

as for countering india -- well, couldnt agree with you more. Though we are increasingly troubled and amused by a neighbour that simply talks more yet fails to act!

Better than the Other side of LOC

hawwww!!!! okay i'm sure of that since you said so ;) ;)
Within the framework of his visit to Pakistan Commander of Azerbaijani Naval Forces, Vice Admiral Shahin Sultanov met with Defense Minister of this country Ahmad Mukhtar, APA reports quoting official website of Pakistani Defense Ministry.

Strengthening of cooperation between the countries in military sphere, elimination of floods’ results took pace in Pakistan and other issues were discussed at the meeting held on September 28. Sultanov noted that the visit would help the development of military cooperation between the two countries. He said that Azerbaijani political leaders supported Pakistani position in Kashmir problem.

Today.Az - "Azerbaijan supports Pakistan's position in Kashmir problem"

Azerbaijan supports Pakistan's stand on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute while "Pakistan supports us on the issue of Nagorno Karabakh. "We believe that these two issues should be settled according to international and UN resolutions," he said.

nope....that's called a mutually agreed condition placed upon a purchase (yes, purchase)

Agreed, As the term "Credit" By Itself Signifies Your Perspective, Yet again My Question to you was, Why buy Your Defense at the Mercy of others???:lol:

nope.....that's called hustling! Those weapons do, however come with a cost. Often the costs were paid, the goods werent delivered. We're just getting our dues, son.

Getting Your Dues??? What kind Of Dues???

as for countering india -- well, couldnt agree with you more. Though we are increasingly troubled and amused by a neighbour that simply talks more yet fails to act!

Well, We are Pretty Amazed By a Neighbor Which is Not more than a Beaten serpent with a Broken Fang

hawwww!!!! okay i'm sure of that since you said so ;) ;)

Pleasure is all mine , Thank You:smitten:
That's cute. Now do something about it. Heck all of the UN recognized what our 'position' on East Pakistan....:rofl:
Things are back to normal Abu... Kids started going back to school after summer... Doctors and Engineers are back to work, Politicians are going over the package... rest are waiting to enjoy the Commonwealth games! :smokin:

Things are always normal in IOK according to GOI until "evil" Pakistan ruins your party. Anyways like always this peace is going to be in pieces soon. :)
Things are always normal in IOK according to GOI until "evil" Pakistan ruins your party. Anyways like always this peace is going to be in pieces soon. :)

Thanks Mr. Wellwisher for our Kashmiri brothers. You can try to break our peace to pieces but we are ready to fight on... you can keep dreaming.
Thanks Mr. Wellwisher for our Kashmiri brothers. You can try to break our peace to pieces but we are ready to fight on... you can keep dreaming.

Huh. :D Kashmiri brothers. Killed 100+ brothers for throwing stones. ;)

Why dreaming buddy, we have reality in front of us. Only Bharatis don't want to face it. :)
The Pakistani supported the Indian cause of Goa and got paid back with East-Pakistan invasion in a classic Gandi-Nehru deception politics. What belongs to me is mine but what is yours is also mine for holy grail of akhand bharat!

Therefore Bharat can never be trusted or negotiated on Kashmir. The collective indian pride lies in the state show of power which must constantly engage in offensive activies towards its neighbours or the public attention will divert from supposed threat preceptions to internal issues like poverty, rapid birth rate, shortage of toilets, hindu dominance, hindu terrorism, abuse of minorities, etc etc..this makes India a very dangerous neighbour much like the Soviet Union.

On the 16 December, the Portuguese Air Force was placed on alert to transport ten tons of anti-tank grenades in two DC6 aircraft from Monjito Air Base in Portugal to Goa assist in its defence. However the aircraft were denied stop-over facilities at the US Air Base at Weelhus in Libya. When the Portuguese Air Force was unable to obtain such facilities at any other air base along the way - most nations including Pakistan denying passage of Portuguese military aircraft - the mission was passed on to the civilian airline TAP which offered a Lockheed Constellation (registration CS-TLA) on charter for the job. However, when permission to transport weapons through Karachi was denied by the Pakistani Government, the Lockheed Constellation landed in Goa at 1800 hours on 17 December with a consignment of half a dozen bags of sausages as food supplies instead of the intended grenades. However the aircraft also arrived with a contingent of female paratroopers to assist in the evacuation of Portuguese civilians.
Thank to Azeri Brothers ... All the Rightful would Support Pakistan's Stance on Kashmir Issue, i.e, People of Kashmir deserve the right of self determination guaranteed by United Nations.
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