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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

That’s what I don’t get, plenty people here in this forum seem to be quite knowledgeable but they close their eyes on the fact the Nagorno-Karabakh was always Armenian and was only forcibly transferred by Stalin, into what was the Azerbaijan Socialist Republic. Nobody here seems to know the history. Pretty weird how one can support Kashmiri freedom from India but be ok with Karbakah.

Aryzin, you are right, Stalin policy if divide and rule, but soviet split on those boundaries, whats wrong with Armenia to try to take that area by going to war.. peaceful coexistence would have been better if Armenia had allowed people in azerbijan with 75% armenians kn Karakah to live peacefully
All fakes news.

I wonder even if a single fighter jet has fly in the zone in the last year :lol:

At least post news of this topic in the future with a single video, a fighter jet is not a small thing.
In 2016 was just a show of force of Azerbaijan. A way to distract Azeri people from Azerbaijan economic problems.


I can't imagine NATO facing Russia, but less for Turkey. :lol:

Russia maybe take advantage of this to test weapons.

The fact is... nobody worries about what happens to Armenian people.

Armenia has a nuclear plant, they should develop a nuke and blow up Baku, to keep the Azeris and Turkish bullies far from Armenian people.


It could be if Kim Kardashian helps. In this case, she will need to star in more +18 movies.
Armenia is a CANCER amidst the Caucasus Region, they are racists and dislike Muslims. I dont see them coexisting harmoniously between Azerbaijan and Turkey. Its better for the region if Turkey invades it and finishes off the constant nuisance.
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Armenians have always been the puppet of a great power throughout history. Today, they were able to keep the lands they occupied in this way. However, the conjuncture has changed and the help they expect from their masters will not come.
Government of Azerbaijan took a bold step to support Turkey and to claim Azeri Turkish regions of Northern Iran. That has angered Iran and so Iran supports a crusader Islamophobic state like Armenia.

It is the same angst which Iran has towards Afghanistan, which today have gravitated towards Pakistan. That anger pushed them to support India and bring in India's spy/terror network to Chabahar.
Yeah tiny Armenia who faced genocide is crusader state?!!

you admit It yourself that they are who started barking at Iran.
U are correct but that applies to militaries that operate on past tactics. ATGM's have evolved into a potent threat, specially the range part but on the other hand drones are availiable to track, pinpoint and eliminate such threats ahead of the armoured columns.
That's right that drones are a threat to ATGM teams but ATGM teams can hide and can pop up when armor is within the range, but same is not true for the tanks. I still don't see armor penetrating through enemy lines without taking massive damage by ATGM's. It is no magic pill it surely can terrorize the tank and its crew. Tank must have a hard kill capability to survive in the current battlefields.
Armenia is a CANCER amidst the Caucasus Region, they are racists and dislike Muslims. I dont see them coexisting harmoniously between Azerbaijan and Turkey. Problem its better for the region if Turkey invades it and finish off the constant nuisance.

Armenia It's like if Israel were in the border of Germany, and Germany would be ignoring and denying the holocaust. Can u imagine that?

Well, that is what Turkey did it.

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I was seeing pics of Nagorno-Karabakh in google maps and I see several ancient churches and christian cross in a lot of places, it's not seemed a real Azeri land. It seems a defacto Armenian place since always.

Armenian people has reasons to untrust everybody (Armenian Genocide).

Azerbaijan has oil and it seem most countries prefer good relations with Azerbaijan.

Armenia has nothing. Maybe Iran support them to avoid a Armenian people invasion to Iran, in the same way China support NK.

And in these warmongering issues, to test weapons in real battles.
NOt sure why you're oversimplifying this matter and earlier claiming equivalence to the Kashmir dispute.

This is a completely unique situation. Azeris have been cleansed from Armenia and likely the other way around also, and this has all taken place in two relatively small and independently weak nations under the stewardship of Stalin and other Soviet leaders in recent history, but also before then.

Prior to these events, it seems that control of the region fluctuated between Armenians, Iranics, Sassanids, Tatars and at a time the Ottomans and perhaps even the British and Russians being involved around WW1.

The situation is historically a mess with obvious mass killings and deportations on both sides in both countries including in disputed areas. It would help if azeris or armenians were here to explain the history, however, in their absence it is clearly biased to suggest only Armenians are victims of genocide here. Numerous sources speak of Armenian massacres against azeris, driving azeris out from various provinces, in order to alter demographics. There are some limited similarities with the Kashmiri situation in that they are victims of demographic manipulation but to suggest only the Armenians are victims here is nonsensical. That is as far as the analogy with Kashmir goes.
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