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Ayesha Sidiqa calls Jinnah "Homosexual"

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Sep 7, 2008
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Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa, teaching defense and strategy to Pakistani students, calls Pakistan's Founding Father and the national poet 'homosexuals'.

And Prof. A. H. Nayyar, an alumni of the largest university in Islamabad, is asking followers to fake evidence against Pakistan's founder in order to show him to young Pakistanis as someone who ate ham, which is prohibited for Muslims and Jews.

What's eating Prof. Nayyar and Dr. Siddiqa is that there is a revival taking place among young Pakistanis, the single largest group in a population of 170 million. The revival is unprecedented and seeks to renew faith in Pakistan. It is a reaction to anti-Pakistan reports and think-tank findings mainly in the United States over the past three years that sought to dismiss Pakistan as a nation on the verge of collapse. Pakistanis have also been galvanized by evidence showing Indians exporting terrorism into Pakistan from US-controlled Afghanistan.

The evidence against both teachers, presented here for the first time, indicates a major problem facing most Pakistani colleges and universities. A small but noisy group of professors is encouraging students to attack the very foundations of the Pakistani state.

This is alarming considering the timing and the regional instability resulting from America's Afghan war.

Both Dr. Siddiqa and Prof. Nayyar have access to one of the most influential Pakistani seats of learning, the Quaid-e-Azam University in the heart of the Pakistani capital. Both of them are also known to hold what many describe as views more sympathetic to Pakistan's regional detractors.

Dr. Siddiqa's statement was part of a discussion she had with an Indian journalist on Facebook on Feb. 10, 2010. A screen shot can be seen with this report. [Click here to see the actual conversation on Facebook].

Prof. Nayyar's statement came in a discussion on Feb. 8, 2010 by members of an Internet mailing list called Socialist Pakistan News. A screen shot is provided.

Bashing Pakistan, its history, the Pakistan Independence Movement, the Founding Fathers, and the country's military are common themes among some of these university professors. Coincidentally, most of them also happen to be very supportive of American and Indian criticism of Pakistan. In Dr. Siddiqa and Prof. Nayyar's cases, both of them are active members of so-called peace groups that explicitly embrace Indian hegemony in the region.

[If you are a student and have information about anti-Pakistan activities on your campus, please email details to PakNationalists@gmail.com . All emails will remain confidential.]
Undercover Islamists influencing the mind of young students. :tsk:

A person who eats pork must be inhuman. And the best way to slander someone is accuse them of being homosexual. Classic recipe of an illiterate extremist parading as something other than this.
I am not surprised.She is a sold out ugly *****.There is no two way about it.Just few weeks ago she was trying to incite ethnic violence by saying Establishment is trying to remove Sindhi Government!!.This ***** should be stripped of Pakistan's Identity and be tried for treason.
Now i can have a Photo of George bush and could write simmllar stuff .. The point is such stuff is invalid as any body can use any identity ..!
I Think the MODS should Block this thread and its content as well ....:mod:
BTW look closely after that Homo comment she said 'on a serious note'

I am no fan of her but may be....

well you guys have to accpet if she is saying with fact

can any one tell me in details

on which base she calle jinha a homosexual

if that is true it will hrut pakistan image

yeah yeah, Any one here knows abour Nehru & Edwina Mount Batten

i can any time call her Lesbian, now what?

what fact has she got???
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had she not said that..... would she ever get publicity?? who knows her in real life? now after these negative remarks she is coming in news
well you guys have to accpet if she is saying with fact

can any one tell me in details

on which base she calle jinha a homosexual

if that is true it will hrut pakistan image

she is calling Gandhi & Nehru homosexual as well....................

Just a blunder to get publicity
Does anybody other than Indians give any lift to Aysha Siddiqa? Which Uni does she teach at?

Quaid-i- Azam University Islamabad

she is calling Gandhi & Nehru homosexual as well....................

Just a blunder to get publicity

Shhh, they won't talk about that, they read what they want to read
She herself must be a lesbian. And the indian guy arya-hindustan who seems to be too happy about it. Read the pic again.she also called gandhi and nehro homo too.



Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa, teaching defense and strategy to Pakistani students, calls Pakistan's Founding Father and the national poet 'homosexuals'.

And Prof. A. H. Nayyar, an alumni of the largest university in Islamabad, is asking followers to fake evidence against Pakistan's founder in order to show him to young Pakistanis as someone who ate ham, which is prohibited for Muslims and Jews.

What's eating Prof. Nayyar and Dr. Siddiqa is that there is a revival taking place among young Pakistanis, the single largest group in a population of 170 million. The revival is unprecedented and seeks to renew faith in Pakistan. It is a reaction to anti-Pakistan reports and think-tank findings mainly in the United States over the past three years that sought to dismiss Pakistan as a nation on the verge of collapse. Pakistanis have also been galvanized by evidence showing Indians exporting terrorism into Pakistan from US-controlled Afghanistan.

The evidence against both teachers, presented here for the first time, indicates a major problem facing most Pakistani colleges and universities. A small but noisy group of professors is encouraging students to attack the very foundations of the Pakistani state.

This is alarming considering the timing and the regional instability resulting from America's Afghan war.

Both Dr. Siddiqa and Prof. Nayyar have access to one of the most influential Pakistani seats of learning, the Quaid-e-Azam University in the heart of the Pakistani capital. Both of them are also known to hold what many describe as views more sympathetic to Pakistan's regional detractors.

Dr. Siddiqa's statement was part of a discussion she had with an Indian journalist on Facebook on Feb. 10, 2010. A screen shot can be seen with this report. [Click here to see the actual conversation on Facebook].

Prof. Nayyar's statement came in a discussion on Feb. 8, 2010 by members of an Internet mailing list called Socialist Pakistan News. A screen shot is provided.

Bashing Pakistan, its history, the Pakistan Independence Movement, the Founding Fathers, and the country's military are common themes among some of these university professors. Coincidentally, most of them also happen to be very supportive of American and Indian criticism of Pakistan. In Dr. Siddiqa and Prof. Nayyar's cases, both of them are active members of so-called peace groups that explicitly embrace Indian hegemony in the region.

[If you are a student and have information about anti-Pakistan activities on your campus, please email details to PakNationalists@gmail.com . All emails will remain confidential.]

All I can see is the Article by Mr. Roy and not the conversation.
Possibly the Conversation is "made up"
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