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Authorities Seal Several Murree Hotels For Jacking Up Room Rent !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

So far 16 Hotels in Murree have been sealed and other culprits capitalising on the calamity have been captured.

But why? There is nothing illegal against hiking the price of luxury items in high demand. What law did they break? They are part of a morally bankrupt nation, did they arrest any drivers who blocked the traffic by going on the wrong side of the road? They broke the law! This is what happens after every tragedy, Admin swings into action like a headless chicken doing random illogical things just to show that there is some government.

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So far 16 Hotels in Murree have been sealed and other culprits capitalising on the calamity have been captured.

I can demand 100,000 per room and it's up to the customer to agree or not. Notiing wrong in that.
We tend to forget that we don't live in socialist era/Bhutto era anymore. This is capitalism. It's all about demand and supply.
Due to judiciary/police/bureaucracy inefficient we face shortage of schools, hospital, hotel, tourism spots etc.
The solution is to have more of everything due to our population expanding more then ever, and make the process of acheiving it easy.
There should be criminal charges against these mofos.
Sadly this has always been the case, we are fortunate that a family member has a small house near to Nathia Gali that we can use when on holiday, but friends told me that even before the snowfall the rates were 15,000 for 2 bed occupancy room.

During snowfall we have seen evidence of receipts for rooms (double occupancy) 25,000/30,000. For comparison, the price of a room at Marriott Islamabad is 36,000. This is completely unacceptable and just goes to show there are no checks and balances.

A dear friend opened his summer house and loaned it to RMC for their staff to sleep in whilst they were clearing the snow, there are many such houses and hotels laying empty, the locals SHOULD have opened their doors to the suffering citizens the moment they discovered there are blizzard like conditions outside.

Unbridled greed and apathy at the human condition is what drives this indignant behaviour. I hope even more hotels get sealed and a list is being complied of those who will have criminal charges brought up against them.
Shall remember Jamal Lodge 😁
Sadly this has always been the case, we are fortunate that a family member has a small house near to Nathia Gali that we can use when on holiday, but friends told me that even before the snowfall the rates were 15,000 for 2 bed occupancy room.

During snowfall we have seen evidence of receipts for rooms (double occupancy) 25,000/30,000. For comparison, the price of a room at Marriott Islamabad is 36,000. This is completely unacceptable and just goes to show there are no checks and balances.

A dear friend opened his summer house and loaned it to RMC for their staff to sleep in whilst they were clearing the snow, there are many such houses and hotels laying empty, the locals SHOULD have opened their doors to the suffering citizens the moment they discovered there are blizzard like conditions outside.

Unbridled greed and apathy at the human condition is what drives this indignant behaviour. I hope even more hotels get sealed and a list is being complied of those who will have criminal charges brought up against them.
You were lucky and saved from this huge plight.
I opened a blog few days back. Some people contended I am exaggerating.

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But why? There is nothing illegal against hiking the price of luxury items in high demand. What law did they break? They are part of a morally bankrupt nation, did they arrest any drivers who blocked the traffic by going on the wrong side of the road? They broke the law! This is what happens after every tragedy, Admin swings into action like a headless chicken doing random illogical things just to show that there is some government.

yes you are right to say so but try to differentiate between a calamity and a general season hype.

everybody took part in loot from a boiled egg seller who sold it for 200-300, car pullers who demand 15K from the people stuck deep in snow, the hotels who increased their rates what else.

they all did this after looking at the situation of the miserable people asking for help or shelter.

there are incidents heard of where some people gave their places for affected people to take shelter.

we all remember the earthquake in 2005 where we saw people went from all over the country just to help affected. i know a group of people from Lahore (few young men) who went there and just pull the dead out of rubble and bury them hence everybody help the way they could.
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