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Australian teenager jailed for stabbing to death Indian student


Jun 23, 2011
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An Australian teenager who fatally stabbed an Indian student has been sentenced to at least eight years in jail.

The 17-year-old, whose identity was suppressed by the court because he is a minor, pleaded guilty in April to the murder and attempted armed robbery of 21-year-old Nitin Garg. Garg was killed last year while walking through a park in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city.

The killing came amid a string of attacks in late 2009 and early 2010 against Indian students in Melbourne. The violence received widespread publicity in India, with some news outlets there claiming the attacks were racially motivated.

At the time, Australian police said race was a factor in some of the assaults, but many were ordinary crimes. Police said the attempted theft of Garg's mobile phone rather than race was the motivation behind Garg's killing.

Victoria state supreme court justice Paul Coghlan sentenced the teenager to 13 years in jail, with a non-parole period of eight years. He could have received up to life in prison.

"In circumstances such as these there are just no winners," Coghlan said. "Although this was a very serious crime, it was committed spontaneously. It should be noted, however, that you chose to arm yourself and did a great deal to avoid apprehension for your crime."

Glad to see justice being done
Very typical in Australia, people here are very racist against Indians. I think this is because Indians are seen as easy preys or something because I don't see this level of hate crimes against other Asians.
Fact is Indians are safer living in China and going to university in China than in Anglo countries like Australia. They would probably get a better opportunities learning about China than Australia, since future trade between India and China will most like be the biggest in the world. They wouldn't be financially robbed like they are in Australia too. In the US, they would probably be robbed. In the UK, they would be called derogatory names like ****, etc. Canada is a mixed bag.

Makes me wonder why Indian like Anglos so much.
Fact is Indians are safer living in China and going to university in China than in Anglo countries like Australia. They would probably get a better opportunities learning about China than Australia, since future trade between India and China will most like be the biggest in the world. They wouldn't be financially robbed like they are in Australia too. In the US, they would probably be robbed. In the UK, they would be called derogatory names like ****, etc. Canada is a mixed bag.

Makes me wonder why Indian like Anglos so much.

You guys are so unbelievable ...who said Indians like anglo very much?? We dont hate them or like them its just business and why India is getting close to West is cause of you guys alone.
This is why we must be wary of white english speakers interfering in our neighbourhood.
Very typical in Australia, people here are very racist against Indians. I think this is because Indians are seen as easy preys or something because I don't see this level of hate crimes against other Asians.

First of all every Australasian is not racist the generalization is a sign of racist comment.

Indians are not at all easy prey. Its just the media which makes all the things.

The number of Indians visiting Australia is in hundred thousands and thousands are immigrating there.

It is said that under the govt. of a pro china Australian prime minister and a strategy of china some attacks have happen on Indian.
First of all every Australasian is not racist the generalization is a sign of racist comment.

Indians are not at all easy prey. Its just the media which makes all the things.

The number of Indians visiting Australia is in hundred thousands and thousands are immigrating there.

It is said that under the govt. of a pro china Australian prime minister and a strategy of china some attacks have happen on Indian.

you are blaming China for these crime.. ?! so, which country should we blame for the countless Chinese american got killed/ beaten to death by some jobless africans ad hispanic?? Iceland maybe.. because Iceland and China doesnt get along and Iceland and the US are friends, so the US media makes all the things to encourage it, is that it.. ?!
Very typical in Australia, people here are very racist against Indians. I think this is because Indians are seen as easy preys or something because I don't see this level of hate crimes against other Asians.

So are they racist or opportunist attacks you just answered that your self and very typical?i dont go out and see Indians getting stabbed very often(Never)so it cant be that typical.
It's great this news story has come out, as it can finally put to rest this story of fake "racist" attacks against Indian students in Melbourne. Racism wasn't involved in the attack, and i rememeber saying people shouldn't jump to conclusions.

This is the incident that caused the whole fake "Racist" rampage the Indian media went on 2 years go.

I wonder if the Indian Media and Indian Government will now apologize?

This is why we must be wary of white english speakers interfering in our neighbourhood.

The teenager was of middle eastern descent. How embarrasing for you.

Go take your anti-white crap else where kid.

Very typical in Australia, people here are very racist against Indians. I think this is because Indians are seen as easy preys or something because I don't see this level of hate crimes against other Asians.

You obviously didn't read the news story or are just simply trolling.
It wasn't a racist attack. It was a random crime.

Try reading things before opening your mouth and saying something stupid.
First of all every Australasian is not racist the generalization is a sign of racist comment.

Indians are not at all easy prey. Its just the media which makes all the things.

The number of Indians visiting Australia is in hundred thousands and thousands are immigrating there.

It is said that under the govt. of a pro china Australian prime minister and a strategy of china some attacks have happen on Indian.

Thank you. You are spot on.

Crime is random, it happens to anyone. The Indian student was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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