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Axis Propaganda Against Iindian Troops

May 21, 2010
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United States
Found this info on propaganda during WW2 against Indian soldiers,both from Axis and allied ones.

The below link has many of the rare propaganda leaflets of that time with the author's interpretation.

Axis Propaganda Against Indian Troops

Some of the leaflets:




Thanks.. Like this one the most:cheers:


23 happy Indians in a German POW camp:lol:
I guess it was Oktoberfest :rofl:

Wish the resolution was better, so i could read the whole thing.
thanks for sharing bro.....Germans seemed to have mastered the art of Psycological warfare during WW2......

I think Subhash Chander Boss was right !!!!
thanks for sharing bro.....Germans seemed to have mastered the art of Psycological warfare during WW2......

I think most of the leaflets were made by the Japanese. They seem to go for the "freeing India from British colonialism" route of propaganda (the same lies they've been telling to the Chinese). Did the Japanese commit many atrocities in India during WWII?
I think most of the leaflets were made by the Japanese. They seem to go for the "freeing India from British colonialism" route of propaganda (the same lies they've been telling to the Chinese). Did the Japanese commit many atrocities in India during WWII?

They never made it into India to commit the atrocities. They got stopped in Burma and most of the fighting happened there
Can you please translate whats written in that leaflet.:)

Thanks in advance

Did u guys read urdu during ww? Anyways

Subash babu K khayalat! or thoughts of Subhast babu !

Without help frm foriegners hindustans revolution cant succeed!
For a occupied country recieving help from other nations is not a new thing!
I dont suspect japanese !

Mahatm gandhi jis khayalat! or thoughts of Gandhi !

I dont want Hindustan to beg other nations for her independence!
So it is unacceptable tht i support subhash babus policy! THIS CANT BE!
It is said tht i encouraged japan to attack india this is just false!I forcefully deny it!

I want every indian to fight japanese till death!
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A Lt Colonel from the 20th Indian Division accepts the formal surrender of a Japanese Commander at Saigon, Vietnam, in September 1945.


Indian soldiers storm a German trench, after exploding it with hand grenades.

A group from the 152nd Para Battalion displaying the Japanese flag they captured at Tangkhul Hundung. ( Photograph: Bharat-Rakshak.com )
WW2: India's worst war, but most heroic moments
I think most of the leaflets were made by the Japanese. They seem to go for the "freeing India from British colonialism" route of propaganda (the same lies they've been telling to the Chinese). Did the Japanese commit many atrocities in India during WWII?

As Winston Churchill said history is written by the victors. Now, Chinese people have been brainwashed by the whites/Americans/Anglo Saxons to see the Japanese people as aggressors during the world war 2. History would have been different for the Chinese people, if Japan had not been defeated by the Anglo Saxons of US.

Japanese did not invade China, rather they tried to liberate China from Anglo Saxon military occupation. Japan actually wanted to liberate the whole of Asia from Anglo Saxon colonization. Indian leader Subhas Chandra Bose sought the Japanese help for a reason. In fact, Japan had been helping indians to overthrow the British Anglo Saxon colonial rule for a long time. With the Japanese help, Rashbehari Bose had formed the Indian National Army which later became Ajad Hind force under Subhas' command.

Rash Behari Bose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan's effort to liberate Asia came from its Pan Asianism sentiment.

Pan-Asianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unfortunately some Asians made a historical blunder by siding with the Anglo Saxons and fighting against their Japanese brothers. China's Anglo Saxon puppet regime KMT during that time cooperated with the Anglo Saxons of America in their fight against the Japanese. Today, Republic of Korea is cooperating the Anglo Saxons in their fight against the Chinese. Ironical!

You need to know that it was because of the Japanese, Anglo Saxons who literally were colonial masters of China of that time fled away. I don't think, Japanese troops would do any atrocities whatsoever had Chinese people stopped supporting the Anglo Saxons.

Japan sacrificed itself for the cause of Asia and Asians. Japan's defeat was Asia's defeat.

Today, China wants an Asia free from Anglo Saxon influences, but see now the Anglo Saxons are using other Asians to contain China. In the past, China was used by the Anglo Saxons against Japan, today Japan is being used by them against China.
Did u guys read urdu during ww? Anyways

Subash babu K khayalat! or Subhast babus thoughts!

Without help frm foriegners hindustans revolution cant succeed!
For a occupied country recieving help from other nations is not a new thing!
I dont suspect japanese !

Mahatm gandhi jis khayalat! or Gandhis thoughts!

I dont want Hindustan to beg other nations for her independence!
So it is unacceptable tht i support subhash babus policy! THIS CANT BE!
It is said tht i encouraged japan to attack india this is just false!I forcefully deny it!

I want every indian to fight japanese till death!

It is up to the indians to decide for themselves who the traitor was, Subhas or Mohan Das.
As Winston Churchill said history is written by the victors. Now, Chinese people have been brainwashed by the whites/Americans/Anglo Saxons to see the Japanese people as aggressors during the world war 2. History would have been different for the Chinese people, if Japan had not been defeated by the Anglo Saxons of US.

Japanese did not invade China, rather they tried to liberate China from Anglo Saxon military occupation. Japan actually wanted to liberate the whole of Asia from Anglo Saxon colonization. Indian leader Subhas Chandra Bose sought the Japanese help for a reason. In fact, Japan had been helping indians to overthrow the British Anglo Saxon colonial rule for a long time. With the Japanese help, Rashbehari Bose had formed the Indian National Army which later became Ajad Hind force under Subhas' command.

Rash Behari Bose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan's effort to liberate Asia came from its Pan Asianism sentiment.

Pan-Asianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unfortunately some Asians made a historical blunder by siding with the Anglo Saxons and fighting against their Japanese brothers. China's Anglo Saxon puppet regime KMT during that time cooperated with the Anglo Saxons of America in their fight against the Japanese. Today, Republic of Korea is cooperating the Anglo Saxons in their fight against the Chinese. Ironical!

You need to know that it was because of the Japanese, Anglo Saxons who literally were colonial masters of China of that time fled away. I don't think, Japanese troops would do any atrocities whatsoever had Chinese people stopped supporting the Anglo Saxons.

Japan sacrificed itself for the cause of Asia and Asians. Japan's defeat was Asia's defeat.

Today, China wants an Asia free from Anglo Saxon influences, but see now the Anglo Saxons are using other Asians to contain China. In the past, China was used by the Anglo Saxons against Japan, today Japan is being used by them against China.

^^and what are your thoughts about the Japanese atrocities....was that liberation too??
^^and what are your thoughts about the Japanese atrocities....was that liberation too??

You first try to figure out Anglo Saxon atrocities.... then ask me about Japanese atrocities. 15 million indians died within years due to the Anglo Saxon love affair with india in the 18th century.

Bengal famine of 1770 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what you indians are expert at... you go against those Japanese who helped you for nothing.
I think most of the leaflets were made by the Japanese. They seem to go for the "freeing India from British colonialism" route of propaganda (the same lies they've been telling to the Chinese). Did the Japanese commit many atrocities in India during WWII?

The only Indian territory to come under Japanese occupation was Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Invasion and occupation of the Andaman Islands during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yes atrocities did take place.

Japanese atrocities

The events of the next three years are not easy to establish, as the Japanese destroyed all records when they left. The principal sources are an unpublished report by local resident Rama Krishna: The Andaman Islands under Japanese Occupation 1942-5, another unpublished account by a British Officer, D. McCarthy: The Andaman Interlude (he was sent on a secret mission to the islands in 1944), together with the memories of the older inhabitants interviewed by historians. All these, and the published works which draw upon them, are in agreement that the occupation saw numerous atrocities committed by the Japanese against the local population [1].

The first victim of the occupation came on the fourth day after the Japanese landings. Angered by soldiers who had pursued some chickens into his house, a young man called Zulfiqar Ali fired an airgun at them. No-one was hurt, but he was forced into hiding. After twenty-four hours he was captured and marched to the maidan in front of the Browning Club. Here his arms were twisted until they broke, and he was then shot. A cement memorial now stands on the spot [2]. In the early days of the occupation local intellectuals (mostly officials and doctors) were encouraged to join Rash Behari Bose's Indian Independence League, and a 'Peace Committee' was formed from its members, headed by Dr. Diwan Singh. Over the next few months they did what they could to mitigate the suffering of the population at the hands of the Japanese, but to little avail: indeed, many of them would later fall victim themselves. In any case, there was little any of them could have done to save Major A.G. Bird, who had not been sent to Rangoon or Singapore like the other British captives, and of whom the Japanese were determined to make an example. Pushkar Bakshi persuaded a fellow convict, Sarup Ram, to bear witness at Bird's 'trial' that he had been spying (wireless parts had been planted in the house where he was imprisoned). It has been suggested that Bakshi had a grudge against Bird for having given him a six-month sentence for theft before the Japanese invasion.[citation needed] According to eyewitnesses Bird, a popular man known as "Chirrie" ('Bird' in Hindi) had his arms and legs twisted and broken, and was then beheaded by Colonel Bucho with his sword [3].

Meanwhile, local women were being 'recruited' by Bakshi to act as "comfort women" for the Japanese garrison,[citation needed] although discontent meant that subsequently Korean and Malay women were brought in instead. Forced labour was used to build a new airport, and in October 1942 mass arrests of 'spies' took place, with 300 people being confined in the Cellular Jail, where some were tortured. Of these seven were shot, including Narayan Rao, who had been Superintendent of Police under Japanese auspices, Itter Singh, the Deputy Superintendent, Subedar Sube Singh of the Military Police and Dr. Surinder Nag. Realising that the Japanese were targeting influential members of the population, the members of the Indian Independence League grew increasingly nervous, and ceased to engage in much nationalist activity [4]. In 1943 a second reign of terror was unleashed by the new commander of the garrison, Colonel Jochi Renusakai, & Chief of Police Mitsubashi, both of whom had served at Nanking. 600 people were arrested and tortured, including Dr. Diwan Singh, who died as a result of his injuries. At this stage the Japanese decided that Bakshi was no longer useful, and he was imprisoned [5].

Good that their invasion into NE India was repelled.

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