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Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'

A poll is a poll, first it can be done by anybody, second, it can be done with any purpose.

Did it mention how China will invade? Where they will be invading? When are they invading? If not, then there are nothing defence related on that.
Military defence poll from around world is welcome here in PDF, we see many of them posted before, post porns here and see what will happen to you.

Australia Institute reveals Australians are more scared of China than the Taiwanese​


As tensions build between China and other parts of the world, new data reveals Australians fear the east Asian country more than their Taiwanese counterparts, despite their close proximity.
Research by the Australia Institute (AI) compared the two nations’ feelings towards China in regards to the country’s aggressiveness, likelihood to attack and whether each nation believes they’re ready to go to war with China, among other areas of inquiry.

The results were obtained via two surveys commissioned by the AI between August 13 and 16 this year, just over a week after US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan.

Participants of the study included 1003 adult Australians and 1002 adult Taiwanese.

The AI’s international and security affairs program director Allan Behm said the surveys were conducted to see if the Taiwanese and Australian viewpoints towards China changed post Ms Pelosi’s controversial visit.

“We’ve done one of these surveys before … so we were just interested in seeing whether after the Pelosi visit, the comparative attitudes of Taiwanese and Australians changed,” Mr Behm told news.com.au.

But to the former senior foreign affairs, attorney-general and defence official’s surprise, Australians continue to remain more scared of China than the Taiwanese.

“I was actually hoping that Australians were less frightened of China after a change of government but it would appear that we’re just as frightened as we used to be, and still much more frightened than the Taiwanese who actually live right next door,” Mr Behm said.

Key findings

Australians believe there’s a higher chance China will attack their country opposed to the number of Taiwanese who think China will strike Taiwan.

There’s a 3 per cent rise in the number of Australians who think China will launch an attack on the country soon, in comparison to last year’s results.

Meanwhile, 85 per cent of Australians regard China as aggressive compared to 80 per cent of Taiwanese giving their neighbours the same term.

And a quarter of Australian participants believe China will attack Taiwan soon, while just 5 per cent of Taiwanese think China, which shares their maritime boundary, will soon attack Taiwan.

While Mr Behm made it clear that he doesn’t blame the media, he said news sources, social media and the former government’s views could be the reason why Australians are so fearful of the Asian country.

“I think it’s a tribute to the power of the Australian media, and that’s reflecting the megaphone diplomacy of the previous government really, in sort of trumpeting fear of China and the public pick it up and say, ‘Well, if the government thinks that we should be afraid of it, then let’s be afraid of it,’” he said.

However, in Taiwan, Mr Behm thinks the attitude is different due to their understanding of Chinese culture and historic ties with the country, as the Taiwanese know how China’s society and government operates.

“(The Taiwanese) don’t see themselves as a separate sovereign nation because they’re not, but they do understand themselves to be part of that long sweep of Chinese historical culture, and so I think because of that they have a much better understanding of how things are done,” he said.

The data also revealed that men and women have a varied attitude towards China, with 28 per cent of Australian men saying the country would successfully win a war against the Republic of China (PRC), compared to just 14 per cent of women.

“The men are all up there chest thumping, believing that you know, we could win a war,” Mr Behm said. “But the women are very, much more sceptical … and I reckon women know a hell of a lot more about the consequences.”

There’s also a contrast in attitudes between older and younger Australian survey respondents, with those older than 40 years old having more faith in Australia defending itself against China without international assistance compared to those younger than 39 years old.

While the AI didn’t test why this skew in results occurred, Mr Behm made a logical guess that it could do with the younger generation having a higher chance of being conscripted to fight in a war, compared to the older generation.

“Young men and women are probably thinking, ‘I’m worried about this because it could impact my life’, whereas older people think ‘I find it difficult to get out of bed … I’m not going to get called up’,” he said.

Google search queries skyrocket

Outside the survey, Australians appear to generally be more fearful of China and the aspect of a war, with Google search results for the phrase “will China invade Australia 2022” recording a tremendous increase in searches across Australia in the last 12 months.

Additionally, the search term “Taiwan war” was at peak popularity among Australian Google searches between July 31 and August 6, which was around the time Ms Pelosi visited the region, perhaps indicating Aussies are becoming more conscious of the possibility of a war.

Google Trend results also show those living in NSW, Victoria and Queensland appear to be more fearful about the prospect of a war with China, which the results from the AI study also reflect.

Overcoming Australia’s biggest fear

Mr Behm said both parties could take a number of actions to reduce Australians’ fear of China.

The AI director suggested the PRC could start with its government reintroducing Australian correspondent positions to help the two countries communicate.

Rather from an Australian point of view, Mr Behm recommended that Australians put more effort into “understanding our neighbours” better.

This could be through learning a language, appreciating aspects of the Asian culture and to generally become more engaged with the world we inhabit.

“Getting to know (a country) through language is the big window into another society,” Mr Behm said.

The AI is looking at conducting another survey in a year’s time to see whether Australia’s attitude towards China will change under the Albanese Government.

Originally published as ‘We’re just as frightened as we used to be’: Aussies grow weary of China relations

Western media also tells their subjects that China locks up millions of Uyghurs in camps, they have satellite images to prove it, and Chinese government sterilizes Uyghur women, harvests their organs, takes away their children, sends Han Chinese men to sleep with Uyghur women at night, forces them to work in cotton fields...

And western subjects just take all these crazy reports at face value. They never use their noodles to think if these things happened to them and their women, would they just sit around and do nothing? China enlists many Uyghurs in its army and they are all heavily armed, most police in Xinjiang are also Uyghurs and they also have access to light weapons, but why there is not even one Uighur soldier or a police officer turns their guns on the government? Didn't people have some doubt that something just doesn't seem to add up right there?
What’s ironic is that what they are accusing the Chinese have been doing, they have done themselves to their aboriginal and native population. It’s like they feel like they can sleep easier at night if they believe there is someone else worse than them out there. This the the psychopathy of a guilt driven culture.
Military defence poll from around world is welcome here in PDF, we see many of them posted before, post porns here and see what will happen to you.
poll to p0rn, not p0rn itself.

Also, what you consider as p0rn is not the same as what I consider as p0rn.

And this is not a military defence poll, just saying it does not make it so. This is a poll from an unnamed "Australian Institute" you can literally be the person who did this poll, and we would not have any idea about.
. .
Yes, insecure

If you care so much about a little poll who we don't know who they are polling from. And care about that result so much you have to open a thread and talk about it and have to "right the wrong" .

If that is not insecure, then I don't know what is....
Typical anti-China haters tactics, They lies, they are insecure, they create the problem, they stir up the tension but they will claim its all created by China. LOL..

Like they send a P-3 martitme patrol aircraft or warship very near Chinese coast but they will shout its China threatening Australia.. :rofl:

Just becos you got a louder media and a troll of paid clown, doesnt make u right.
It’s all about perception my friend.
China supports Russia invasion of Ukraine. You support Russia war narrative: Nato is the root cause.
Olaf Scholz, Germany gov chief, told Putin just days before invasion Ukraine would not enter Nato for at least 30 years from now.
Putin is exposed as liar.
Xi is exposed as liar.
Yeah, you Viet go suck up to your West white masters by bashing China and Russia all the time so you'll be rewarded with 1000 Euros/month or the sort.
Typical anti-China haters tactics, They lies, they are insecure, they create the problem, they stir up the tension but they will claim its all created by China. LOL..

Like they send a P-3 martitme patrol aircraft or warship very near Chinese coast but they will shout its China threatening Australia.. :rofl:

Just becos you got a louder media and a troll of paid clown, doesnt make u right.
For the last time, I don't care what you think of us, but it seems like you care a lot whether or not we think you are insecure or aggressive.

Your opinion worth <====> this much to me and average Australian, you can go back to your crying,
For the last time, I don't care what you think of us, but it seems like you care a lot whether or not we think you are insecure or aggressive.

Your opinion worth <====> this much to me and average Australian, you can go back to your crying,
You think I care, just want the world to see the ugly of people like u and Australia politics. How these colonizer mentality in the 21th century still exists. And how these warmonger send warships and warplane near other coast but claim victims. :lol:
You think I care, just want the world to see the ugly of people like u and Australia politics. How these colonizer mentality in the 21th century still exists. And how these warmongers send warships and warplane near other coast but claim victims. :lol:
If you don't care, why go on and on and on about it for over 4 posts?

I have already said to you I don't care what you think of us like 3 times already, how many time do I have to response for you to say you care? 10?
. . .
This shows how much constant bombardment of obnoxious lies based western media can damage healthy brain cells.

You see, Anglo reached today’s position by invading everyone and everywhere in the world. That’s why they have an innate fear of being invaded as well, however removed from reality that maybe.
. .
Did China fight any war last 40 years? Who did then?

Oops, forgot Kangaroos sent troops to afghan to kill and rape local civilians? No?
lol, am I supposed to get mad at this??

You people have some issue, again, this is the 4th time I said that first time to you, I REALLY don't care how you people see us, but apparently you people have a thing on how we see you.

Let me remind you again, international politics is not 5 years old on a playground play date. It's not like you got mad when someone call you fat. Ony idiots care about how they were seen by others. I mean sure, you call us killer and rapist, does that mean we will stop doing what we were doing and looking at ourselves and think "Hey you know what? These Chinese were right...maybe we should change and embrace China."

It's honestly pretty dumb to think like that. I mean, if you don't want to be seen as arsehole, maybe you really should stop acting like 5 years old on a playground play date. Stop caring how people think of you people and "Demand" change.

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