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Awami League wholesale rigging of Bangladesh election


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
It was apparent from immediate past farcical general election that Awami League way to attain power is not by mandate of people but by preventing people from voting against them. Currently there is Upzilla (local govt) election going on in Bangladesh. In first phase, Awami League candidate lost miserably that even in Sheikh Hasina's husband home where she contest, Awami League candidate lost to opposition. Jamaat which was brutally suppressed did great by getting almost 13% of wins. Aggrieved by shameful defeat Awami League again deployed terror acts by throwing out opposition representative from polling station, beating and shooting them and then indiscriminately stuffing ballot box for Awami candidate.

Same fashion of wholesale vote rigging being observed all across Bangladesh today. With such broad pattern it is clear these terror acts and rigging were decided at highest level of Awami League. Here are news of Awami League rigging from many places in Bangladesh; each line below represents rigging incident in different contested seat.
Daily Manab Zamin | উৎসব: তবে কেন্দ্র দখলের
Barisal: In the Sadar upazilla polling agents of BNP supported candidates in 66 centers were driven out by Awami thugs.

Bhola: Charfashion- In 19 out of 50 centers polling agents of opposition supported candidate were forced to leave the center.

Lalmonirhat: Paatgram- In 15 centers polling agents of JeI supported candidate were beaten and then driven out of the respective centers.

Feni: Parshuram- 5 poll centers captured by the thugs of Awami supported candidate.

Chandpur: Matlab- Polling agent of the BNP supported candidate was forced to leave the Degree College center at around 9AM and thugs of Awami supported candidate were seen to cast fake votes in presence of security forces.

Cox'sbazar: Chokoria- At the start of the poll within the first 20 minutes 5 poll centers were captured by supporters of Awami supported candidate Jafar.

Jessore: Chougacha- BNP supported candidate along with 4 journalists was beaten by Awamis as they appear at the Model School center on hearing news of poll center capture.

বিডিটুডে.নেট:দ্বিতীয় ধাপে আ·লীগের কেন্দ্র দখলের হিড়িক

Can't help sharing an amusing wikipedia entry:

Booth capturing is a type of electoral fraud found in India, in which party loyalists "capture" a polling booth and vote in place of legitimate voters to ensure that their candidate wins. Though it is a kind of voter suppression, unlike other forms of voting fraud, booth-capturing is a malpractice witnessed mainly in India and the least subtle of all.

Booth capturing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This picture depict Bd election scenario nicely. Awami thug with baseball bat.

2-Bal--thug with baseball bat.
4-National party(Arshad)--Dead.
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JI is now the 3rd biggest party...well it always was. But there is a long way to go before toppling this facist Indian dalal gov i m afraid. By then our country will be sucked dry by the babus in delhi.
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JI is now the 3rd biggest party...well it always was. But there is a long way to go before toppling this facist Indian dalal gov i m afraid. By then our country will sucked dry by the babus in delhi.
Nothing intresting to suck in BD.
Nothing intresting to suck in BD.

Free (i mean literally free) access to NE, a market of 160mn for Indian junks, reliable agents in bureaucracy/army/police etc, a cannon fodder against china in any possible 1962 style spanking by beijing and the list goes on. India wants a pathetic subservient BD ravaged by political turmoil and vulnerable to India's ever increasing wet-dreams.
its shameful that people are allowing this.
this worst forum of dictatorship
its shameful that people are allowing this.
this worst forum of dictatorship

When u have 20% fifth colummist in the country (BAL's vote bank is 20% BD's pop.), all sorts of sham, oppression and brutality can take place as if its nothing. BD's has already been lost....... at least crippled to the core. Most institutions including the army ruined.
Free (i mean literally free) access to NE, a market of 160mn for Indian junks, reliable agents in bureaucracy/army/police etc, a cannon fodder against china in any possible 1962 style spanking by beijing and the list goes on. India wants a pathetic subservient BD ravaged by political turmoil and vulnerable to India's ever increasing wet-dreams.
People who can afford junk can only be sold junk and rest of your comments are nothing more than butt hurt cries.
In third phase of Upazilla election (local election) india backed Awami League terrorists captured polling station, attacked opposition representatives and stuffed ballot box.

ভোলা সদরের ৩০ কেন্দ্র আ’লীগের দখলে
15 Mar, 2014 ভোলা সদর উপজেলা নির্বাচনে ভোটগ্রহন শুরুর এক ঘণ্টার মধ্যেই ৩০টি কেন্দ্র আওয়ামী লীগ দখল করে নিয়েছে বলে অভিযোগ করা হয়েছে। সকালে ভোটগ্রহণ শুরু হলে ওই সব কেন্দ্রগুলো থেকে বিএনপি জোট সমর্থিত প্রার্থীদের অ্যাজেন্ট বের করে দেয়া হয়। ওইসব কেন্দ্রে আওয়ামী লীগ সমর্থিত প্রাথীর পক্ষে প্রকাশ্যে সিল মারার অভিযোগ করেছে বিএনপি সমর্থিত চেয়ারম্যান প্রার্থী মোঃ ফারুক মিয়া।
তিনি অভিযোগ করেন, আজ সকাল ৮টায় ভোটগ্রহণ শুরুর সাথে সাথেই ভেলুমিয়া ইউনিয়নের পাঁচটি কেন্দ্র থেকে বিএনপি জোটের অ্যাজেন্ট বের করে দেয় ইউপি চেয়ারম্যান সালাম মালের নেতৃত্বে ক্যাডার বাহিনী। একই ভাবে ইলিশার চারটি, কাচিয়ার তিনটি, ধনিয়ার চারটি, পশ্চিম ইলিশার চারটি, বাপ্তা ইউনিয়নের তিনটি, শিবপুরের পাঁচটি কেন্দ্র, রাজাপুরের তিনটি কেন্দ্রসহ ৩০টি কেন্দ্র থেকে বিএনপি জোট সমর্থিত প্রার্থীদের অ্যাজেন্ট বের করে দেয়া হয়েছে।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:ভোলা সদরের ৩০ কেন্দ্র আ’লীগের দখলে
Govt using admin to manipulate results: BNP
New Age Online

The BNP’s joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said on Saturday that the government was using administration and local election officials in their favour to manipulate the results of the upazila parishad elections.
He made the remarks through a press conference at the party's central office at Naya Paltan this morning, Somoy TV reported.
He also alleged that the election commission also engaged in realise the government’s bad intention.

Govt using admin to manipulate results: BNP
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