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Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history

To surmise this thread of 8 pages till now, bascially any jamaati thug finding themselves at the wrong end of stick of law is basically a victim of rawamy police right ?

They should have been at the receiving end right right after 21stFeb 1971. I will blame his holiness the Father of BD nation for that.. his liberal attitude so as to say.

But moving forward, the law will catch up with the perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity leading upto the liberation war.. Inshallah ..Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem...
are you kidding? if army crackdown will be a big mess.keep army away from this .look bro if the mobs try same act with the army will brassfire .amry has zero tollerence when they get the order
It is time for the Army to step in.
army needs to come to the fore to tame jamaati idiots .. they have instigated enough BD people against their own kin.
OK, eight more people just got killed by AWAMY thuggish/genocidal police. 7 in Pirgonj, Thakorgaon and 1 in Sirajgonj. Strike is being forced by 'Saidee Mukti Parishad' throughout the country and a bloodbath is about to be taken in Laxmipur by POLICE+BGB+AWAMY thugs. Let's pray for the lives of poor BDian's. May Almighty save our people and motherland from the murderous thugs of Bharati stooges, Amen!
Its indian sponsored genocide against Bangladeshi people executed by stooge Awami League regime. People of every walks of live building resistence and india can not wash off its hand soacked with Bangladeshi blood.
BGB insyead of protecting Bangladeshis in border has been used by Awami League regime as genocidal drive. Yesterday, BGB shoot and killed two brothers of in Satkhira district while Awami League genocidal police overwhelmed by peoples resistence.

i think BD jamaats are trying to conspire against hindus :lol:

Indian awami league attempt to use false flagh attack on hindu community and used them as human shield against public outrage is further exposed. Here Jamaat Shibbir stand guard against any false flag awami league attack on hindu temple/mondir in Comilla district.

Indian awami league attempt to use false flagh attack on hindu community and used them as human shield against public outrage is further exposed. Here Jamaat Shibbir stand guard against any false flag awami league attack on hindu temple/mondir in Comilla district.

oh please.. we all know the kind of uncivil language you guys use for hindus.. So stop pretending that you guys care for a second !

seriously, I have never seen you guys condemning the '71 killings nor talk about a balanced view about the ground situation in BD..

The first thing to come out is .. RAW conspiracy by some stretched out logic !

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