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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

Weren't you banned few weeks ago. Calling me jerk can earn you another banned. Say, you have learn a lot for your Zionist master. Playing victim card.......;)

I was because I say what is right not what people want to hear. The only reason you are still here is because you talk the way your masters want you to. You represent the part of Bangladesh that still negates 1971 and is obsessed with being a muslim rather than being a Bangladeshi. Sorry but your mind is to screwed for anyone to help you, your a total lost case.
Everybody here is shouting loud saying Hindu secularism’ which I don’t understand. Either there is Hinduism or there is secularism. What is Hindu secularism?

How will being secular become being Hindu…?
Everybody here is shouting loud saying Hindu secularism’ which I don’t understand. Either there is Hinduism or there is secularism. What is Hindu secularism?

How will being secular become being Hindu…?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:, its these stupid Fanatics way of thinking.:disagree:
I was because I say what is right not what people want to hear. The only reason you are still here is because you talk the way your masters want you to. You represent the part of Bangladesh that still negates 1971 and is obsessed with being a muslim rather than being a Bangladeshi. Sorry but your mind is to screwed for anyone to help you, your a total lost case.

Who is my master? Asim bhai, webmaster or AM...:coffee:

You are happy to see a broken Islamic republic even though you claim to be Muslim. You are a half baked Hindu minded Muslim. If you treat your Muslim identity as second to your national identity then you are a half kafir.

You are not dealing with foot solder rather a General. I know who I am and what I believe to be right. I am not one of those blind Bengali minded double standard Bangladeshi that take donation from middle eastern muslim while curse them on their behind. Same with Pakistan. You find a lot of Bengali minded dogs(Awami) talk alot negetaive about Pakistanis yet do not reject their help whether it is for natural disaster, military assistant or techno field. I despise double standard munafiqs.

You have no ******* idea how the Awami dogs are so why are you prefer awami munafiq over rest? Is it because your hindu masters choice of another Hindu minded party in Bangladesh?
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Can't we all agree that South Asian leaders are not fit to be leaders ? :undecided: Just saying because this intense game of "Razakars and Dalals" is getting boring, and is as useless as ever. :lazy:
im not getting personal....but is ur country so weak that even puny Hindus can manipulate u..? huh..I pity u....

btw which one is greater...34 lakhs or 3.5 crores..?
in other words 30 seats or 234 seats..?
Now u do ur math,
You reminded me an incident in which Samrat Suja was inform by one of his Ujirs that his Subjects couldn't even eat rice that caught Samrat off Guard and he replied with a question like if his subject could eat Polao-Kurma? The underline meaning of telling that tale is to show show what happens if you poke your nose where it doesn't belong.

Now, it wasn't Hindu Punies that created mess in BD but Hindu Gods of Delhi, BJP, VHP, Dada-Commies did. And for the rest of your curiocity, you need to read my previous post, understand?
It clearly says Communists are as unfit to rule a country as the Jamatis. So yes when the time comes to kick out the commies..I will be there too.

Fine then how come you do not want to kick biggest bharati dalal Hasina from BD and you have to give an break if you try to call them patriot. Didn't Hasina held meeting and formed some kind coalition with same Jamat around 96 against BNP and didn't Hasina went to Ghulam Azam house to gain support during same period? You have to be true to your conviction if you want me to believe that you are straight and just guy. Don't just call Jamatis hypocrite because Awami is the biggest hypocrite and dokabaaz. :rolleyes:

Let's forget about Jamat and talk about Islam and it's situation in today's Bangladesh.

-->This article point out that a student was beaten up by awami chatra league because he was praying in the campus. Can not believe we are majority Muslim country. :angry:

-->Elsewhere in news pointed out that female students are targeted around the country if they wear Burqa or hijab. Sometimes even get kicked out from campus in the name of Shibir.
-->Students are arrested around the country in the name of Shibir by awami munafiq police if they carry Islamic books.
-->Islamic books are being removed from Baitul mukaaram Masjid library in the name of war criminals.
-->Young Madarsah students or anyone with beard are targeted and being called Razakar Jamatis by awami chatra league.

What are these above symptoms and where is the country going? Now do not tell me that only Jamat-shibir are Islamic and rest of our people suddenly become ultra modern.

You can find out how Awamis are Islam friendly. Just grow some bread, wear kurta payjama and have a visit to Dhaka university. I ensure that chatra leauge will label you a Jamati and then welcome you so nicely that you will be in hospital even though you hate Jamat. :lol:

Let me ask you.
Did we break up from Pakistan to stay away Islam or other reasons?
Where does anywhere in Mujib six point mention about secularism even though now a day Awami dogs are barking that we break from Pakistan to establish secularism? ;)

Love BANGLADESH but love ISLAM evermore because at the end of the day only Islam matter to a Muslim. If you are true Muslim then you should take stance against Awami munafiqs to save the Islamic spirit in Bangladesh. Can I count you on this or you will call me a Jamati. :undecided:
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Read my post # 191 again.

It clearly says Communists are as unfit to rule a country as the Jamatis. So yes when the time comes to kick out the commies..I will be there too.

Jamatis are patriot?
Are they Patriot Bangladeshis or patriot East Pakistani?

That's important to know because their history suggests the latter.

As for aligning with Indian thought...no my thought was always against Jamat.I would prefer Hijbut Tahrir than jamatis. At least they are not hypocrites.And this same thing I remember posting a year or two ago in PDF.And I have not changed my view a bit.

One example of their lying here:

Despite the fact that many documents,pictures and even videos of Jamati leaders during 1971 are evidence that Jamat opposed liberation of East Pakistan.... Jamati leaders now claim there wasn't any anti-liberation force.
:The Daily Star: Internet Edition

How can anyone trust liars to be saviors of Islam in Bangladesh??

It clearly says Communists are as unfit to rule a country as the Jamatis. So yes when the time comes to kick out the commies..I will be there too.

Jamatis are patriot?
Are they Patriot Bangladeshis or patriot East Pakistani?

That's important to know because their history suggests the latter.

As for aligning with Indian thought...no my thought was always against Jamat.I would prefer Hijbut Tahrir than jamatis. At least they are not hypocrites.And this same thing I remember posting a year or two ago in PDF.And I have not changed my view a bit.

One example of their lying here:

Despite the fact that many documents,pictures and even videos of Jamati leaders during 1971 are evidence that Jamat opposed liberation of East Pakistan.... Jamati leaders now claim there wasn't any anti-liberation force.
:The Daily Star: Internet Edition

How can anyone trust liars to be saviors of Islam in Bangladesh??

It's funny to see how on sometime intellectually Bankrupts eat their own shyte. Here in one hand Mr. Black declaring war against Commies but quoting Jamaati's lying stories from Comrad Mahfuz Anam's paper by other. Being a commie loser, his 24 hrs job is to froth against Jamaati winners through his lying mouth piece and Mr. Black wants to pick fight against him? Go Leon Mr Black go, go. :yahoo:
It's funny to see how on sometime intellectually Bankrupts eat their own shyte. Here in one hand Mr. Black declaring war against Commies but quoting Jamaati's lying stories from Comrad Mahfuz Anam's paper by other. Being a commie loser, his 24 hrs job is to froth against Jamaati winners through his lying mouth piece and Mr. Black wants to pick fight against him? Go Leon Mr Black go, go. :yahoo:

Yes everyone's a commie saving you. I am not so enriched about everyone's background as you are,I like reading daily star because it is better than other BD english newspapers.

Didn't Mojahid say those words?Or do you deny that too?In that case watch more news.

I could have even given you video links from various TV channels.But didn't feel the need to do so.
Fine then how come you do not want to kick biggest bharati dalal Hasina from BD and you have to give an break if you try to call them patriot. Didn't Hasina held meeting and formed some kind coalition with same Jamat around 96 against BNP and didn't Hasina went to Ghulam Azam house to gain support during same period? You have to be true to your conviction if you want me to believe that you are straight and just guy. Don't just call Jamatis hypocrite because Awami is the biggest hypocrite and dokabaaz. :rolleyes:

If you remember correctly, I have also termed AL liars in many other threads.If you don't remember I will pm those links to you later on. And Yes,they are also hypocrites. But there is one basic difference. At least they are not crying out loud that they are protector of Islam.

As I always say,I am not involved in any politics. I can speak for others like BD_4_ever too.We grew up and studied in politics free environment. Unlike M_saint and Idune and may be also you. So please don't try to look at us from the same point of view.

Let's forget about Jamat and talk about Islam and it's situation in today's Bangladesh.

-->This article point out that a student was beaten up by awami chatra league because he was praying in the campus. Can not believe we are majority Muslim country. :angry:

-->Elsewhere in news pointed out that female students are targeted around the country if they wear Burqa or hijab. Sometimes even get kicked out from campus in the name of Shibir.

In my very first post I mentioned this:

In Bangladesh, secularism should be "freedom for everyone to practice their religion openly".Be it Eid,Durga puja, Buddha Purnima or x-mas.All in a friendly atmosphere.That's why we fought for in 1971.

We should not go for Turkey or French style "secularism".Because then Muslim women would be banned from wearing hijab,Hindu women would also have to stop wearing shakhas or shindoors. We don't want that kind of secularism in Bangladesh.

I think that sums up my point of view.

-->Students are arrested around the country in the name of Shibir by awami munafiq police if they carry Islamic books.

If they carry books of jihad (distorted jihad) and other extremist books,then there should be arrests made.But if those are books of hadiths and history of Islam,then its unfair on those students.

-->Islamic books are being removed from Baitul mukaaram Masjid library in the name of war criminals.

If you are talking about the recent ban on Moududi's book,then I think you should read this.


-->Young Madarsah students or anyone with beard are targeted and being called Razakar Jamatis by awami chatra league.

What are these above symptoms and where is the country going? Now do not tell me that only Jamat-shibir are Islamic and rest of our people suddenly become ultra modern.

You can find out how Awamis are Islam friendly. Just grow some bread, wear kurta payjama and have a visit to Dhaka university. I ensure that chatra leauge will label you a Jamati and then welcome you so nicely that you will be in hospital even though you hate Jamat. :lol:

I will not deny Chatra league are goons.They are nothing but the SS of Awami League.

But I don't agree on your generalization that all awami supporters are munafiqs/bad muslims.

Let me ask you.
Did we break up from Pakistan to stay away Islam or other reasons?
Where does anywhere in Mujib six point mention about secularism even though now a day Awami dogs are barking that we break from Pakistan to establish secularism? ;)

The six points are totally different.It talks of being a part of Pakistan but autocratic.It talks of having two capitals and having separate para-military for east pakistan. There is no relevance here with secularism and freedom of Bangladesh.

Secularism concept comes because in our liberation was Muslims and Hindus shed blood alike.There was great unity between the both community.the minorities don't feel safe to live in a "muslim majority" country. I made that part bold,because we are not living under Khilaphat rule following the actual Islamic law(not the talibani version).
The actual Islamic law is very lenient on treatment to non muslim. There is one term where if any non-muslim is a part of a muslim army,he doesn't have to pay jizya,whereas the muslims need to pay zakaat. There are many other points,which are moderate and peaceful. This gives minorities a sense of security even under muslim rule. We know of these cases in the past.

Since we don't live under TRUE Islamic rule,so our current "muslim majority" doesn't actually mean anything much.Bangladesh is neither Islamic nor secular,and it will never become Islamic with some liars advocating for Islam in Bangladesh.

Look at the extreme form of secularism at Turkey.they have banned borkas.Their army didn't even allow the wife of the PM to watch the parade because she wears scarf.

Now tell me,are there no muslims in Turkey?Don't they pray at mosque?Don't they go to Hajj?

Last time I checked,they do all these things like any other muslims around the world.And they have been following secularism for a long time now.

You live in US,that's a secular country.But did this stop you from praying?Religion lies inside oneself.No one can force it out of him if Allah don't want.

Love BANGLADESH but love ISLAM evermore because at the end of the day only Islam matter to a Muslim. If you are true Muslim then you should take stance against Awami munafiqs to save the Islamic spirit in Bangladesh. Can I count you on this or you will call me a Jamati. :undecided:

At very first I want to make one thing very clear: following Jamat's politics has got nothing to do with following Islam.Nowhere in Islam says you have to follow Jamat to become a True muslim.Only Allah knows I am good or bad muslim.And only he can judge me and no one else.

If you look at our politicians..none of them are following Islamic lifestyle.Many are heavy drinkers,some gamble,womanize and more.And above that, they are liars.

Now tell me whom do you want to replace by removing Awami league or BNP?Because you can find the above category of people in every party.So whom do you want?

Jamat lies and uses religion as their shield.So they are threat to Islam and should be banned. I already have given proof of their lying, didn't I? How can you expect liars to save Islam in Bangladesh?

Our Prophet had warned us that at the end of the days we will find people who will talk and act like muslims but they will misguide people. They are threat to Islam.
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What conflicts and what are you talking about. You have been fed too much of Awami made up fabricated bs. you have no faith on your own people that you are relying and taking side of Hindus. come on.

If Hindu ever attack our land that it will most likely be people like Al-Zakir will stand with you side by side to fight against aggressor. Not Bharati or Bangladeshi Hindus. Mark my word.

Pakistan government banned shirk impose Boishaki mela and Tagore music. They were right then and will be right again if we do it though I know you will disagree with me. :hitwall:


The whole post is full of fun and jokes.

Aren't you the supporter of jamaati people?? who killed thousands of innocent civilians and after the war its 'leader' run away from BD??? Than the Hindus came to save BD people.

Now you talking about standing side of the BD when Hindus attack BD??!!!! Isn't that very much hypothetical even for a fiction??? :lol: I can better expect India and Pakistan fighting together against USA. lol :lol:

Banning Tagore music and Boishakhi mela??? The same wanted by the extremists. They wants all kind of musics, books and cultural programmes should be banned except religious one. lol

I wish Hasina start war criminal trials on fast track basis. :D
Desiman is a patriot I assume. So what's wrong with placing country over your religion? Different people have different approaches to life. Why don't you RESPECT other people's points of view? Pak's failed to RESPECT us, the "fellow muslim brothers", as equals and see what has happened? Your long post centered on hindu-muslim divide does not portray the ordinary Bangladeshi.

Indo-BD conflict has nothing to do with religion, but it's again a lack of trust and respect from both sides whenever we sit together to sort our problems. Politicians capitalize on the existing problems, invest on the religious bigotry of the ignorant mass and further fuel the mistrust. Aren't you one of those ignorant religious bigot of our country? India has more than it's share of this class of people, but I could care less if they go to hell. We don't want to see extremists and lunatics running lose in BD. I'd be the most happy man on earth if all you muslim and hindu fanatics in our country can exile yourselves to PK or IN respectively and leave my Bangladesh alone. :D

Who is my master? Asim bhai, webmaster or AM...:coffee:

You are happy to see a broken Islamic republic even though you claim to be Muslim. You are a half baked Hindu minded Muslim. If you treat your Muslim identity as second to your national identity then you are a half kafir.

You are not dealing with foot solder rather a General. I know who I am and what I believe to be right. I am not one of those blind Bengali minded double standard Bangladeshi that take donation from middle eastern muslim while curse them on their behind. Same with Pakistan. You find a lot of Bengali minded dogs(Awami) talk alot negetaive about Pakistanis yet do not reject their help whether it is for natural disaster, military assistant or techno field. I despise double standard munafiqs.

You have no ******* idea how the Awami dogs are so why are you prefer awami munafiq over rest? Is it because your hindu masters choice of another Hindu minded party in Bangladesh?
Banning Tagore music and Boishakhi mela.. LOL.. don't counter him dude, I'm actually enjoying it =D

Btw, don't expect too much from Hasina. She acts like a nutcase high on crack. I'm anticipating politicization of the whole war criminals trial tribunal since she pointed her finger at Khaleda.


The whole post is full of fun and jokes.

Aren't you the supporter of jamaati people?? who killed thousands of innocent civilians and after the war its 'leader' run away from BD??? Than the Hindus came to save BD people.

Now you talking about standing side of the BD when Hindus attack BD??!!!! Isn't that very much hypothetical even for a fiction??? :lol: I can better expect India and Pakistan fighting together against USA. lol :lol:

Banning Tagore music and Boishakhi mela??? The same wanted by the extremists. They wants all kind of musics, books and cultural programmes should be banned except religious one. lol

I wish Hasina start war criminal trials on fast track basis. :D
Desiman is a patriot I assume. So what's wrong with placing country over your religion? Different people have different approaches to life. Why don't you RESPECT other people's points of view? Pak's failed to RESPECT us, the "fellow muslim brothers", as equals and see what has happened? Your long post centered on hindu-muslim divide does not portray the ordinary Bangladeshi.

Indo-BD conflict has nothing to do with religion, but it's again a lack of trust and respect from both sides whenever we sit together to sort our problems. Politicians capitalize on the existing problems, invest on the religious bigotry of the ignorant mass and further fuel the mistrust. Aren't you one of those ignorant religious bigot of our country? India has more than it's share of this class of people, but I could care less if they go to hell. We don't want to see extremists and lunatics running lose in BD. I'd be the most happy man on earth if all you muslim and hindu fanatics in our country can exile yourselves to PK or IN respectively and leave my Bangladesh alone. :D

At last ... One post that I read a few times to convince myself that a Bangladeshi has hit the nail on the head. Hope guys like you visit this forum more often and talk sense in to misguided ones. Thank you !
Can't we all agree that South Asian leaders are not fit to be leaders ? :undecided: Just saying because this intense game of "Razakars and Dalals" is getting boring, and is as useless as ever. :lazy:

Please don't include India in your wide reference to South Asia because we still have hope and we have a dozen leaders who are cleaning the rot.

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