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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers







Death beneath large layers of ice, cold, and darkness. What could their families be going through right now? May Allah have mercy on the soldiers and their families.
Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have provision. (169)Jubilant (are they) because of that which Allah hath bestowed upon them of His bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not joined them but are left behind: That there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. (170) They rejoice in a Grace and a Bounty from Allâh, and that Allâh will not waste the reward of the believers. (171)

A new video dedicated to siachen soldiers:pakistan:
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I don't want to be ''that guy'' ....

but you all should forget ''good news'' at this point. If ''good news'' means pulling out survivors -- well then youre wasting time if you think there will be good news.

good to keep faithful and good to believe in miracles.....but God damn it be realistic too, no human body can endure being buried under that much ice and snow for anything more than a few HOURS

weather was not on our side during the first day of rescue/recover efforts and this has already cost us valuable time.....

We should not give up because miracles do happen and we have seen it time and time again when people had been dig out even after weeks. We believe in Allah and our faith is what keeps us strong. If Allah wants them to be alive, no amount of snow can cause harm. Lets have faith and keep searching.
Have you considered the fact that the movement of the avalanche was also Allah's decision?

yes it was but that doesnt means that everybody who comes under is suppose to loose his life ...

Please see AA's post below:

I am sure that the nation will bear this tragedy with dignity, and will never forget these brave men in a few years' time

Yes i have seen this and my same comments for him too then ....
I think Pakistan should take the help of US or any neighboring country for surveillance so that search operations can be made faster .
I think Pakistan should take the help of US or any neighboring country for surveillance so that search operations can be made faster .

We already have. Team from the US had already arrived while Germany and i think team from one more country will come today.
its still a rescue mission unless proved that they are dead for sure

logic says that they are dead, but still no proof

totally agreed brother... Allah has his own logics .... no matter wat ** THE GUYS** say , we still have hope and we are not loosing it so easily ...
I want to go there and take some shots.. can anyone help me any PR ????

yes it was but that doesnt means that everybody who comes under is suppose to loose his life ...

Yes i have seen this and my same comments for him too then ....

The reason I'm saying we shouldn't blindly keep saying all of them would come out alive, like all will be fine so that the nation can be prepared to face the loss of 138 of our finest men.

It might be too hard to bear when it comes suddenly. The rescue efforts are going on and all people should be accounted for, I don't argue that and if we are wrong then good, some lives get saved. This is a massive tragedy and so dilon ko mazboot karna hoga.
This brings to mind a couplet.....

To the Fallen Soldier, who died so we could live,
The way all mankind should, happy and free.
This is not the thread nor the place. Take it somewhere else, and discuss the matter there. And please every one else lets keep the indians out of it. Or they have an excuse to do what they do best. This thread is for updates on the 139 Pakistani soldiers. So lets keep it to that.

Am I offensive in any small way to the 138 trapped? You call for resolution and in this very same thread!
We already have. Team from the US had already arrived while Germany and i think team from one more country will come today.
The team from the US and Germany must have the infrared thermal image seekers/detectors cuz they can Xray down there for anybody still alive.....
Just spoken to Brigadier Atiq at the ISPR......sadly nothing new to report as no recovery has yet been made.
The ISPR website would be updated in next ten minutes.
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