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awami league looted another $6 billion worth of tax revenue from Bangladesh


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
awami league looted another $6 billion worth (47000 crore taka) of tax revenue from Bangladesh


Now even bigger looting scheme by awami league regime is exposed. Central bank and ministry of finance which are heavily manned by awami league party thiefs and looters could not show trace of $6 billion equvellant 47000 crore taka. But NBR which is responsible for tax revenue collection already deposited all tax revenue through tresury and deposit notes.
What shocking is that every year in last 5 years central bank and financed department was short by huge amount BUT awami regime to cover it up supressed the news.

It is important to note awami league looters installed party theifs in bank boards including Grameen bank by removing Prof Yunus.Then awami league used these party thief to loot thousands of crore take from Sonali, Janata, Basic banks.

৪৭ হাজার কোটি টাকার গরমিল
সরকারের প্রায় ৪৭ হাজার ২২৩ কোটি টাকার রাজস্ব আয়ের হিসাব মিলছে না। গত ৫ অর্থবছরের আদায় করা এই অর্থের অস্তিত্ব স্বীকার করছে না অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয় এবং বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক।

জাতীয় রাজস্ব বোর্ড (এনবিআর) দাবি করছে, এ পরিমাণ রাজস্ব আদায় হয়েছে। যথারীতি তা সরকারি কোষাগারে জমা দেয়া হয়েছে।

It is important to note awami league looters installed party theifs in bank boards including Grameen bank by removing Prof Yunus.Then awami league used these party thief to loot thousands of crore take from Sonali, Janata, Basic banks.

Has Yunus left Bangladesh and made any statements in international fora regarding this?
its better to ignore idiotic and ignorant question from indians.
what was ignorant about it? it was a simple question. even I am curious to know what the bank founder has to say about it.
Could be true
Our politicans are good in it
awami league looted another $6 billion worth (47000 crore taka) of tax revenue from Bangladesh


Now even bigger looting scheme by awami league regime is exposed. Central bank and ministry of finance which are heavily manned by awami league party thiefs and looters could not show trace of $6 billion equvellant 47000 crore taka. But NBR which is responsible for tax revenue collection already deposited all tax revenue through tresury and deposit notes.
What shocking is that every year in last 5 years central bank and financed department was short by huge amount BUT awami regime to cover it up supressed the news.

It is important to note awami league looters installed party theifs in bank boards including Grameen bank by removing Prof Yunus.Then awami league used these party thief to loot thousands of crore take from Sonali, Janata, Basic banks.

৪৭ হাজার কোটি টাকার গরমিল
সরকারের প্রায় ৪৭ হাজার ২২৩ কোটি টাকার রাজস্ব আয়ের হিসাব মিলছে না। গত ৫ অর্থবছরের আদায় করা এই অর্থের অস্তিত্ব স্বীকার করছে না অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয় এবং বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক।

জাতীয় রাজস্ব বোর্ড (এনবিআর) দাবি করছে, এ পরিমাণ রাজস্ব আদায় হয়েছে। যথারীতি তা সরকারি কোষাগারে জমা দেয়া হয়েছে।

who is the awami league? are they the current government, are they nationalists?
who is the awami league? are they the current government, are they nationalists?

Awami League are your version of Labour. A party currently in power thats around just left of centre.

They can be classified as traditional nationalists yes....they were instrumental in Bangladesh's liberation and foundation away from the earlier union with Pakistan.
Awami League are your version of Labour. A party currently in power thats around just left of centre.

They can be classified as traditional nationalists yes....they were instrumental in Bangladesh's liberation and foundation away from the earlier union with Pakistan.
are they currently in power?
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