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Azerbaijan President Visits Tehran - Agreements signed on sports, energy and construction

Iran should have helped herself first. After all, it got raped many times throughout history and emerged as an abomination of 21st century.

Can't you just behave so we can skip all this BS?

Im not misbehaving, Im stating some cold hard fact. And Im also getting a bit tired of all the anti-Iran sentiments projected by some of the Azeri members. We were one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan and established diplomatic relations.
So please dont show yourself off as some kind of defender of Azerbaijan.

I dont know why a Turk would take offence as if this is your own country. Azerbaijan shares a far larger border with Iran than Turkey, and its not in our interest to have instable conflict on our norther borders. Its a far greater security threat to Iran than it is to Turkey to have a prolonged conflict, which is why we have been playing a mediating role to quickly solve it orat least keep it at bay and contain it, which is currently the status quo.

Iran strongly deterred Armenia from further incursions and if wouldnt have been for Iran, a lot more of Azeri land would have been easily captured by the Armenians.
There were many parties in Iran (not just Azari community) that condemned Armenias military agressions and called for greater support to Azerbaijan in the 90s, but those voices eroded after the election of El Cibey, whom dismissed Irans mediation full stop, expressed hostility towards Iran and openly called for Azari separatism.
You think that would be reciprocated favorably from our end? Think again

Iran and Armenia have close ties, Armenia lobbies in our interests in different institutions and we have a close relationship.
But it has been greatly exaggerated, especially false notions how Iran somehow helped Armenia to wage war against Azerbaijan.
Its simply false. The level of support for Armenia in conflict is surely overbloated and has been completely blown out of proportion.

Chera vaghte khodet ro ba ina talaf mikoni. To gharare Neurologist beshi, vaghte to ba azresh tare ine ke ba yek mosht adam toye web jarobahs koni. Manam ghablan mesle khodet boodam, vali hala mibinam age bekham beshinam tak tak ba hame bash konam kole roozam bayad ba jarobahs sarf beshe, in adamha aksar bikaran, sari javab midan, intoori ham asabet kharab mishe va ham vaghtet talaf.

Rast migi dadash. Better not to waste time on these kind of people.
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Im not misbehaving, Im stating some cold hard fact. And Im also getting a bit tired of all the anti-Iran sentiments projected by some of the Azeri members. We were one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan and established diplomatic relations.
So please dont show yourself off as some kind of defender of Azerbaijan.

I dont know why a Turk would take offence as if this is your own country. Azerbaijan shares a far larger border with Iran than Turkey, and its not in our interest to have instable conflict on our norther borders. Its a far greater security threat to Iran than it is to Turkey to have a prolonged conflict, which is why we have been playing a mediating role to quickly solve it orat least keep it at bay and contain it, which is currently the status quo.

Iran strongly deterred Armenia from further incursions and if wouldnt have been for Iran, a lot more of Azeri land would have been easily captured by the Armenians.
There were many parties in Iran (not just Azari community) that condemned Armenias military agressions and called for greater support to Azerbaijan in the 90s, but those voices eroded after the election of El Cibey, whom dismissed Irans mediation full stop, expressed hostility towards Iran and openly called for Azari separatism.
You think that would be reciprocated favorably from our end? Think again

Iran and Armenia have close ties, Armenia lobbies in our interests in different institutions and we have a close relationship.
But it has been greatly exaggerated, especially false notions how Iran somehow helped Armenia to wage war against Azerbaijan.
Its simply false. The level of support for Armenia in conflict is surely overbloated and has been completely blown out of proportion.

Rast migi dadash. Better not to waste time on these kind of people.
nice answere to that turk,,,
Im not misbehaving, Im stating some cold hard fact. And Im also getting a bit tired of all the anti-Iran sentiments projected by some of the Azeri members. We were one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan and established diplomatic relations.
So please dont show yourself off as some kind of defender of Azerbaijan.

I dont know why a Turk would take offence as if this is your own country. Azerbaijan shares a far larger border with Iran than Turkey, and its not in our interest to have instable conflict on our norther borders. Its a far greater security threat to Iran than it is to Turkey to have a prolonged conflict, which is why we have been playing a mediating role to quickly solve it orat least keep it at bay and contain it, which is currently the status quo.

Iran strongly deterred Armenia from further incursions and if wouldnt have been for Iran, a lot more of Azeri land would have been easily captured by the Armenians.
There were many parties in Iran (not just Azari community) that condemned Armenias military agressions and called for greater support to Azerbaijan in the 90s, but those voices eroded after the election of El Cibey, whom dismissed Irans mediation full stop, expressed hostility towards Iran and openly called for Azari separatism.
You think that would be reciprocated favorably from our end? Think again

Iran and Armenia have close ties, Armenia lobbies in our interests in different institutions and we have a close relationship.
But it has been greatly exaggerated, especially false notions how Iran somehow helped Armenia to wage war against Azerbaijan.
Its simply false. The level of support for Armenia in conflict is surely overbloated and has been completely blown out of proportion.

I don't know why you ask that question when you insult Azerbaijan in the very same posts you make. Iran "tries to keep it at bay and contain it, which is currently the status quo", and this is supposedly a favor to Azerbaijan or something, or something Azerbaijan agrees on or are interested in? Something has not gotten into your heads it seems, and that is the large increase in Azerbaijan's military capabilities (naturally there is no comparision in terms of economic, financial possibilities and reserves). Azerbaijan's military capabilities will continue to increase.

Your words on "Iran deterred Armenia" and that "Armenia would grab more lands" just shows how clueless you are. Armenians had tried to advance into plains (in short, they already tried what you suggest), but were stopped, and Azerbaijan even re-took some parts of Nagorno-Karabakh in east and especially in north. This was the situation just before the cease-fire, it was Azerbaijan on the offensive when the cease-fire was signed. So keep your nonsense to yourself.
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