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Australian teenager jailed for stabbing to death Indian student

Sad story. Racist attacks happen all over the world, it is wrong to blame Australia specifically.
Fact is Indians are safer living in China and going to university in China than in Anglo countries like Australia. They would probably get a better opportunities learning about China than Australia, since future trade between India and China will most like be the biggest in the world. They wouldn't be financially robbed like they are in Australia too. In the US, they would probably be robbed. In the UK, they would be called derogatory names like ****, etc. Canada is a mixed bag.

Makes me wonder why Indian like Anglos so much.

why coz they move to Australia? well guess what, more Chinese move to Australia than Indians
therefore you Chinese love anglos more!!!
considering the nature of the crime, he should have gotten worse punishment........he was old enough to know the seriousness of inflicting harm on someone else in broad daylight, which in this case resulted in murder --whether it was pre-meditated or even whether it was accidental it doesnt matter

australia needs to get serious in tackling these criminals

and the indians should also learn about integrating properly and not being idiots by making themselves easy targets
Man I live in Melbourne and I see and hear about attacks against Indians all the time.

I don't even know why you bother to lie. You aren't gaining anything personally, all you stand to gain is ruining the reputation of a country that has been nice enough to take you in.

I also live in Melbourne and what you are saying is crap.

Whether on the streets, train stations and especially taxi drivers, they are always abused and harassed.

It's got nothing to do with the fact that they are "indian" the news rarely mentions what nationality they are anyway. Attacks on taxi drivers are common and it isn't based on nationality they are.

So please stop white washing and pretending as if this is an isolated incident, because it is not.

How about you stop trying to claim that every crime committed against someone with an east asian apperance is a "racist attack" against an Indian?

You are just speaking garbage and making broad generilizations

Actually I don't know where you get your statistics but the number of student visas from India has drastically been reduced last few years.

Yes, because of the lies the Indian Media told and the mass panic they caused with their fake stories.

Indian student levels may have dropped, but students from China, malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistani have taken their spots.

I never made any generalisations, I just said Indians are disproportionately targeted in attacks by white Australians, and this is a fact.

You just made 2 generalizations in that sentence alone. You are claiming that all crime comitted against Indian people is done by white people and that only Indians have crime committed against them and above in you try to pretend that anyoen with a south asian appearence who has crime committed against them is an Indian and it's a racist attack.

Do you even read what you write? You just spew out all these outlandish comments with no facts or figures and just make huge incorrect generalizations.

If you are actually in Melbourne (which i highly doubt considering the misinformation you are spewing) i highly recommend you leave and go back to the country you came from as obviously you aren't happy with Australia as far as to spew lies constantly.
i dont want to take away the momentum from the current topic but wasnt there a case of an indian man setting himself and his car on fire while claiming to be a victim of hate-crime attack?

best way for indians to get revenge is to just stop sending students there then.....perhaps police should increase patrolling in ceartain areas
i dont want to take away the momentum from the current topic but wasnt there a case of an indian man setting himself and his car on fire while claiming to be a victim of hate-crime attack?

best way for indians to get revenge is to just stop sending students there then.....perhaps police should increase patrolling in ceartain areas

the man tried to set his car alight trying to scam insurance company, but he also burnt himself! He never claimed it was a rascist attack!

just another indian.

btw, australia is the most racist english speaking country.
not all australian whites are racists, but most racists seem to be australian whites.
i dont want to take away the momentum from the current topic but wasnt there a case of an indian man setting himself and his car on fire while claiming to be a victim of hate-crime attack?

Yep, just one example of an Indian claiming fake "racist attacks"

- There was an Indian man who was found dead on the side of the road in a barrel. His Indian friends and the Indian media screamed "racist attack" and then it was found that his Indian friends had killed him

- An Indian man working at a convenience stabbed himself and then claimed he had been racially attacked by a group of people. This lie was exposed, but as usual the Indian media went on one of their huge rants.

best way for indians to get revenge is to just stop sending students there then.....perhaps police should increase patrolling in ceartain areas

But there isn't any "racist" attacks happening and Indian students aren't being targetted? It was an invented story after the guy in the news story was killed in a robbery which had nothing to do with his race.

the man tried to set his car alight trying to scam insurance company, but he also burnt himself! He never claimed it was a rascist attack!


He and the Indian Media did. It was posted on this forum aswell where the whole Indian membership screamed "Racism!" The guy who burned himself claimed that a gang of "white" people came down the street and set him on fire. This was later proven not true.

just another indian.

btw, australia is the most racist english speaking country.
not all australian whites are racists, but most racists seem to be australian whites.

Another crappy generalization. Keep your anti white racism to yourself.
there were targetted attacks taking place as well --not all of them were "fake encounters"

strangely enough, I heard it was mostly Australian-born Syrian and Lebanese immigrants doing the attacking
just another indian.

btw, australia is the most racist english speaking country.
not all australian whites are racists, but most racists seem to be australian whites.
For personal experiences maybe you said a truth.Personal experiences make real senses,just follow the feeling of yourself,it's harmless.
we keep talking about racism and all; South Asians are as much (if not more) racist
It's rather natural that people from different races discriminate each other when they meet togather.
there were targetted attacks taking place as well --not all of them were "fake encounters"

There wasn't. It was an invented story by the Indian Media which used stories of random every day crime to create a story that Indian students were being targetted.

They pretended as if there was some gang going around bashing Indians.

It was all a fairy tale.

strangely enough, I heard it was mostly Australian-born Syrian and Lebanese immigrants doing the attacking

The lebanese don't like Indians and there has been a few encounters between them in Melbourne, especially during this whole "Racist attack" story, but still the whole thing was blown over bored and it had nothing to do with race. There was no racist attacks.
Glad to see the justice done. Good that the criminal thug is where he belongs.

The media made it more sensational than it should have been.
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