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Awami League men burn down temple, vandalise houses


Nov 20, 2009
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League men burn down temple, vandalise houses

Activists of Jubo League and Shwechchhasebak League allegedly burnt down a temple and vandalised some houses of the Hindu community in Ukiara village of Manikganj on Tuesday.The attackers also beat up a reporter of a national daily when he went to cover the incident, our correspondent in Manikganj reported.

Biplob Chakrabarty, Manikganj correspondent of the Daily Shamokal, has taken first aid at Manikganj Sadar Hospital.

“I was under attack at around 10:45am. The attackers confined me for an hour and snatched away my mobile handset and camera,” Biplob said.

The Shamokal correspondent claimed that the destruction was caused by the men loyal to Jubo League and Shwechchhasebak League.

“My source told me that the AL men wanted to took possession of a vested property, owned by some late Shyamacharan Mandal in the area,” Biplob said.

Gosai Chandra Mandal, a relative of Shyamacharan, and his brother Sharat Mandal have been living in the house for the last 80 years. The temple was also constructed within the property, Gosai told our correspondent.

“After the death of Shyamacharan, the house was recorded as vested property. So, Sharat and me submitted an application to the deputy commissioner of Manikganj seeking ownership of the land,” Gosai said.

Being rejected by the deputy commissioner’s office, the duo filed a writ on January 20 with the Manikganj District and Sessions Judges’ Court demanding temporary stay order.

Following the writ, the court passed an order asking the deputy commissioner, assistant deputy commissioner (revenue), upazila nirbahi officer, assistant commissioner (land) and union land officer to explain why the brothers should be evicted from the place.

“District Jubo League member Jafar and Firoj with 12 to14 others came to the house at around 11:00am Tuesday and threatened us to leave the house immediately,” Gosai said.

As soon as the brothers refused to do so, the AL wings’ men launched the attack on them, he added


Daily Star: League men burn down temple, vandalise houses
Well Well Well, what do we have over here? The cat promised she was protecting the fish now it seems she's a bit hungry.
Disgraceful Incident, unfortunately the culprits won't be punished 'cos it seems AL has also caught the disease of Hypocrisy from across the border. Still I hope the affected ones are protected by their community or neighborhood.
Can anyone post the pictures of the temple ?

i guess la hassina will build a new one as her party men destroyed it. i wonder if it was BNP people the entire AL group would have arms in hands all over
Some Stupid Bangladeshis were saying that Bangladesh was ahead of India and Pakistan:hug3:

Alas! It is still the same basket case where Minorities and Women will be persecuted.
Thugs from AL and BNP both resposible for grabbing many of these properties( including properties left behind by Pakistanis and Biharis ). But AL goons grabbed most of these as they were in power after 1971.
Some Stupid Bangladeshis were saying that Bangladesh was ahead of India and Pakistan:hang3:

Alas! It is still the same basket case where Minorities and Women will be persecuted.
Some Stupid Bangladeshis were saying that Bangladesh was ahead of India and Pakistan:hug3:

Alas! It is still the same basket case where Minorities and Women will be persecuted.

. . .

HAHAHA . funny you should say that. that is soo hypocritical of you
Don't feel sorry for Hindus. They have been and still will support AL eventhough they enjoy more freedom and prosperity under BNP regime.

Why Bharti media quiet about. If BNP was in office then whole hell would have broke out. Bloody hypocrite.
Some Stupid Bangladeshis were saying that Bangladesh was ahead of India and Pakistan:hug3:

Alas! It is still the same basket case where Minorities and Women will be persecuted.

. . .

Your counterpart AL in power and also suddently your media devoloped some deaf and blind syndrome.
Can anyone post the pictures of the temple ?

i guess la hassina will build a new one as her party men destroyed it. i wonder if it was BNP people the entire AL group would have arms in hands all over

You forgot to mention about hypocrite Bharti media and how they would have hyped it to sky.
waah you burn down a Temple and say that dont feel sorry for Hindus? what sick pathetic person are you , who support oppression of Hindus.

Calling me sick won't change the ground reality. Why does Hindu in general including India support AL?
Funny indeed.
Seems like somebody erected a temple only to keep hold of a property of somebody else. A Hindu reporter reported the incident and failed to mention the name of the culprit (other than AL leader) which I believe another hindu too. Minority opression here?? I dont buy it.
Calling me sick won't change the ground reality. Why does Hindu in general including India support AL?

Okay.. Let me teach you how a democracy works. Party with majority of votes comes to power. Now.. AL IS IN POWER. Which implies MOST OF YOUR COUNTRY supports AL.
Calling me sick won't change the ground reality. Why does Hindu in general including India support AL?

Except this forum and in west Bengal no one in the entire BHARTI aka India cares what is going on in BD and i guess out on 1.2 billion people only 5-10 % people give a damn about anything related to BD....so why every BD counts all India into ur AL Regime mess... just point your finger at GOI not on people they have nothing what so ever to do with your REGIME AND BD politics.
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