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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Reis Erdo'an has publicly stated Turkey's "all out" support for Azerbayjan, and in any "form" she requests.....

By the by, Turley maintains the 2nd largetst standing Army in NATO. And, one-third of her serving military officers remain in deputation at different NATO countries for various assignments at any given time. Results are there for a reason....

Keep in mind this too though.
They've been told they can come back, even by militant organisations. Under Pakistani stewardship or an independent Kashmiri government,they would have nothing to fear and would be welcomed. Same can't be said for the dead Muslims of Jammu whose lineages ended in a genocide by Hari Singh.

Secondly, several pandit groups are on record as opposed to Modi's annexation and stripping of autonomy. Like Kashmiri Muslims, they fear sanghees flooding into their homeland.

Thirdly, I said before, the situation is not analagous to Az-Arm conflict. I see that both Armenians and Azerbaijanis can rightfully feel aggrieved. However in Kashmir, Delhi has been the perpetual troublemaker and aggressor over a piece of land and a people they never had any rightful claim over.

Hope you see the difference and we can stop derailing the thread with an incorrect analogy.
UAE and Bahrain accepted Israel due to your continuous involvement in Yemen
Let's not white wash the sins of the GCC Arabs.

The UAE also gave Modi their highest award - Iran didn't make them do that.

The responsibility for the UAE & Bahrain accepting Israel is solely on them, not on Iran.

Nor is Iran always supportive of purely Shia causes, in fact, as was pointed out earlier, Azerbaijan (opposed by Iran) is overwhelmingly Shia and Hamas is Sunni.
The only way to stop this mess for a long time is to back Armenians and Azeris under the rule of the third state, powerful enough to stop the war. I personally prefer Russia for this role rather than Iran or Turkey.

I prefer to see Iran Annex Azerbaijan and Russia take Armenia.

Russia has absolutely 0 ties culturally , linguisticly, or religiously to azeris. it would just be open occupation.

that region called "azerbaijan" was Iranian for 1000s of years, and the peoples across the 2 borders are almost identical (Iranian azeris, azerbaijanis). it would be a seamless transition.

Thats the exact reasion why KGB aliev regime is heavily anti-Iran to the point of being pro-zionist. and specifically adopting pink panturk ideology to alienate Iran, and make fantasy terrotorial claims against IRan.

the azeri regime sees Iran as an existential threat of long term annexation. the only way they can prevent that in their deluded minds is to become an open Iranian enemy in geopolitical terms. They literally invited tiny little shit stain zionist israel and planted their mossad rats right on the Iranian border. The only Iranian border country that dares make such a move.
It wasn't that long ago that Kurds and Armenians slaughtered each other. Yet here we are. Genocides are apparently easily forgotten.
Well, same can be said of any other group when faced with a larger common enemy. Like Pakistani support for Khalistan...
it would be a seamless transition.
Except that 70 years of communism have changed those Azeris to being Russified irreligious vodka drinkers...
Hope you see the difference and we can stop derailing the thread with an incorrect analogy.
I don't agree but I won't argue for now.
Dear friend, don't worry we are enough for you.
Meaningless reply to a well-posed logical question. Nothing better expected tbh.
I was seeing pics of Nagorno-Karabakh in google maps and I see several ancient churches and christian cross in a lot of places, it's not seemed a real Azeri land. It seems a defacto Armenian place since always.

Armenian people has reasons to untrust everybody (Armenian Genocide).

Azerbaijan has oil and it seem most countries prefer good relations with Azerbaijan.

Armenia has nothing. Maybe Iran support them to avoid a Armenian people invasion to Iran, in the same way China support NK.

And in these warmongering issues, to test weapons in real battles.

When Armenians invaded and took over Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas, they chased the native Azeri population away due to murder and human rights abuses.

Armenia has been consolidating that region by bringing in ultra-radical, fascist terror groups. Recently Armenia resettled Armenian Lebanese in Occupied Azeri land.


Armenia seeks to settle Lebanese Armenians to occupied Karabakh

10 August 2020 13:59 (UTC+04:00)

1 834


By Akbar Mammadov
Yerevan seizes every opportunity to illegally settle Armenians in Azerbaijan’s occupied territories in a bid to artificially change the demographics of the region.
The country’s leadership saw the recent deadly blast in Beirut as another opportunity to illegally settle Armenians in occupied Nagorno-Karabakh and the adjacent seven regions.
Thus, the leader of the separatist regime set up in occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, has offered the settling of 150 Lebanese-Armenian families in Nagorno-Karabakh. The separatist leader voiced his readiness to receive Armenians on August 5, during the phone conversation with the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I who is based in Lebanon’s capital-Beirut.
It should be noted that this telephone conversation took place after Armenian President Armen Sarkissian contacted with the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I.
The illegal settlement of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Armenia’s annexation policy under the guise of “repatriation” and “humanitarian assistance”.
Armenia had earlier moved thousands of Syrian Armenians to the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan since the start of the Syrian war. According to UNHCR figures, at least 15,000 Syrians have found refuge in Armenia since the start of the crisis.
“Before the conflict, the estimated number of ethnic Armenians in Syria was about 100,000. More than 60,000 of them settled in Aleppo. In 2013, the number of Syrian Armenians fleeing reached 11,000 and by August 2015, over 15,000 Armenians had been reported to be seeking asylum in Armenia. Many who have not made it to Armenian cities have now settled in the disputed Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan,” according to BBC report.
According to the source of the Armenian Government as of January 1, 2020, about 15,000 Armenians have been received from Syria.
In 2012, twelve Armenian families were moved from Syria to the occupied Lachin region of Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan’s former Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov also touched upon the resettlement of Armenian refugees from Syria by Armenia in the illegally occupied territories of Azerbaijan in 2008.
“Attempts to pursue a settlement policy and purposefully change the demographic composition of the occupied territories are a gross violation of international humanitarian law,” Mammadyarov had said.
Azerbaijan and Armenia are locked in a conflict over Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh breakaway region, which along with seven adjacent regions was occupied by Armenian forces in a war in the early 1990s. More than 20,000 Azerbaijanis were killed and around one million were displaced as a result of the large-scale hostilities.
The OSCE Minsk Group co-chaired by the United States, Russia and France has been mediating the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict since the signing of the volatile cease-fire agreement in 1994. The Minsk Group’s efforts have resulted in no progress and to this date, Armenia has failed to abide by the UN Security Council resolutions (822, 853, 874 and 884) that demand the withdrawal of Armenian military forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
Akbar Mammadov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @AkbarMammadov97
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Armenia has a nuclear plant, they should develop a nuke and blow up Baku, to keep the Azeris and Turkish bullies far from Armenian people.

Armenia started this conflict by vuilding up and attacking Azerbaijam, and now that they have lost territory and prestige, they are crying on Western media.

"According to the 1979 Soviet census, which was the last census taken before the beginning of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, there were 37,264 ethnic Azeris (or 23% of the total population) living in the mainly Armenian-populated Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast. Azeris constituted majority in the Shusha District with over 80% of the total population, in addition to forming between 15% and 26% of the population of the remaining four districts. The population of the regional capital of Stepanakert consisted of 11% ethnic Azeris.[1]Major Azeri settlements outside of the Shusha District includedSırxavənd, İmarət Qərvənd, Umudlu, and Çərəktar in the Mardakert District; Xocalı, Kərkicahan, Malıbəyli, Yuxarı Quşçular, Aşağı Quşçular, Cəmilli, and Meşəli in the Askeran District; Tuğ andSalaketin in the Hadrut District; and Qaradağlı, Muğanlı, Əmiranlar, and Divanlılar in the Martuni District.[2]

As result of attacks and military operations in the active phase of the conflict starting in 1991, almost all Azeris were forced to abandon their homes. There have been recorded cases of violence against Azeri civilians by Armenian militants (in Meşəli), civil casualties as a result of shelling (in Malıbəyli and Aşağı Quşçular) and burning down of entire villages (İmarət Qərvənd).[3]"

We're talking about ethnic cleansing within the last 50 years here. Azeris are right to kick up a storm about this. Pakistanis are right to back them. It's also no surprise whatsoever that the other unwelcome elephant in the room India gleefully supports those who removed 25% of N-K's population on the basis of their ethnic religious identity. This right here is the true modus operandi of such regimes.

Anyone who suggests Armenians are exclusive victims and " only Armenians got genocided" has no leg to stand on.

Great post. Due to illegal demographic changes, Azeri populations have been forced by Armenian terrorism and violence to leave occupied Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenia is now bringing PKK terrorists to fight for them

Not surprisimg at all, thanks for sharing.

The only way to stop this mess for a long time is to back Armenians and Azeris under the rule of the third state, powerful enough to stop the war. I personally prefer Russia for this role rather than Iran or Turkey.

Russia is on the side of Armenia, and so too the Orthodox extremists which supported Serbs against Bosnia, they want to see Armenians genocide Turks.

Iranians are real enemy of Islamic countries. Actually you are traitors of Islam. In 1947, Iran was among 13 countries that voted against the UN Partition Plan for Palestine. Nevertheless, Iran was the second Muslim-majority country to recognize Israel as a sovereign state after Turkey. In every Arab Israel war, you people always support Israel by all means. Yerusalem was captured due to Iran and American Support. Iraq was destroyed due to your support to Americans.
You fucking idiots sitting in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria but unable to fire single bullet on Israelis as well as unable to take back Golan heights. You people are there to kill Muslims of other sects. Now you people are giving lectures to others. Due to your fucking ammunition supplies from Iran border to Armenia and due to your so called Islamic policies, Armenians were able to capture 20% of Azeri Muslim land. Thousands of Muslims were killed and displaced. UAE and Bahrain accepted Israel due to your continuous involvement in Yemen. They are small countries and at one time they can afford only one enemy. Azerbaijan also accepted the Israel due to same reason. Iraqis don't want to see you in there country. Lebanon is destroyed due to your proxy war. You give complete Chabahaar port as well as intelligence base to Indians on backyard of Pakistan. All Muslim countries are fed up from your selfish Islamic ideology attitude. When American came to Afghanistan, your country was the first to offer transit route which was followed by Indian to give them air route. Don't we in every Muharram when Pakistani Shia people performed religious rituals, your puppets create law and order situation. Pakistani people who goes to Iran to perform religious rituals, you send them illegally to Europe as well as give them training and send them to Syria and Yemen. Where is the morality in your case.
Would you like to tell us when the last time you fired single bullet on Israel?

Excellent post brother. You have really pushed the point home.

Kurds are like afghanis

Utter untrustworthy trash

PKK does not represent all Kurds, or even most Kurds.
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