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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is a CIA dog, who is purging all the pro Russian elements in Armenia now begging Putin help like a dog.

Armenian youth got seduced by USA overthrowing Serzh Sargsyan, the pro Russian man.

Pashinyan daddy US is not going to help. Daddy US is going to help Jews and Israel. And Israel back Azerbaijan.

Now Putin and Mullah probably wants Pashinyan and all his gangs to get loss forever from Armenia before intervening.

The army may stage a coup and declare martial law to save Armenia.


Putin, Armenian PM discuss Nagorno-Karabakh in third phone call in six days: Kremlin

Indians are humiliated yet again. They tried to show Pakistan was fighting in Azarbaijan and now they will stop because Azerbaijan has actually won the battle - and how can they show Pakistan winning.

With Corona, the tried to do the same. They lied that Azad Kashmir is worse than Indian occupied Kashmir - but in reality, Allah flipped the game on them and now they have stopped their reporting on Corrona completely altogether as entire India is suffering 1000 times more than Pakistan.

And they planned and Allah Planned and Allah is the best Planner.
Armenian themselves. Was filmed by Azerbaijanis when they reached the post as he was already KIA.
He meant that as well. War crimes do not have to be commited towards opposing side. If you treat unethical towards your own soldiers it should also considered a crime. I saw a video yesterday that civilians are helping Armenian soldiers to load artillery shells into guns. That is considered a war crime as well. Soldiers should be in uniforms. YPG did the same thing in Syria. Militants in casual clothes so when they die in combat you can picture them and claim they were civilians. I don't say it was armenia's motive there may be just a genuine offer of help but regardless army should not have let civilians in the line of fire. So far armenian conduct is not professional at all and looks desperate even though it is merely a week of fighting.
israel wants ww3 so they are able to replace u.s and other powers as a top power that is major reason why they are providing azerbaijan with these weapons but all these countries involved in this conflict are too naive to understand this greater picture of conflict,this conflict will not end even if NK goes to azerbaijan as then israel will open new front in region,they want russia lose share of gas supply to europe which will cause economic crisis in russia and will force russia to use nuclear weapons against u.s and allies which will lead to malhama and amagderon,I am supporter of azerbaijan and Muslim world but involvement of israel is creating high doubts about transparency and truth of objectives behind this conflict
They simply want to earn money

All the world had enough gas to consume three times over
Iran Mullahs are cunning and intelligence. Their missile just hit many USA base when Major-General Qassem Soleimani was assassinated.

A lot of Yankee died but US got to keep quiet. Else it means all out war with Iran that US cannot win conventionally.

No US base is safe in Middle East.

Mullahs use force with lots of discretion.

Besides a few headaches and ear drum issues no soldier died. Through channels the Iraqis were alerted about Iranian acts who then relayed it to the US command. And in this whole nonsense destroyed a few empty buildings and blew their own airliner down. Lol
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is a CIA dog, who is purging all the pro Russian elements in Armenia now begging Putin help like a dog.

Armenian youth got seduced by USA overthrowing Serzh Sargsyan, the pro Russian man.

Pashinyan daddy US is not going to help. Daddy US is going to help Jews and Israel. And Israel back Azerbaijan.

Now Putin and Mullah probably wants Pashinyan and all his gangs to get loss forever from Armenia before intervening.

The army may stage a coup and declare martial law to save Armenia.


Putin, Armenian PM discuss Nagorno-Karabakh in third phone call in six days: Kremlin

We would rather have internal family feuds in the Caucasus, than have the Kremlin getting involved. Armenians crying to Moscow are the same type of losers of Vietnamese on PDF who cry to Washington for help and are afraid of 'big-bad-China' (how they view China) over some border war 40 years ago.

Turkish involvement in helping Azerbaijan, is the same as Russian involvement in helping Assad and Iran to defeat unwanted US hegemony. Turkey means freedom to the people of the Caucasus. Russia means genocide. Same thing as USA mean genocide to Iraqis. Russia means service to Iraqis, Iranians and Assad and their economy.
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