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Ayatollah Khamenei rejects talks with US under pressure

Another reason not to talk. When sanctions are imposed they're not easily scrapped. Despite U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 some of the Iraq sanctions were still in place in 2012.

Same case with Zimbabwe!

EU unlikely to scrap sanctions

I'm pro-talk, but not under current circumstances, nuclear issue with G5+1 must be resolved first.


More and More Sanctions .:hitwall:
People of Iran should think from the head n not from the heart. This khomini is living a luxruious life of his own, while his subjects are living a tough life under sanctions. Today more new sanctions applied.

Ashok, leave buddy. Let the big boys talk. Whenever you post, the IQ of the thread goes down a notch.

Yeah we do want normalization with the US and yes khamenei is a thug and yes they're living much better than the avg Iranian, but what the Americans are asking in not acceptable. Until they remove the sanctions, stopping the nuclear program would be out of the question.

And that positive step from Iran being?

In 2003 we stopped enrichment for 2 solid years. TWO YEARS.
In return we got more sanctions.

Ashok, don't ruin the thread.

If they want us to stop our enrichment, they have to show some goodwill. This is only fair. If they don't want to be fair then we'll just go right ahead and continue on our current path. It's their choice really.
Yeah we do want normalization with the US and yes khamenei is a thug and yes they're living much better than the avg Iranian, but what the Americans are asking in not acceptable. Until they remove the sanctions, stopping the nuclear program would be out of the question.

When the supreme leader of Iran is a thug, one who can make or break a country, then why you are allowing this thug to decide for yes or no on Uranium Enrichment?
This man is supreme leader of Iran.... technically far bigger in authority over Iranian affairs, than queen of England over English affairs.
This man is supreme leader of Iran.... technically far bigger in authority over Iranian affairs, than queen of England over English affairs.

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