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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

As if the ancient nation of Armenia gives a fk what artificial British created countries think about them:lol:

You Iraqi's owe your existence, identity and current borders to the Brit's, except you clowns were shamelessly done in by a bi1ch named Gertrude Bell who helped the Brit's play you and till this day your people clean her grave. Pathetic whelp.
You Iraqi's owe your existence, identity and current borders to the Brit's, except you clowns were shamelessly done in by a bi1ch named Gertrude Bell who helped the Brit's play you and till this day your people clean her grave. Pathetic whelp.
Well at least we don’t take pride in invaders and claim to be descendants of them :lol:
Well at least we don’t take pride in invaders and claim to be descendants of them :lol:

Your region has been screwed so many times by outsiders you’d never know who your fathers were :lol:

Hell I would suggest you get your DNA test done if you your fathers child, and not a US Soldiers who drove through you village.
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It seem things got very much busy and hectic in the front line these day . The Armenian were obviously put their all try to hold that line i can't imagine how much body count the armenians are going to be littered around when this clash is over ...
Same as azeri in 1990s...30,000+
Yes, my assessment is similar. Despite very heavy losses, ARM is holding the line and has significantly slowed the AZE advance. at the end of the day, no-one will care who had what losses, all that matters is who holds what territory. How many casualties did ottomans have in battle of Constantinople? no-one knows or cares.

So the ARM are doing good by holding out. they've lost very important territories and they cant seem to be able to get them back. that's good for AZE.

AZE is also cleaning and consolidating their terrain in the meantime until the next defensive lines are broken.

AZE is in a totally different situation than 1 month ago. on the south the, aRM have had only. a few days to dig in. Thats incomparable to 30 years they've had on their eastern front.
Azeri just need to take shusha & the capital ..if they do that and hold current position then its 100% sucess

They are conslidating postions before the final push.
It would be over within a week. They have plenty of time corona virus will keep the west busy
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Your region has been screwed so many times by outsiders you’d never know who your fathers were :lol:

Hell I would suggest you get your DNA test done if you your fathers child, and not a US Soldiers who drove through you village.
Yeah by I don’t claim the Mughals or the immature as my ancestors because they raped my ancestors :lol:
Shusha and Lacin: The two towns shaping the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict
  • 15 HOURS AGO
The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan will be determined by the fate of the two strategic towns.

Azerbaijan's national flag flies over destroyed houses in a residential area that was hit by rocket fire overnight by Armenian forces, October 22, 2020 in Ganja, Azerbaijan's second largest city, near the border with Armenia. ( AP )
Earlier this year the Armenian occupied region of Karabakh held “presidential elections” which saw Arayik Harutyunyan being elected with more than 88 percent of the vote.
The region, renamed Artsakh by the Armenians, is not recognised by any other country, including Armenia as a separate entity. Consecutive UN resolutions have made it clear that the region is part Azerbaijan.
That didn’t stop Harutyunyan from declaring himself president and holding his controversial inauguration in the town of Shusha, angering Azerbaijan in the process.
Fast forward to October 2020, the Azerbaijani army is on the outskirts of the town of Shusha as part of its ongoing effort to liberate areas from Armenian backed separatists.
The region has significant strategic and cultural importance for Azerbaijan. It's the birthplace of many Azerbaijani writers, social figures and politicians and were it captured, it would be a significant milestone in the ongoing one-month-old conflict.
“Shusha is indispensable for Azerbaijan's counter-offensive campaign,” says Rauf Mammadov, a scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington.
“It is essential for both military and political reasons. By regaining major mountainous towns, Azerbaijan will ease its way towards Lachin and Kalbajar, two remaining districts with challenging terrain,” added Mammadov speaking to TRT World.
In recent days the Azerbaijani army has also made inroads towards the town of Lacin, which borders Armenia and is the main gateway via which Armenia re-supplies the region of Karabakh with armaments and supplies necessary to maintain control of the region.
Lacin and Shusha together are two of the most strategically important areas in the Karabakh region, says Rusif Huseynov, a foreign policy expert and director of Baku-based think tank Topchubashov Center.
“The former [Lacin] is an overland bridge connecting Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, while the latter [Shusha] is a strategic height from where one could keep all Nagorno-Karabakh under control,” says Huseynov speaking to TRT World.
The current flare-up in fighting is the most serious fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan since they fought a lengthy war between 1988 and 1994 resulting in a heavy human toll.
The agreed ceasefire was meant to give way to a political solution. Since then however, the conflict froze and Armenia moved to entrench its presence on the ground through demographic engineering.
Baku’s significant advances in Karabakh has surprised many, who firstly didn’t expect the conflict to last this long or to see Azerbaijan regaining crucial parcels of territory that it had not controlled since the 1994 ceasefire.
The Azerbaijani government has moved swiftly to exert control over the region announcing “temporary special administration in the liberated territories” which border Iran.
The decree states that securing public infrastructure and gathering information left behind in the region will be the top priorities as Baku seeks to consolidate its gains.
“The success of the Shusha operation could also inflict severe damages to the resistance of the Armenian forces. For Azerbaijanis, Shusha is the embodiment of Karabakh, its soul,” says Mammadov.
“Timely success in Shusha will also equip Baku with the upper-hand at the negotiation table with the adversary, provided, of course, if the Armenian side opts for the negotiation,” he added.
Politically for Baku it would be essential to capture one or both of these two towns. Internally the strong emotions that the latest conflict has evoked will be difficult to placate without a significant victory.
Externally, Azerbaijan's hand at the negotiating table would be strengthened and likely force Armenia to make compromises it would not have previously countenanced.
“Both Lachin and Shusha are game-changers and capturing at least one of them means an important turn in the course of the war, capturing both would automatically end the conflict,” says Huseynov.
As the war is unfolding in Karabakh the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and Jeyhun Bayramov are having a face to face meeting in Geneva.
With three broken ceasefire attempts behind them, it will be difficult to see what the meeting will achieve in particular with Azerbaijan having the upper-hand on the battlefield.
After the “stubborn and meaningless resistance of the Armenian leadership” to negotiations in the past, says Huseynov “Azerbaijan seems now to pursue a maximalist position: to liberate all the occupied territories or at least the Lachin corridor and Shusha.”
“Under a blockade, the Nagorno-Karabakh secessionist forces will have no chance and Azerbaijani control over Lachin would make their survival impossible.”
Yeah by I don’t claim the Mughals or the immature as my ancestors because they raped my ancestors :lol:

To whom Mughals raped, for your knowledge the Muslims reached India before Mughals and the false national pride is destroying the Muslims. Please end this silly discussion on an international forum. I hope you are a Muslim and know about last speech of our Holly Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, shame on your thinking.

By the way brothers of my great grand father served as engineers/civil contractors in Iraq and married Iraqi women got children from there, even some of our distant family members still live in Iraq. My late grand mother came from Iraq. The sub continent Muslims are proud of their heritage which originates from different areas of the Muslim world especially from Iran, Turkey and Arab countries.
Many Arabs who have sold their honor to Zionists/Christians and some circles of so called Islamic Republic of Iran are supporting Armenia. They all should be ashamed of themselves, Muslims should back Turkish president and Pak Govt at least they are raising voice against oppressors even helping Azeris in many areas.
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