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Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'

haha, who gives a shit about kangaroo?

nobody in china talks about Australia, but Australian live in the fear being invaded by china, in another word, china lives in Australian's head, rent free :rofl:
Dude, obviously you do.

I said it twice to you now, and 3 times to the other people.

We don't care what you see us, you can call us thief, call us liar, call us murderer or rapist, I don't care, I mean I am not a 5 year old girls sitting in a sand pit and get mad when other 5 years old girl call me fat or call me 2 mums. But apparently, this sounded like something you can't stand when we call the Chinese "Aggressive"

It's more like Australian live in Chinese head rent free from where I am seeing

Actually, they can regenerate it's called neurogenesis
neurogenesis general neuron and nerve tissue, technically it is true for white matters, but that's in itself is debatable,
Which comment, can we make our own judgement for it as well?
Well, he issued a subtle threat to basically kill my family. I gave him chance to back down, but instead he double down.
Dude, obviously you do.

I said it twice to you now, and 3 times to the other people.

We don't care what you see us, you can call us thief, call us liar, call us murderer or rapist, I don't care, I mean I am not a 5 year old girls sitting in a sand pit and get mad when other 5 years old girl call me fat or call me 2 mums. But apparently, this sounded like something you can't stand when we call the Chinese "Aggressive"

It's more like Australian live in Chinese head rent free from where I am seeing

neurogenesis general neuron and nerve tissue, technically it is true for white matters, but that's in itself is debatable,

Bullshit, :rofl: where do u see I give a shit about u pathetic

The op wrote a post on paranoia kangaroos, and the kangaroo take a break from murdering afghan civilians but commit verbal diarrhea here proves his point
I didn’t see that, that’s why I asked for the specific quote.
He keeps baselessly calling me a Wumao, so I told him how about we jinx ourselves and whoever gets paid to post in PDF should have their family all died, if I got paid to post here this will happen to my whole family, if he gets paid to post here the same will happen to his, and he lost his marbles and reported me threatening his family.
Anyway I got a warning from a Mod and will refrain from doing this again.
Bullshit, :rofl: where do u see I give a shit about u pathetic

The op wrote a post on paranoia kangaroos, and the kangaroo take a break from murdering afghan civilians but commit verbal diarrhea here proves his point
Where do I see you give a shit? How about you keep coming back to this post and keep engaging with me?

If you really don't care, then don't reply to the post dude.

Beijingwalker should do what I done long long time ago.

I threw jhungary to where the sun and moon never shine as his pukes and rants totally obnoxious as his selective thinking process.

The cockroaches feasting on used toilet tissues will be entertained there by that creep

He keeps baselessly calling me a Wumao, so I told him how about we jinx ourselves and whoever gets paid to post in PDF should have their family all died, if I got paid to post here this will happen to my whole family, if he gets paid to post here the same will happen to his, and he lost his marbles and reported me threatening his family.
Anyway I got a warning from a Mod and will refrain from doing this again.

I didn’t see that, that’s why I asked for the specific quote.
Above is his explanation.

In case you are wondering, that is NOT ALL HE SAID, he said a bit more than his post (above) and that's lead to the mod giving him a warning and said he is out of line. I am pretty sure if it is what he said above the mod will not intervene, which mean there are more to it (And it is more) I can show you the screen shot I took to report him if the mod allows but most likely not cool to the mod.

So, I will just leave it at that.
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If our country really occupied the whole of Australia, it would be quite good. Australians are very cruel and enjoy to kill. According to media reports, Australians deliberately slaughtered local Muslims in Afghanistan and competed with each other to kill more people. I suggest that if Australia dares to fight with Allied with the United States to invade our territory, our country should occupy Australia. Then it opened up to African, Asian and Latin American immigrants. Each immigrant can buy Australian citizenship for $300,000.
Australia should show some faith in QUAD....
This is a troll post.

The OP "Opinion Poll" was from an unnamed "Australian Institute", and it first broke on Crikey! (A tabloid). This is a troll post to draw people in. Much like most of OP's post.

If you think of this post too seriously then you had already lost.

Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'​

By Richard Wood • Senior Journalist
12:48pm Aug 22, 2022

More Australians fear China will attack Australia than Taiwanese believe China will attack Taiwan, the results of a think tank survey published today has revealed.

The results, described as "astounding", are partly due to the "drums of war" rhetoric repeated by some political figures, analysts say.

The Australia Institute polled two groups of 1000 people, one each in Australia and Taiwan, during this month's tensions in the Taiwan Strait after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governing island.

Almost one in 10 Australians believed an invasion will come "soon", compared with one in 20 Taiwanese.

Beijing was enraged by Pelosi's visit and responded by high-profile military exercises, including the test firing of ballistic missiles and extensive naval drills close to Taiwan.

The polling found slightly more Australians (85 per cent) than Taiwanese (80 per cent) regarded China as aggressive.

And nearly double the number of Australian men (49 per cent) as women (26 per cent) thought the nation will be prepared for armed conflict if China threatened Australia with a military strike.

But the majority of Australians and Taiwanese surveyed believe it's in the general interest for the US and China to collaborate in keeping the peace.

The institute's director of international and security affairs program, Allan Behm, said the results "astounding".
And he said the survey showed "fearmongering" has impacted Australian public opinion.

"The more that the anti-China lobby beats the drums of war, the more afraid of China Australians become.

"This research indicates that the rhetoric on China and the fearmongering around the a risk of war has had an impact on public opinion."

"It is astonishing that Australians are more afraid of an attack from China than the Taiwanese are."

Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory - even though the Chinese Communist Party has never governed the island.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to pursue "reunification" with Taiwan by peaceful means.

Behm said the survey results showed the need for a reset of Canberra-Beijing relations.

In the aftermath of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the Australian government reaffirmed its commitment to the one-China policy but warned of potential 'miscalculations.

China's ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian, speaking to the National Press Club earlier this month, insisted there was no compromise on Taiwan, and that his nation's 1.4 billion citizens would decide its future.

pathetic kangaroos :rofl: they do enjoy going to Afghanistan, kill and rape civilians there though

just search youtube kangaroo heros in uniforms in afghan
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