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Australia: We can’t rely on US military might, and our own is a joke

You seem to have the comedy market cornered, so I wouldn't stand much of a chance.

China has two carriers that can reliably get to Australia and do any air operations you please and it's going to have many more soon. China's SSNs are now at the cutting edge (and if they weren't, they sure are now with Russian assistance).

Which two carriers would that be?

Neither of the current 2 Chinese aircraft carriers have demonstrated being able to sail anymore than 500 miles from the Chinese coast as of yet.

Say they do, then they can only carry a maximum of 60 aircraft in total and so around 50 J-15s. How long will they be able to maintain flight ops, so far from home?

Australia airforce currently has 24 F-18E/F, 45 F-35A and 6 E7A AWACS.

If those carriers and their escorts somehow get into position near Australia they will almost certainly be sunk by the Austrlians.

Wait till you get those 2 larger carriers before making threats as currently the PLAN stands no chance of threatening Australia.
Do Chinese nuclear subs have the capability to hit undersea mountains? it should be a golden standard adopted by US subs by now.

I think the dude I replied to was not mad enough to imply a nuclear strike on Australia.

He said that China could defeat Australia in 24 hours and there is no way the current Chinese Navy could land in Australia as it does not have sufficient air power on their carriers to be able to provide cover for landing forces.

China should be able to it by circa 2030 when it has two far larger carriers and more capable carriers, but then it may also face the USN joining with Australia to defend the country.
There are lots of different ways to destroy a nation. China does not have to send its navy to "destroy" Australia in 24 hours.

It could launch a "Missile Campaign" that aims to degrade Australia's military. Dozens of hypersonic missiles targeting the bases RAN and RAAF. China could lauch hundres of them at different targets in Australia.

For example China's long range bomber H-6K can bomb targets 3000 km away. The H-6K has a range of about 6000 km. Since they are now armed with hypersonic weapons they can destroy targets 3000 km away in only minutes.

They could devastate Australia's fighting capability even before a war gets fully underway. The H-6k is not the most advanced long range strategic bomber out there. Dont get me wrong. For example it is neither stealth or really that fast. The most important thing is that it can carry longe range stand off weapon's. Each H-6K can carry atleast 6 missiles. It is also capable of being refueled mid-air.

It can launch its missiles from a safe zone and "wipe out" RAN and RAAF bases across Australia.

Below you can see the range of H-6K from Hainan Province:

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I have no idea who wants to invade Australia. It is Australia who wants to attack China. Wake up numb numb

you already did invade Australia economically, creating big dependency on your country.....and when Aussie government realised and reacted, you started threatening ...... take a look at various articles of your CCP mouthpiece.

Who in Australia you are quoting regarding invading China?
you already did invade Australia economically, creating big dependency on your country.....and when Aussie government realised and reacted, you started threatening ...... take a look at various articles of your CCP mouthpiece.

Who in Australia you are quoting regarding invading China?
Wow, that's a great way of creating a new definition. So there are McDs and Cokes in China, US invaded us? We trade with US and to some extent export alot to US, so we were invaded by US?

We started threatening or protesting? Openly joining an alliance which only role is to. Contain China while milking from our market? Dude, you guys are serious psychopaths. Same like killing abos, you justify it as reducing human disease right? Sick ppl

you already did invade Australia economically, creating big dependency on your country.....and when Aussie government realised and reacted, you started threatening ...... take a look at various articles of your CCP mouthpiece.

Who in Australia you are quoting regarding invading China?
Wow, that's a great way of creating a new definition. So there are McDs and Cokes in China, US invaded us? We trade with US and to some extent export alot to US, so we were invaded by US?

We started threatening or protesting? Openly joining an alliance which only role is to. Contain China while milking from our market? Dude, you guys are serious psychopaths. Same like killing abos, you justify it as reducing human disease right? Sick ppl
Wow, that's a great way of creating a new definition. So there are McDs and Cokes in China, US invaded us? We trade with US and to some extent export alot to US, so we were invaded by US?

We started threatening or protesting? Openly joining an alliance which only role is to. Contain China while milking from our market? Dude, you guys are serious psychopaths. Same like killing abos, you justify it as reducing human disease right? Sick ppl

The alliance is not new, it was always there.....We have US base in Australia since WW2. We are part of commonwealth, Five Eye and work with our allies on common threats. Aren't you trying to do the same (trying to form alliance) through SCO...cozing up with Russia etc?
you already did invade Australia economically, creating big dependency on your country.....and when Aussie government realised and reacted, you started threatening ...... take a look at various articles of your CCP mouthpiece.

Who in Australia you are quoting regarding invading China?
Wow, that's a great way of creating a new definition. So there are McDs and Cokes in China, US invaded us? We trade with US and to some extent export alot to US, so we were invaded by US?

We started threatening or protesting? Openly joining an alliance which only role is to. Contain China while milking from our market? Dude, you guys are serious psychopaths. Same like killing abos, you justify it as reducing human disease right? Sick ppl
The alliance is not new, it was always there.....We have US base in Australia since WW2. We are part of commonwealth, Five Eye and work with our allies on common threats. Aren't you trying to do the same (trying to form alliance) through SCO...cozing up with Russia etc?

Oooo the Quad is not new with its announced sole aim of CONTAINING China was not new? Hey boy you can't expect to eat our lunch while threatening to attack us mate. Use some common sense, what do you expect us to react? Say thank you and buy more from Australia, you must be retarded if you think we would do that. Geesh, I think alot of ppl lack common sense.
Wow, that's a great way of creating a new definition. So there are McDs and Cokes in China, US invaded us? We trade with US and to some extent export alot to US, so we were invaded by US?

We started threatening or protesting? Openly joining an alliance which only role is to. Contain China while milking from our market? Dude, you guys are serious psychopaths. Same like killing abos, you justify it as reducing human disease right? Sick ppl

Oooo the Quad is not new with its announced sole aim of CONTAINING China was not new? Hey boy you can't expect to eat our lunch while threatening to attack us mate. Use some common sense, what do you expect us to react? Say thank you and buy more from Australia, you must be retarded if you think we would do that. Geesh, I think alot of ppl lack common sense.

Quad is new...and so is China threatening posture, bullying and attitude of treating oceans as their own...... You started all of this from South China Sea...and then expanding your bullying to other nations in IOR.....
Quad is new...and so is China threatening posture, bullying and attitude of treating oceans as their own...... You started all of this from South China Sea...and then expanding your bullying to other nations in IOR.....
Bullying posturing wtf... So if our navy patrol our own waters, its aggressive? May I ask what yf are you doing few thousand km away? This dispute is between us and other Asean countries, nothing to do with Australia. Shipping lanes were not even threatened. This is just the classic case of creating a villain to whack. And you expect us to treat you kindly and with respect after openly thrashing us? You sick or something? We have every right not to buy your stuff. Live with it Jose!
Quad is new...and so is China threatening posture, bullying and attitude of treating oceans as their own...... You started all of this from South China Sea...and then expanding your bullying to other nations in IOR.....
China is threatening everyone, said who?

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