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Azad Kashmir and GB belongs to india,Bipin Joker

So here is the new Indian narrative that "Azad Kashmir is not controlled by Pakistan but by terrorists".

India wants the world to see Azad Kashmir similar to what USA wants territory of Afghanistan which is under Afghan control... a territory where you can do carpet bombing, drop MOABs or land notorious Black-water and no one would utter a word. Now the wishful thinking of Indians is that Azad Kashmir can be invaded or raided and the world should be OK with it because;
  1. It's a terrorists-controlled territory and anything can be done on it, and
  2. It is part of India anyway which was unduly occupied by terrorists.
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Damn! we have lost count of his warnings. Add one more to the list. Practically its all for domestic audience. Indian army and air force found out their true capacity in a skirmish with Pakistan on 27th February. He is just trying to reassure to toilet less awaam that Indian army is ready to take away AJK and GB.
And Moon also belongs to GanguDaesh!

Also, Tibet and Afghanistan as well.

GanguTerroristArmy is only good at killing unarmed PakKashmiris and rapping its own servicewomen.



universe sir the whole universe is there...fire is life and fire is orange color and orange color is hindu color and since whole universe is made from burning gases ie FIRE the whole universe belongs to Hindu lord Modi g! Hindu logic beat that!
This is India's stated position since the Treaty of Accession was signed in 1947. What he said is nothing new.
This is India's stated position since the Treaty of Accession was signed in 1947. What he said is nothing new.
But he said at a very wrong time when the part of Kashmir India controls completely disowned India and this joker is claiming other part of Kashmir as well :lol:

To hell with them, the people of AJK killed his soliders and the soldiers of the Dogras for their freedom. No need to listen to his bakas. The stupid ba$tard is confused and full of hot air.
"Desperate times lead to desperate measures"
India is desperate after August fifth decision.They know situation is not controllable anymore.Now they are making accusations against pakistan so funny ,even a ten old can tell it's a lie and the whole world is laughing on India. Just sit back and enjoy as I told earlier we don't need to do anything.
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