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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

Was the avalanche on a building or on the soldiers out in the open?

Really gutted for this.
RIP to the dead let's pray there is some who make it out of this alive
BBC News - Avalanche buries 100 Pakistani troops in Kashmir

Avalanche buries 100 Pakistani troops in Kashmir
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A Pakistani general says more than 100 troops have been buried by an avalanche in the disputed Kashmir region.

Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told the BBC some bodies had been recovered but could not say how many had survived.

The avalanche hit a military camp near the Siachen glacier in the Karakoram branch of the Himalaya mountains. A rescue operation is underway.

India and Pakistan both claim the area and have deployed thousands of troops.
Long rescue mission

The avalanche struck the base in the Gayari district at about 06:00 local time (01:00 GMT).

The soldiers are from the Northern Light Infantry regiment, trained in mountain operations, including avalanche rescue.

The military says its "priority is to save lives", and helicopters, sniffer dogs and troops have been sent to the area to help with the rescue.

The BBC's Orla Guerin, in Islamabad, says the remote region is a particularly difficult place to launch a rescue mission, but improving weather conditions are expected to help the operation.

Maj Gen Abbas said the avalanche that hit the military camp had been "very massive" and it could take several days to complete the rescue operation, which was unprecedented in scale for such a location.
Siachen glacier The Siachen glacier is in a remote mountain area claimed by both Pakistan and India

He said there had been no communication with any of the missing soldiers.

"It's too early to say how many survived and how many bodies have been recovered," he said.

Although the region is prone to avalanches, the general said, they tend to occur in "forward bases" at higher altitude, where only 10 or 20 troops are located.

The numbers involved in this incident were so high, he said, because avalanches were not expected in the immediate area of the camp that was struck.

An avalanche killed 24 Pakistani troops in 2010 - this is believed to be the heaviest loss of life in a previous such incident until now.

Kashmir has been partitioned between India and Pakistan since 1947.

Failure to agree on the status of the territory by diplomatic means has brought India and Pakistan to war on a number of occasions.

The Siachen glacier is known as the world's highest battlefield, and soldiers have been deployed at elevations of up to 6,700m (22,000 feet).

However, more soldiers have died from the harsh weather conditions there than in combat.
May the brave soldiers rest in peace, and get just rewards for giving their all in the line of duty, for they embraced martyrdom while protecting their homeland.
Such a tragedy. Victims of a senseless dispute. May GOD help them. How many more have to die before the two govt's realize the futility of continuing with this conflict?
India should definetly at least offer to help. There is a QRT of the HAWS located not too far from Sachin always ready to respond to such incidents these incidents are their bread and butter and they are self contained units with the equipment and supplies they need ready to be deployed by helo. Wonder if assistance has been offered like during Kashmir earthquake?
RIP those that have died. Lets pray the rest come out safe.
I have just spoke to a friend of mine from DG ISPR - apparantly NO bodies have been pulled out so far and according to my friend a total of 117 soldiers are missing. There is an on going rescue operation in place and they are desperately trying to reach them before dark sets in.
Will keep you informed guys......
I have just spoke to a friend of mine from DG ISPR - apparantly NO bodies have been pulled out so far
Pakistan avalanche: rescuers recover soldiers' bodies | World news | guardian.co.uk
"Rescuers have recovered a number of bodies after an avalanche hit a Pakistani army base in the disputed Kashmir region, burying up to 150 soldiers. Helicopters, sniffer dogs and troops have been deployed to the remote Siachen Glacier on the Indian border in the Himalayas, according to the Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas. Military and television reports from Pakistan suggested between 100 and 150 soldiers were buried. The local Urdu TV channel, News 5, quoted unidentified army sources as saying that at least 30 soldiers were killed in the avalanche, but there was no official confirmation of that figure."]Rescuers have recovered a number of bodies after an avalanche hit a Pakistani army base in the disputed Kashmir region, burying up to 150 soldiers. Helicopters, sniffer dogs and troops have been deployed to the remote Siachen Glacier on the Indian border in the Himalayas, according to the Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas. Military and television reports from Pakistan suggested between 100 and 150 soldiers were buried. The local Urdu TV channel, News 5, quoted unidentified army sources as saying that at least 30 soldiers were killed in the avalanche, but there was no official confirmation of that figure.
RIP to the dead.
Dead Bodies of more than a dozen soldiers have been recovered from Siachin..!!!

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
I have just spoke to a friend of mine from DG ISPR - apparantly NO bodies have been pulled out so far and according to my friend a total of 117 soldiers are missing. There is an on going rescue operation in place and they are desperately trying to reach them before dark sets in.
Will keep you informed guys......

No bodies have been pulled out so far??? Thats really sad.... May Allah help the rescue teams..
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