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Australians delivering Prophet's (P.B.U.H) message.

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Muslims have much to be proud of. A few weeks back I was thinking about duas. There is literally a dua for each and everything There is a dua for sleep, headaches, opening your ears. You just need to know the right dua for the right occassion. It is true that Islam is an entire way of life.
Respectfully, duas (supplications) are just a part of the full spectrum and are signifcant in personal life only...Normally what is meant by Islam as an entire way/lifestyle for living the life is that it provides clear instructions and/or guidelines with examples for each and every person, for all the aspects of life and for all the times/roles. Whether one is a governor or a pauper, man or a woman, student or a teacher....you will be provided guidelines so that our social interactions can be streamlined and the society is a peaceful and friendly place to live. We normally stress more on supplications and worship parts more while forgetting the even more important aspects of human interactions and dealings...For example....we have a lot hajis and in our country and many of them earned the ticket for hajj through corruption and bribing ....and people respect them....a person will a beard is considered to be holy and respectable by some regardless of his character and even the contrary is true too that the so called liberal will hate a religious regardless how tolerant, peaceful and kind hearted he is.....so let's focus on the fundamentals first and then go towards embellishments. I hope I made my point clear.
Are we (muslims) are idiots or we are not studying our Religion Islam by our self if a non muslim quote about our Religion when we knows about our religion???

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