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Bangladesh Central Bank heist and role of Sajeeb Wajed Joy [“PM” Hasina's son]

The India Doctrine

জানেন কি !গত ৭ বছরে দেশ থেকে লুটপাটের পরিমান ৬লক্ষ ৮২ হাজার ২৯৩ কোটি টাকা !!
যা দিয়ে করা যেতো নিজস্ব খরচে ২৫ টি পদ্মা সেতু!ঘোষণা করা যেতো ৩ বছরের অর্থ বাজেট
বাংলাদেশকে করা যেতো একটি উচ্চ আয়ের দেশ !

৩০ লক্ষ পরিবারকে দেয়া যেতো প্রায় ২০ লক্ষ টাকা করে যা দিয়ে সেসব পরিবার হয়ে যেতো উচ্চ আয়ের পরিবার !
আগেই জানিয়ে রাখি পদ্মা সেতুর খরচ ধরা হয়েছে - ২৫হাজার কোটি টাকা ।

এবার আসুন জেনে নেই এর কিছু অংশ কিভাবে লুট করা হয় -
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের রিজার্ভ থেকে চুরি হয় ৭৩৬০ কোটি টাকা । ক্ষমতাসীনদের ইশারায় এই চুরি করা হয়েছে যা ইতিমধ্যেই প্রমানিত।

- তিন ব্যাংকের এটিএম থেকে চুরি হয় ২০ লক্ষ টাকা ।

- বানিজ্যিক ব্যাংক থেকে জালিয়াতি করা হয়েছে ১লক্ষ ৮হাজার কোটি টাকা। যার মুনাফা প্রতি মাসেই ব্যাংক থেকে গ্রাহকদের দেওয়া হচ্ছে ।

- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের ২০১৫ সাল পর্যন্ত ব্যাংকি খাতের অবলোপনকৃত ঋণের পরিমান ৩৮ হাজার কোটি টাকা, যা কখনোই আদায় করা সম্ভব না ।

- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের ব্যাংকিং খাতের খেলাপি ঋণের পরিমান ৫৪ হাজার কোটি টাকা যা থেকে একদিনও কোন সুদ আসেনা । যা সংগ্রহ করতে প্রতিনিয়ত ব্যাংক কে সুদ দিতে হচ্ছে ।

- রাষ্ট্রায়ত্ত বানিজ্যিক ব্যাংকের ঋণের পরিমান ৬৭ হাজার কোটি টাকা ।

- ২০০৯/১০ এ শেয়ার বাজার কেলেংকারিতে জালিয়াতি হয়েছিলো প্রায় ৪১হাজার ৩৮৩ কোটি ৫২ লক্ষ টাকা ।

- ডকুমেন্ট কারসাজি, মিথ্যা ঘোষণা, দলীল জালিয়াতি সম্পত্তির বর্ধিত মুল্যের জালিয়াতি মোট ৬ টি ব্যাংকে এর পরিমান প্রায় ১৫ হাজার কোটি টাকা ।

- হলমার্ক জালিয়াতি ৩ হাজার ৬০৬ কোটি টাকা ।

- এমএলএম প্রতিষ্ঠান (ডেস্টিনি , যুবক ইত্যাদি ) জালিয়াতির পরিমান প্রায় ১২ হাজার কোটি টাকা ।

- সম্প্রতি অগ্রণী ব্যাংক ও সোনালি ব্যাংক থেকে ঋনের নামে লুট হয় প্রায় ৫০০ কোটি টাকা।

- মাত্র ২ লক্ষ টাকা বিনিয়োগ করে ভারত হাতিয়ে নেয় প্রায় কয়েক কোটি টাকা।

এ ছাড়াও আরও অনেকবার বিভিন্ন খাতে প্রায় ৩ লক্ষ কোটি টাকা লুট হয়ে যায় বাংলাদেশ থেকে যার হিসাব আজ ও পাওয়া যায়নি ।

উন্নয়নের নামে ১০ গুনের বেশী খরচ নির্ধারন করে ক্ষমতাসীনরা প্রতিনিয়ত হাতিয়ে নিচ্ছে কোটি কোটি টাকা।

মাত্র একটা দুর্নীতির কারনে পাকিস্তানের আদালত সে দেশের প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে অযোগ্য ঘোষনা করলো, যদি আমাদের বিচার বিভাগও স্বাধীন হত তবে সীমাহীন দুর্নীতির কারনে আমাদের ক্ষমতাসীনদেরকে কয়েকশো বার ফাঁসিতে ঝুলতে হতো।

এতো এতো টাকা লুট হয়ে যাবার পর ও আমরা আছি বিনোদন নিয়ে ব্যাস্ত । এভাবে আবেগ নিয়ে জড়িয়ে থাকলে একদিন হয়তো এই সম্পূর্ণ দেশটি লুট হয়ে যাবে কিন্তু আমরা টের পাবনা । আর যদিও টের পাই তখন হয়তো আর আমাদের কিছুই করার থাকবেনা ।

এবার তো অন্তত অলসতার ঘুম ভেঙ্গে জেগে উঠুন !!

তথ্য সংগ্রহ - অনলাইন

রিজার্ভ চুরি : চীনে গ্রেফতার ২
Looting of Reserve: 2 Arrested in China


05 Aug, 2017

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ফেডারেল রিজার্ভ ব্যাংক থেকে হ্যাকিংয়ের মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের রিজার্ভের ৮ কোটি ১০ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার চুরির ঘটনায় এবার দুই চীনা নাগরিকের সম্পৃক্ততা পাওয়া গেছে। এরইমধ্যে ওই দুই চীনা নাগরিককে গ্রেফতার ও তাদের ক্যাসিনোর ব্যাংক হিসাব জব্দ করা হয়েছে।

গত ৩ আগস্ট ব্লুমবার্গ.কমে প্রকাশিত এক দীর্ঘ প্রতিবেদনে ডিং (৪৫) ও গাও শুহুয়া (৫৩) নামে ওই দুই চীনা নাগরিক সম্পর্কে বলা হয়েছে।

ওই প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, ক্যাসিনো ব্যবসায়ী ডিং ২০১৬ সালের মার্চে ও শুহুয়া আগস্টে চীনে পুলিশের হাতে ধরা পড়েন। বিশ্বের অন্যতম বৃহৎ জুয়াকেন্দ্র ম্যাকাওতে ডিং ২০০৭ সালে একটি বিনিয়োগ প্রতিষ্ঠান চালু করেন। তিনি জুয়ারিদের এনে এখানকার ক্যাসিনোতে জুয়ার আসর বসাতেন। অন্যদিকে, শুহুয়া পেইচিংয়ে একটি ক্যাসিনো চালান। ফিলিপাইনে অন্তত ২৯টি জায়গায় তার ক্যাসিনো নেটওয়ার্ক রয়েছে।

তারা দুজন বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের টাকা সরিয়ে নিতে উত্তর কোরিয়ার হ্যাকারদের সহায়তা নিতে পারেন বলে হংকং পুলিশের ধারণা। ওই অর্থ তারা উত্তর কোরিয়াতেও পাঠিয়ে দিতে পারেন বলে ধারণা করা হচ্ছে।

রিজার্ভ চুরির ঘটনায় এরআগে চলতি বছরের এপ্রিলে এক প্রতিবেদনে উত্তর কোরিয়ার জড়িত থাকার অভিযোগের স্বপক্ষে আরও প্রমাণ রয়েছে বলে দাবি করে বহুজাতিক সাইবার নিরাপত্তা ও প্রযুক্তিবিষয়ক অ্যান্টিভাইরাস নির্মাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান ক্যাসপারস্কি। উত্তর কোরিয়ার প্রসিদ্ধ হ্যাকার গ্রুপ ল্যাজারস এতে জড়িত বলে দাবি করা হয়।

তবে রিজার্ভ চুরির ঘটনায় পিয়ংইয়ং জড়িত বলে অনেক আগে থেকেই বলে আসছে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের জাতীয় নিরাপত্তা সংস্থা (এনএসএ)। সংস্থাটির দাবি, চীনের মধ্যস্বত্বভোগীদের সহায়তায় উত্তর কোরিয়ার হ্যাকাররা ওই বিপুল অংকের অর্থ লোপাট করে বলে তদন্তে জেনেছেন এফবিআই কর্মকর্তারা।

ব্লুমবার্গের ৩ আগস্টের প্রতিবেদনে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে ডিং ও শুহুয়ার যোগসাজশে পাতানো জুয়ার মাধ্যমে রিজার্ভের চুরির অর্থ ভাগাভাগির বিষয়টিও। বলা হয়েছে, ২০১৬ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারির শেষ দিকে ফিলিপাইনের রাজধানী ম্যানিলার ক্যাসিনো সোলারির একটি ভিআইপি কক্ষে জুয়ার আসর বসান চীনা জুয়ারি ডিং, শুহুয়া ও কয়েক সঙ্গী। খেলার সময় তারা যে ছোট পাতলা চিপ দিয়ে বাজি ধরেন, তার প্রতিটির দর ২০ হাজার মার্কিন ডলার। মূলত ওই খেলা ছিল পাতানো এবং জুয়ারীরাদের উদ্দেশ্য ছিল হ্যাকিংয়ের মাধ্যমে আনা রিজার্ভের টাকা ভাগাভাগি করে নেওয়া।

হ্যাকিংয়ের মাধ্যমে অর্থ চুরিতে সম্পৃক্ততা ডিং ও শুহুয়ার জন্য প্রথম নয়। ক্যাসিনো পরিচালনা ও জুয়ার আসরের মাধ্যমে দীর্ঘদিন ধরেই তারা এর সঙ্গে জড়িত।

২০১৬ সালের ৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ফেডারেল রিজার্ভ ব্যাংকে সংরক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের রিজার্ভের ৮ কোটি ১০ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার চুরি হয়ে যায়। চুরি যাওয়া অর্থের কিছু পরিমাণ ফিলিপাইনের আরসিবিসি ব্যাংকের কয়েকটি অ্যাকাউন্টে স্থানান্তর করে হ্যাকাররা। চুরি যাওয়া অর্থের মধ্যে ২ কোটি ডলার শ্রীলঙ্কার কেন্দ্রীয় ব্যাংক শুরুতেই আটকে দেয় এবং পরে তা ফিরিয়ে দেয়। বাকি অর্থ এখনও ফেরত পায়নি বাংলাদেশ। পরে ধারাবাহিক তদন্তে আসতে থাকে উত্তর কোরিয়া ও চীনা হ্যাকারদের নাম।
Muhith: BB heist probe report under wraps due to pending Philippines case
  • Tribune Desk
  • Published at 05:28 PM August 05, 2017
  • Last updated at 05:31 PM August 05, 2017

File photo of Finance Minister AMA MuhithMahmud Hossain Opu/Dhaka Tribune
The probe body submitted its preliminary report to the finance minister in April, and the final report on May 30, 2016
Finance Minister AMA Muhith has said the investigation report on the $81 million heist of the Bangladesh Bank is not being made public as a case is pending with a court in the Philippines.

The minister made the statement while speaking to reporters after attending a seminar on “Medical Waste Management” arranged by Sylhet City Corporation at a hotel in Sylhet on Saturday morning, reports UNB.

Also Read- NY Fed, BB, SWIFT to work together in $81m recovery

A total of $81 million was stolen by international cyber hackers from Bangladesh Bank’s treasury account with the US Federal Reserve Bank in New York on February 5, 2016.

Following the incident, the government formed a 3-member investigation committee, headed by the central bank’s former governor Dr Farashuddin, on March 19 last year.

The probe body submitted its preliminary report to the finance minister in April, and the final report on May 30, 2016.

Also Read- Two CID officials to visit Manila

Addressing the seminar as chief guest, Finance Minister Muhith stressed the importance of raising public awareness in tackling problems of medical waste management, emphasising its importance public health.

Various experts in the field also presented their possible solutions to medical waste management issues.

Former adviser to the caretaker government Professor Dr Jamilur Reza Choudhury and Vice Chancellor of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology Dr M Alamgir were present, with Sylhet City Corporation Mayor Ariful Haque Chowdhury in chair.
If this report is true... I've nothing to say except the usual cussing which I prefer not to tonight.

Bd is a sellout country... khaleda comes... her son will loot. Hasina comes her son will loot...
The people are bunch of sellouts going every election to vote either of these two for them to loot.

Good. Hope nothing changes. This is what all of you deserve, they are the best your country can offer, they are just crystallising what nature your people all have in the first place. Added benefit is you lot are very easy and pliable to control from outside too.

Upcoming elections are going to be lots of entertainment, hope you have plenty of body bags ready :pop:
Baccarat, a card game that helped in the Bangladesh Bank cyberheist
Tribune Desk
Published at 08:05 PM August 05, 2017

Ding and Gao laundered the cyberheist money using rolling chips which are non-negotiable and used to track VIP's play in casinos Bigstock
By the time Ding, Gao, and their players had their casino accounts frozen in March 2016, they had managed to make tens of millions of the cyberheist dollars disappear
A binge on the game baccarat, a card game played in casinos, played the critical role in the largest cyberheist in history when $81 million was stolen from the Bangladeshi central bank by hackers who issued bogus instructions through Swift, the global interbank payment system, in early February, 2016.

According to reports by the Philippine Senate committee, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the Bangladesh Ministry of Finance, the cyberthieves messaged the New York Federal Reserve Bank, in which Bangladesh Bank had deposited funds, directing it to send these funds to a handful of bank accounts, mostly in the Philippines, which they had set up using fake names.

The money trail involved the Jupiter Street branch of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), PhilRem Service Corporation, Solaire Resort and Casino, Midas Hotel and Resort, and some casino junket operators, reports Bloomberg Markets.

The Chinese duo Ding Zhize, 45, and Gao Shuhua, 53, who ran casino VIP rooms, facilitated the entry of the laundered money into Philippine casinos including MetroManila’s Solaire Resort by bringing in high rollers from China to play in the VIP rooms.

But how did they do it? Ding and Gao laundered the cyberheist money using rolling chips which are non-negotiable and used to track VIP’s play in casinos. They must gamble at least once, with any winnings paid in normal, negotiable chips that can then be redeemed for cash.

The Chinese duo did this by betting in both hands of the game baccarat, so as to strike a balance between gains and losses. This was because money cannot be laundered through a casino by winning a game, but rather by exchanging millions of dollars for chips which can then be swapped for untraceable cash at the end of the night. This is how the pair was able to ensure that the money disappeared.

The rolling chips also ensure that casinos pay refunds on amounts that are actually gambled.

The next day, on February 9, almost all of the cyberheist money was transferred into four fake accounts in the Philippines through a variety of other accounts. The money was then transferred onto a payment company called Philrem Service Corp. PhilRem converted part of the $81 million into pesos and delivered the money in cash instalments to registered casino junket operator Xu, Eastern Hawaii Leisure Company Limited, and Bloomberry Hotels Incorporated, the parent company of Solaire casino.

The hackers originally intended to funnel $951 million of Bangladesh Bank’s money into phony accounts, according to various investigations.

What facilitated the laundering of the stolen money was that the day following February 8, 2016 was Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is celebrated as a public holiday in the Philippines, with banks closing.

Thus, four stop-payment requests from Bangladesh Bank to RCBC went unnoticed.

By the time Ding, Gao, and their players had their casino accounts frozen in March 2016, they had managed to make tens of millions of the cyberheist dollars disappear, according to a Philippine Senate committee that investigated the theft. Philippine authorities are still investigating Ding and Gao as well as other aspects of the case, says Vencent L Salido of the Anti-Money Laundering Council.

According to testimony given in the Senate by Kim Wong, the president of Eastern Hawaii Leisure and a Chinese junket operator who ran a number of VIP rooms in Manila casinos, including the Solaire, he had set up the RCBC accounts along with Beijing resident Gao whom he had known for eight years and a Macau resident named Ding, as well as the Jupiter branch manager at the time, Maia Deguito.

MONEY BACK Testifying at the hearing of the Senate blue ribbon committee on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, casino junket operator Kim Wong (left) says he will return $4.6 million, part of the $81 million hackers stole from the Bangladesh central bank and wired to Philippine bank accounts. Watching the hearing from the gallery is Bangladesh Ambassador Maj Gen John Gomes Photo: LYN RILLON

According to the Senate committee report, Ding, Gao, and Deguito were able to set up the accounts using fake names, fake addresses, and fake declarations that Deguito had met the account holders in person and confirmed their identities.

Wong said Gao and Ding had tricked him into saying that the money had come from a land sale to the Chinese government to make way for a new airport in Beijing.

In April, the Philippine Department of Justice indicted Deguito and the owners of Philrem, but dropped the case against Wong, citing a lack of evidence, Salido says. Wong has returned $15 million to the authorities, which was then transferred back to Bangladesh Bank.

Deguito denied the allegation and said that she acted on instructions from RCBC bosses.

However, RCBC said in an emailed statement: “Based on our investigation, Deguito acted alone with the help of some of her co-workers and subordinates at the Jupiter Branch which she headed.”

The bank said: “Her actions were inimical to her job and against RCBC’s policies, which resulted in her termination and the filing of cases against her.”

Of the money transferred out of RCBC, the Philippine Daily Inquirer quotes Wong as saying that about $29 million was wired by Philrem to Bloomberry Resorts and credited to Ding, mainly for gambling in the Solaire’s VIP room; $21 million was wired to Eastern Hawaii Leisure and used primarily in the VIP rooms of other casinos.

An additional $31 million, according to testimony from Philrem Chairman Michael Bautista, was delivered in cash to Wong.

Wong further alleged that $17m was still with remittance company Philrem, and that only $13.5 million had been delivered in cash, a claim that the company owners however denied during the hearing.

Ding and Gao’s main business was running illegal gambling operations, including recruiting people for foreign gaming junkets. As a result, it was not the first time that the Chinese pair had managed a laundered transaction.

Like their laundered money, Ding and Gao left the Philippines without a trace, but the duo were wrong in thinking they would be able to keep their names screened from the investigation into the money laundering.
Also Read – Muhith: BB heist probe report under wraps due to pending Philippines case

The whole scam did not end in the casino VIP rooms. Instead it moved onto China and then perhaps even North Korea, home to Lazarus, one of the world’s most active state-sponsored hacking collectives.

According to a paper published in the British Journal of Criminology in February, Ding set up an investment company in 2007 just as Macau, in revenue terms, was becoming the world’s biggest gambling centre.

His neighbour Ding specialised in arranging off-table bets – private wagers from anonymous gamblers using bookmakers which are illegal under Chinese law.

Ding’s former business partner said that Xiamen police had arrested Ding in the city, near to his hometown, in March 2017. Ding’s sister-in-law, who requested that her name not be published, confirmed the arrest.

Gao, who hails from a village on the outskirts of Beijing, was the richest man in the area, out of which he ran an illegal casino back in 2004 according to Chinese police reports and court documents.

The documents said that thugs working for Gao beat up a group of men which they had mistaken for another gang that had previously robbed them. The victims reported the incident to the police, and Gao had to serve an 18-month prison sentence.

The documents added that, after his release in 2006, Gao travelled to ¬Macau and the Philippines, where he was reported to have invested as much as $2 million in businesses that ran casino VIP rooms. One of the companies that he invested in was Eastern Hawaii Leisure, which would wind up with more than a quarter of the stolen funds from Bangladesh.

When Chinese authorities arrested Gao for the second time in 2012, they found that he ran one of the biggest gambling networks in the country, extending into 29 provinces and through which he had made more than $8 million. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

The sentence was, upon appeal, shortened to three years, suggesting that Gao assisted the police investigation in an unspecified manner. Court documents show he was officially released on medical parole in 2015.

The exact length of that time Gao spent in prison is, however, still unclear, as corporate records in Macau show that he formed a company there in 2014.

In August 2016, Gao’s wife Yan Wenli said that Xiamen police had again detained Gao.

When she asked the police what she could do to get him out, they are reported to have said: “Don’t bother calling a lawyer.”
Good. Hope nothing changes. This is what all of you deserve, they are the best your country can offer, they are just crystallising what nature your people all have in the first place. Added benefit is you lot are very easy and pliable to control from outside too.

Upcoming elections are going to be lots of entertainment, hope you have plenty of body bags ready :pop:
i make my own destiny, just because im a bangladeshi citizen doesnt mean i can't choose to forgo of it. i'm not a bangladeshi national anyways. i won't endure this countries politics in the name of patriotism. number 1 reason i chose to not apply in the airforce or the army as my first choice.
Good. Hope nothing changes. This is what all of you deserve, they are the best your country can offer, they are just crystallising what nature your people all have in the first place. Added benefit is you lot are very easy and pliable to control from outside too.

Upcoming elections are going to be lots of entertainment, hope you have plenty of body bags ready :pop:
Your politicians are all saints and only do what is best for the country without giving in to greed?

What's the point? This kind of post is kinda irritating. Worst part of it is this is a bullsh!t thread created by idune and what's written in the OP and in the posts of Banglar Bir are totally baseless.
Your politicians are all saints and only do what is best for the country without giving in to greed?

What's the point? This kind of post is kinda irritating. Worst part of it is this is a bullsh!t thread created by idune and what's written in the OP and in the posts of Banglar Bir are totally baseless.
BB everything they post is bullshit.But the bank heist was inside Job and if inquiry is being delyed then I bet AL is involved.
But the bank heist was inside Job and if inquiry is being delyed then I bet AL is involved.

I agree with this. One or two high rankling bank officials were probably involved and they were somehow connected to AL.

But what they posted here is completely baseless.
I agree with this. One or two high rankling bank officials were probably involved and they were somehow connected to AL.

But what they posted here is completely baseless.
That's a huge amount,all those high officials don't even have iota of digital system in place,some one did provided hackers with codes and working alogrithm of security system to make a break-in and steal cash.
Without involvement of men from several organizations that's not possible.
PM son may be involved in it.All next of kins of big politicians not involved in politics have two works
1) Conversion of black money into white.
2) Getting monetry benefits from political links.
Panama case from Pakistan can be used in BD for case study.
PM son may be involved in it.
Everything is possible. But you can't blame someone without any evidence. From what I've heard a deputy director of the Bank is involved who has some strong connection with AL.
Everything is possible. But you can't blame someone without any evidence. From what I've heard a deputy director of the Bank is involved who has some strong connection with AL.
Let's wait for the day when report will be out.
Baccarat, a card game that helped in the Bangladesh Bank cyberheist
Tribune Desk
Published at 08:05 PM August 05, 2017

Ding and Gao laundered the cyberheist money using rolling chips which are non-negotiable and used to track VIP's play in casinos Bigstock
By the time Ding, Gao, and their players had their casino accounts frozen in March 2016, they had managed to make tens of millions of the cyberheist dollars disappear

These 2 Chinese arrested are part of world wide casino mafia. These mafia, among other things, launder money through casino chip (and using diamond) that is what Sajeeb Wazed Joy, ruling PM Hasina's son had been doing. Joy had been laundering looted money from Bangladesh through casino chip. That information is known to US law enforcement authorities.

Muhith: BB heist probe report under wraps due to pending Philippines case/

Muhit is just working as Sajeeb wajed Joy and ruling PM Hasina's mouth piece here. Just like Bangladesh Bank governor, he is also threatened by awami league terror force. Even though Muhit will not let investigation published officially, investigation already uncovered:

1) SWIFT code of Bangladesh central bank was known to “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy - this is highly suspicious why “PM” Hasina’s son had access to Bangladesh national reserve.

2) According to investigation this was not a “heist” BUT was a pre-planned looting of Bangladesh national reserve using supplied SWIFT code.

3) According to investigation, “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy, indian origin Rakesh Astana and 3 other planned Bangladesh central bank heist in Virginia, USA.

4) “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy kept Rakesh Astana stand by for post fund looting clean up.

5) When $100 million “heist” from Bangladesh central bank, governor directly informed “PM” Hasina.

6) “PM” Hasina told Bangladesh central bank governor to keep quiet and take direction from “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy. “PM” Hasina was not even surprised in her reaction, as if this was expected.

7) “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy threatened Bangladesh central bank governor to maintain complete silence (not to inform Finance minister or anyone else) and to appoint indian company headed by Rakesh Astana for cleanup traces of looting activities.

8) After “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy threat to Bangladesh central bank governor, there had been multiple activities to hide the looting, commanded by “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy.

9) “PM” Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wajed Joy used almost $25 million (200 core taka) of tax payer money to hide the Bangladesh bank looting. But Philippine newspaper publishing the report exposed the Bangladesh Central bank looting with supplied SWIFT code.

10) According to investigation, in order to delete all traces of Bangladesh central bank looting, “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy appointed his accomplice, indian origin Rakesh Astana and his company. Later investigation agency found that Rakesh Astana took control of servers and other systems by ILLEGALL means and his indian team deleted all logs and traces of looting activities from Bangladesh Central Bank computer systems.
These 2 Chinese arrested are part of world wide casino mafia. These mafia, among other things, launder money through casino chip (and using diamond) that is what Sajeeb Wazed Joy, ruling PM Hasina's son had been doing. Joy had been laundering looted money from Bangladesh through casino chip. That information is known to US law enforcement authorities.

Muhit is just working as Sajeeb wajed Joy and ruling PM Hasina's mouth piece here. Just like Bangladesh Bank governor, he is also threatened by awami league terror force. Even though Muhit will not let investigation published officially, investigation already uncovered:

1) SWIFT code of Bangladesh central bank was known to “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy - this is highly suspicious why “PM” Hasina’s son had access to Bangladesh national reserve.

2) According to investigation this was not a “heist” BUT was a pre-planned looting of Bangladesh national reserve using supplied SWIFT code.

3) According to investigation, “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy, indian origin Rakesh Astana and 3 other planned Bangladesh central bank heist in Virginia, USA.

4) “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy kept Rakesh Astana stand by for post fund looting clean up.

5) When $100 million “heist” from Bangladesh central bank, governor directly informed “PM” Hasina.

6) “PM” Hasina told Bangladesh central bank governor to keep quiet and take direction from “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy. “PM” Hasina was not even surprised in her reaction, as if this was expected.

7) “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy threatened Bangladesh central bank governor to maintain complete silence (not to inform Finance minister or anyone else) and to appoint indian company headed by Rakesh Astana for cleanup traces of looting activities.

8) After “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy threat to Bangladesh central bank governor, there had been multiple activities to hide the looting, commanded by “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy.

9) “PM” Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wajed Joy used almost $25 million (200 core taka) of tax payer money to hide the Bangladesh bank looting. But Philippine newspaper publishing the report exposed the Bangladesh Central bank looting with supplied SWIFT code.

10) According to investigation, in order to delete all traces of Bangladesh central bank looting, “PM” Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wajed Joy appointed his accomplice, indian origin Rakesh Astana and his company. Later investigation agency found that Rakesh Astana took control of servers and other systems by ILLEGALL means and his indian team deleted all logs and traces of looting activities from Bangladesh Central Bank computer systems.
Are you part of the investigation team? Where do you get your gospels from?
Are you part of the investigation team? Where do you get your gospels from?

investigation team already put these information in press and that is what published. But awami league cheerleading al-cowda band dont like Eid er porer andolon.
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