Ba Dena plus mufaqam wali hanooz saipa X200 bazar ro kamilan nemitona bagerah X300 hanooz zooda Amma ennkhodro khooba
but not this
Yes we need replacements for Saipa pride and Our mehran aka Boss.
In iran actually there's another issue that is if a foreign carmakers starts to produce cars taxes are insane as compare to the local ones example is kia cerato now price for this car is insane 100 mill tommans and that to for an old shape now we all know prices for dena,samand are good as comp to cerato now see for example tondar an auto tondar local manf costs between 44 45 mil tomman where as an imported new shape aka renault symbol is bw 64 65 mill tomman see this is the prob in iran if Govt starts to treat every company equally then there will be true competition and ordinary people can enjoy there rides.
but I guess platform is of samand