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Australia urges China to denounce Russia over Ukraine


Nov 4, 2011
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Australia urges China to denounce Russia over Ukraine​


FILE - Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison looks on during a meeting with Quad members India, Japan, United States and Australia, in Melbourne, on Feb. 11, 2022. Morrison on Tuesday, Feb. 15, urged China to denounce Russian threats against Ukraine, as the crisis between the U.S.-led allies and Moscow continues.(Darrian Traynor/Pool Photo via AP, File)
By Associated Press
Today at 1:06 a.m. EST

CANBERRA, Australia — Australia’s prime minister on Tuesday urged China to denounce Russian threats against Ukraine, as the crisis between the U.S.-led allies and Moscow raises the specter of a broader conflict.

Scott Morrison noted that Beijing and Moscow had announced they were pursuing closer relations since more than 100,000 Russian troops were sent to the Ukrainian border.

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Pentagon calls China support to Russia on Ukraine 'deeply alarming'​

The Biden administration had earlier warned Russia of “severe consequences”
Web Desk Updated: February 15, 2022 11:09 IST
kirby pentagon

With China increasingly coming out in support of Russia in the ongoing Ukraine standoff, the US Pentagon on Monday called China’s “tacit support” for Moscow in the Ukraine stand-off “deeply alarming”, AFR reported. “Their [China's] tacit support, if you will, for Russia is deeply alarming,” Pentagon press secretary Kirby told reporters. “And frankly, it’s even more destabilising to the security situation in Europe.”

The Biden administration had earlier warned Russia of “severe consequences” in case its forces invade Ukraine and insisted on a diplomatic solution to the issue. “We are actively working to reach a diplomatic solution to de-escalate the crisis. Over the weekend, as you all know, the president spoke with President Putin, and we remain engaged with the Russian government in full coordination with our allies and partners,” White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters. “The path for diplomacy remains available if Russia chooses to engage constructively,” she said.

“However, we are clear-eyed about the prospects of that, given the steps Russia is taking on the ground,” she said, as President Joe Biden reached out to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to discuss the situation. The leaders discussed their recent diplomatic engagements with Ukraine and Russia, said the White House in a readout.

The US is ready for any situation, she asserted. “President Biden has made it very clear on his call with Putin this weekend that if Russia undertakes a further invasion of Ukraine, the United States, together with our allies and partners, will respond decisively and impose swift and severe costs on Russia,” she noted. Biden reiterated that a further Russian invasion of Ukraine would produce widespread human suffering and diminish Russia's standing, she said.


Australia urges China to denounce Russia over Ukraine​

View attachment 815540
FILE - Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison looks on during a meeting with Quad members India, Japan, United States and Australia, in Melbourne, on Feb. 11, 2022. Morrison on Tuesday, Feb. 15, urged China to denounce Russian threats against Ukraine, as the crisis between the U.S.-led allies and Moscow continues.(Darrian Traynor/Pool Photo via AP, File)
By Associated Press
Today at 1:06 a.m. EST

CANBERRA, Australia — Australia’s prime minister on Tuesday urged China to denounce Russian threats against Ukraine, as the crisis between the U.S.-led allies and Moscow raises the specter of a broader conflict.

Scott Morrison noted that Beijing and Moscow had announced they were pursuing closer relations since more than 100,000 Russian troops were sent to the Ukrainian border.

Man Aussies need to STFU, go fight emus

Australia urges China to denounce Russia over Ukraine​

View attachment 815540
FILE - Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison looks on during a meeting with Quad members India, Japan, United States and Australia, in Melbourne, on Feb. 11, 2022. Morrison on Tuesday, Feb. 15, urged China to denounce Russian threats against Ukraine, as the crisis between the U.S.-led allies and Moscow continues.(Darrian Traynor/Pool Photo via AP, File)
By Associated Press
Today at 1:06 a.m. EST

CANBERRA, Australia — Australia’s prime minister on Tuesday urged China to denounce Russian threats against Ukraine, as the crisis between the U.S.-led allies and Moscow raises the specter of a broader conflict.

Scott Morrison noted that Beijing and Moscow had announced they were pursuing closer relations since more than 100,000 Russian troops were sent to the Ukrainian border.

The audacity of this anglophile state, first it hurriedly jumps aboard the American-British bandwagon of zealots against China. Now they are telling China on foreign policy?

This is one of mounting evidences which proves why the Anglo Axis should be boycotted, abandoned and completely shut off by countries who stand for exercising their sovereign right to pursue their independent foreign policies in trade and political alliances.

It should be an eye opener to the countless Muslim States, whose utterly pathetic leaderships have chosen to be aligned with the Anglo Axis countries (America and Britain). The Muslims of such countries must unite and topple such governments running their countries.

Better to live a life as a free human for one day, than to live life under incessant lies, deception and "their" life style, for a thousand years.

I truly hope China and Russia forge an unstoppable and powerful alliance and stand up against the Anglo Axis that has dominated this world for the last 200 years.
People cheering for War really need to get their heads checked. Has there not been so much human cost at the hands of Americans that Russia needs to be cheered to do the same? US and Russia need to return back to status quo and stop using Ukraine and other countries as punching bag. Cheer Leaders of war need to grow up.
People cheering for War really need to get their heads checked. Has there not been so much human cost at the hands of Americans that Russia needs to be cheered to do the same? US and Russia need to return back to status quo and stop using Ukraine and other countries as punching bag. Cheer Leaders of war need to grow up.
The US faces huge inflationary pressures and huge debt at the same time. Its only hope is to plunder the wealth of Europe or East Asia. This is why the US is committed to starting a war in Ukraine or Taiwan.

In the event of war, European money flows to the United States to avoid risk. The US could raise rates. Otherwise, huge interest rates will eat up every penny in the United States. American money will flee to avoid risk. The wealth of the United States would suddenly depreciate. Unlike China, which has a huge manufacturing sector, the whole US is built on virtual finance, so it's just a giant bubble.

Now everyone is waiting for the Europeans to decide if they will kill themselves to help the US. Russia is in no hurry to go to war with Ukraine, but the United States is eager to see it
China and Russia strong relations and part of new QUAD China-Russia-Iran-NK scares the anglos to the point they can't sleep at night
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