Awami League & India destroying Bangladesh garment industry -
Using woman garments workers against popular movement
After failing to tame mass movement against the Awami League regime, Awami League and its principal and only backer India are planning to destroy Bangladesh garments sector. This time Awami League and india plan to orchestrate another confrontational gathering of WOMAN garments workers by feeding blatant lie that Hefazat demand is against working woman.
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Hefazat which is demanding to stop anti Islamic activities of Awami League regime, its associate media and personalities, made it very CLEAR multiple times that their demand is about abuse and indecency of secular types in Shahbagh and in media. Hefazat has nothing against woman working or their empowerment.
Awami League blatant lie about woman can be further exposed when one sees woman worker leader being brutally tortured, woman students abused and protesters bloodied by Awami league regime.
MoshrefaMishu.wmv - YouTube
But Awami League and india failed to draw popular support orchestrating Shahbagh and other gatherings using money and coercion, are now up to destroy Bangladesh garments industry. Awami League and india are forcing woman workers to be used as shield for Awami League ongoing anti Islam and genocidal acts in Bangladesh. Statements from highest level of Indian government already stated active indian involvement in now defunct Shahbagh gathering which directed and incited anti Islam and anti Muslim acts. It goes without saying, by destroying Bangladesh garments industry india will be principal beneficiary as competitor of Bangladesh export markets.
Bangladesh garments manufacturing & export association current and previous leaders has acknowledged that they have been forced to let their woman workers be shield against mass movement of people. So were garments workers organizations were threatened that they should oblige to Awami League instruction otherwise face brutal torture like one of their leader Aminul Islam who was brutally murdered by Awami League force.
In history of any country and specially in case of Bangladesh, popular movement in face of oppressive and genocidal regime could not be tamed with sheer brutality, let alone using woman as shield. But in sheer desperation Awami League is destroying Bangladesh garments industry and livelihood of millions of woman and their families along with it. That is the biggest and clearest anti Bangladesh act even committed.
Using woman garments workers against popular movement
After failing to tame mass movement against the Awami League regime, Awami League and its principal and only backer India are planning to destroy Bangladesh garments sector. This time Awami League and india plan to orchestrate another confrontational gathering of WOMAN garments workers by feeding blatant lie that Hefazat demand is against working woman.
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Hefazat which is demanding to stop anti Islamic activities of Awami League regime, its associate media and personalities, made it very CLEAR multiple times that their demand is about abuse and indecency of secular types in Shahbagh and in media. Hefazat has nothing against woman working or their empowerment.
সংগঠনের ঢাকা মহানগর আহ্বায়ক ও কেন্দ্রীয় নায়েবে আমির মাওলানা নুর হোসাইন কাসেমীর সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠিত সভায় নেতারা গার্মেন্টসের নারী ও দেশের অন্য সেক্টরে কর্মরত নারীসমাজের উদ্দেশে বলেন, আপনারাও মুসলমান। আল্লাহ ও রাসুলকে আপনারাও বিশ্বাস করেন, ভালবাসেন। কারও প্ররোচনা, প্রলোভন, ভয়-ভীতিতে আপনারা আল্লাহ ও তার রাসুলের বিপক্ষে অবস্থান নিয়ে নিজের ঈমানকে ধ্বংস করে জাহান্নামের দিকে ধাবিত হবেন না। আপনারা নিজ নিজ কর্মস্থলে, নিজ নিজ পেশায় আত্মনিয়োগ করুন। ইসলাম আপনাদের কর্ম, পেশা ও চাকরিবিরোধী নয়। ইসলামের দুশমনরা মিথ্যা প্রাচরণা চালিয়ে আপনাদের আল্লাহ ও রাসুলের বিরুদ্ধে দাঁড় করানোর অপচেষ্টায় লিপ্ত রয়েছে। এরা মূলত নারীসমাজকে ভোগের সামগ্রী হিসেবে পেতে চায়। নারীদের শ্রমের মজুরি না দিয়ে তারা নারী-পুরুষের বৈষম্যের সমাজ কায়েম করেছে। নারীদের প্রাপ্ত অধিকার থেকে
বঞ্চিত রেখে জোর করে তারা আপনাদের ঢালস্বরূপ ব্যবহার করতে চাচ্ছে। ইসলাম নারীদের যে সম্মান ও ইজ্জত দিয়েছে, তা আর কেউ দিতে পারেনি। তাই হেফাজতে ইসলাম বাংলাদেশের দাবি মেনে নিলে নারীদের ইজ্জত-সম্মান, অধিকার, তাদের কর্ম, পেশা, চাকরি, ন্যূনতম বেতনভাতা—সব কিছুই প্রতিষ্ঠিত হবে।
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Awami League blatant lie about woman can be further exposed when one sees woman worker leader being brutally tortured, woman students abused and protesters bloodied by Awami league regime.
MoshrefaMishu.wmv - YouTube
But Awami League and india failed to draw popular support orchestrating Shahbagh and other gatherings using money and coercion, are now up to destroy Bangladesh garments industry. Awami League and india are forcing woman workers to be used as shield for Awami League ongoing anti Islam and genocidal acts in Bangladesh. Statements from highest level of Indian government already stated active indian involvement in now defunct Shahbagh gathering which directed and incited anti Islam and anti Muslim acts. It goes without saying, by destroying Bangladesh garments industry india will be principal beneficiary as competitor of Bangladesh export markets.
Bangladesh garments manufacturing & export association current and previous leaders has acknowledged that they have been forced to let their woman workers be shield against mass movement of people. So were garments workers organizations were threatened that they should oblige to Awami League instruction otherwise face brutal torture like one of their leader Aminul Islam who was brutally murdered by Awami League force.
US ambassador warns of export curbs
Says murder of labor leader has enraged garment buyers in the US and Europe
US ambassador warns of export curbs
In history of any country and specially in case of Bangladesh, popular movement in face of oppressive and genocidal regime could not be tamed with sheer brutality, let alone using woman as shield. But in sheer desperation Awami League is destroying Bangladesh garments industry and livelihood of millions of woman and their families along with it. That is the biggest and clearest anti Bangladesh act even committed.