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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

this map shows the detailed areas to be returned to Azerbaijan by Armenia

If this map is indeed true, the Azerbijan has won big time and gotten ALL they wanted and needed.

NK will have automony which is good and what the international community will have insisted on anyway(there is no getting away from that), but it will still be sovereign Azerbijan terrority still and will have some governership put in place or security and foreign policies etc. The flow of arms into NK will have to be restricted and be stopped by Russian troops since they are on the hook for this now.

Azerbijan gets the rest of their terroritity back without flurther loss of lives, that is good. The sillyness of Armenia has cost to many lives. Glad it is over now.

This was going to be the eventual conclusion anyway, with the way that Azerbijan was progressing, so they have gotten to the end state without further loss of life.

The "real" win outside of what Azerbijan could have achieved militarily is the corridor to to Nakhchivan, that was/is a master stroke by Azerbijan and Turkey as the price/cost of Armenian sillyness. That is a kick in the privates from Russia to Armenia for sure.. There was/is no need for that and can be considered as the "real price" of surrender and the real win for Azerbijan

If the Armenian try something stupid down the road, they will be in a far worse position to do it since so much of the terrority will be under Azerbijan control.
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No, i've seen the correct maps. ARM advanced to Shusha via a very thin corridor north of Hadrut.

AZE tried to stay away from as much NK territory as possible. It must have been a russian red line.

As a consequence AZE hold no more than 10% of NK. You will see, but they wont show a map anytime soon for fear of what the AZE population will say. No official maps of who controls what line will be shown anytime soon.

Pashinayan is a hero, he should be honoured by Azerbaijan. Without him AZE would not get anything. Russia allowed this to punish Pashinyan, but wanted to insert troops into AZE. Russia now has troops in every single caucus country. All 3 of them. And troops right in the geographical middle of AZE.

You know when they will pull those troops out? When they pull out of Donbas. and Moldova. Never.

That means there probably will be no more war and 90% of NK becomes a part of Armenia defacto.

It is an improvement for AZE, but they cant even cross the newly formed Lachin corridor. travel from kalabjar to south west corner will take 20 hours.

I think AZE people are celebrating because they wont have to go and die on the front lines anymore. Armenians are crying because they are brainwashed and don't realise what a great and undeserved victory they have got. Today should be Armenian national victory day.

Brother I think your confusing lots of things here. Look at @Titanium100 map the Armenians will be withdrawing. Russia would have a peacekeeping force there, it will be autonomous where it’ll be limited self rule but with Azerbaijan blessing. Azeri citizens can settle any where including in NK.

Armenians lost everything in this war.
Well this map shows Shusha will remain under Armenian Russian Control. and very obviously shows cities that are not controlled by AZE forces like Martakret to be in AZE control. So this map is just nonsense.

Sarsang reservoir is definitely not going to AZE. A lot of people here sound like Armenians a few days ago.

Its very easy to see what villages in NK are controlled by AZE. Its a very small part of NK.

This is the map

The "real" win outside of what Azerbijan could have achieved militarily is the corridor to to Nakhchivan, that was/is a master stroke by Azerbijan and Turkey as the price/cost of Armenian sillyness. That is a kick in the privates from Russia to Armenia for sure.. There was/is no need for that and can be considered as the "real price" of surrender and the real win for Azerbijan

If the Armenian try something stupid down the road, they will be in a far worse position to do it since so much of the terrority will be under Azerbijan control.
There is nothing special about this road. Actually Armenia could start to earn money by tolling/taxing this transit road between Turkey-Nakhchivan-Azerbayjan. It's nowhere the land-connection-dream of Turkey-Azerbayjan. Till now Azerbayjan and Turkey and Nakhchivan were connected through Iran. Instead Armenia is assured of a connection with Nagorno Karabakh.

Maybe this whole thing even indirectly means Turkey and Azerbayjan accepting to remove the blockade of Armenia. Now Nakhchivan and Turkey have the choice to use roads through Iran to Azerbayjan or paying Armenians for this transit.
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BTW, Turkey wont lift the blockade against ARM, because they know how bad the deal is.

If they lift the blockade, I will come back here and say, I know nothing.
There is nothing special about this road, actually Armenia could start to earn money by tolling/taxing this transit road between Turkey-Nakhchivan-Azerbayjan. It's nowhere the land-connection-dream of Turkey-Azerbayjan. Maybe it even indirectly means Turkey and Azerbayjan accepting to remove the blockade of Armenia.
Now Nakhchivan and Turkey have the choice to use roads through Iran to Azerbayjan or paying Armenians for this transit.

The corridor will be theres with sovereignity hence there will be no taxation
Brother I think your confusing lots of things here. Look at @Titanium100 map the Armenians will be withdrawing. Russia would have a peacekeeping force there, it will be autonomous where it’ll be limited self rule but with Azerbaijan blessing. Azeri citizens can settle any where including in NK.

Armenians lost everything in this war.

It wont be autonomous, and AZE wont get a say. Aliyev already said, NK will not have any status. Which means it remains in the same situation as today. de facto independent, but unrecognised.

this continues to be a frozen conflict. And thats bad for everyone.
One more benefit of this ceasefire will be the road connecting both parts of Azerbaijan. if it is implemented then Azerbaijan will be directly linked with Turkey. For Armenian control in Karabakh, there will be only two cities.
One more benefit of this ceasefire will be the road connecting both parts of Azerbaijan. if it is implemented then Azerbaijan will be directly linked with Turkey. For Armenian control in Karabakh, there will be only two cities.

Yes, only 2 cities and... 90% of Karabakh.

And yes AZE will be "directly" linked with Turkey, via Armenia, so it like when you take a "direct" flight from London to NY, but you stop in Ireland during this "direct" flight. So its direct a little bit like that.
Compromise..azeris accepted a narrow corridor in return of everything else..

A narrow corridor that another country will have in your own territory? Will similar one be given to the Republic of Azerbaijan with respect to the autonomous Nakhcivan republic?

Will Azerbaijan have the right to revoke that corridor if it wants in the future?

What about the disarmament of the Armenian forces inside Nagorno-Karabagh?

What about Russian, EU, and US guaranteeing Armenia will relinquish all territorial claims in Azerbaijan?

With the incoming Biden administration that is very much pro-Armenian and Russia supplying weapons and other forms of military aid to Armenia as well, perhaps Azerbaijani govt opted for the least painful option while getting all of the 7 regions.
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The corridor will be theres with sovereignity hence there will be no taxation
The agreement also provides for some sort of corridor between "mainland" Azerbaijan and its exclave of Nakhchivan, but it was not clear if that would involve any transfer of territory. Russia and Armenia would "guarantee the security of transport links," the agreement said.

The agreement provides for Armenia to agree to a transport corridor linking Azerbaijan with its Nakhchivan exclave on the border with Turkey.

All economic and transport links in the region shall be restored. The Republic of Armenia guarantees the safety of transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in order to organize unhindered movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport shall be exercised by the bodies of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia.

By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan shall be provided.
Yes, only 2 cities and... 90% of Karabakh.

And yes AZE will be "directly" linked with Turkey, via Armenia, so it like when you take a "direct" flight from London to NY, but you stop in Ireland during this "direct" flight. So its direct a little bit like that.
In the future, it could even potentially become a source of income for Armenia. For Nakhchivan it's better to use Iran as transit instead of Armenia in the future if Armenia asks for transit toll/tax (till now it seems that's not written in the agreement). Meanwhile Armenia could consider this as benefit: in the future they might tax nakhchivan-azerbayjan road and for that, connection between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia remains safe. And who knows Armenia might start trade with Azerbayjan.

The best outcome is permanent peace and demarcation of borders. The region is better without war and risks of restarting of frozen conflicts.
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
Sun Tzu

I praise Ilham Aliyev and his commanders for their strategy against the Armenian aggression. Armenia had lost this war before it even began. If they want to fight again in the future....they will be thrashed again and lose even more land.
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