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Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage

Marrying your first cousin is incest. I was not picking on Pakistanis but they are the only people I have met that inbreed like this, they are also the most homophobic in this forum which I find incredible for a country with so many social problems, problems that have nothing to do with the great evil of being gay.

It's time for you people to come off of your high horse and stop lecturing the world. You people have been reduced to a tiny island, but your ego and arrogance is beyond leaps and bounds.

Interesting, once an empire, which is morally and financially falling apart has the audacity to tell us what to think.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan out right rejects your ****** lifestyle of homosexuality!
It's time for you people to come off of your high horse and stop lecturing the world. You people have been reduced to a tiny island, but your ego and arrogance is beyond leaps and bounds.

Interesting, once an empire, which is morally and financially falling apart has the audacity to tell us what to think.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan out right rejects your ****** lifestyle of homosexuality!
Until you treat everyone equally we won't come off our high horse.
Tiny island? What does that matter?
Once an empire, therefore we can now lecture you on your human rights.
You only provided wikipedia and another source which only summarized what studies and research from the 1960's-1980's concluded, they are no longer relevant. However the sources i provided are much recent (1990-2009) and have been conducted by both governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Now you can continue to ignore the facts, i can care less as i have proven my point (Refer here, here, here, and here) and therefore see no reason to continue to waste my time repeating myself.

Actually, I have proven my point....and refuted all your logics.........IF you go through all my posts and links carefully....you'll understand.
Good for Aussie gays........ why it's a matter of concern to Pakistani's, indians, israeli's & indians pretending as British...... ?:blink:
Actually, I have proven my point....and refuted all your logics.........IF you go through all my posts and links carefully....you'll understand.

Now did you? Then do me a favor and point out everything that you have proven!, come on, since you have proven your point right?

I'll be waiting to refute you again.
Now did you? Then do me a favor and point out everything that you have proven!, come on, since you have proven your point right?

I'll be waiting to refute you again.
I don't find it highly entertaining to keep on quoting myself....I have already done that once in post #87

The fact that, after all my replies.....NOW you are teling me to point out everything again from my previous posts...proves that you haven't read any of my previous posts......You just replied for the sake of replying.

If you really want to understand my logic, please go through each and every posts along with the links provided, CAREFULLY.
I don't find it highly entertaning to keep on quoting myself......
Neither do i, but since you boast that you have proven me wrong then humbly point out where you have proven me wrong. The only thing you did was post a wiki link (not reliable, in fact, its considered a joke), and the link for the other source you provided only summarized what some old studies from 1960's-1980's concluded, they are no longer relevant, while i on the other hand provided recent studies, not some prehistoric studies like you did. Its like we should all believe that the Earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth right?

I have already done that once in post #87

No you haven't done that, this was your main argument in your post#87:

And i had already refuted this claim in my post#89:

And also in my post#45:

Now your other argument in your post#55 was that there is no connection between Homosexuals and pedophilia:

And i proved you wrong yet again in my post#68:

And then again in your post#55, your other argument about anal sex in which you tried to make it look as if heterosexual behavior is just as risky as homosexual behavior:

And once again, i refuted you in my post#68:

So basically, in a nut shell, you didn't proved jack sh!t!!

The fact that, after all my replies.....NOW you are teling me to point out everything again from my previous posts...proves that you haven't read any of my previous posts......

Actually, i read all of your posts thoroughly and found nothing in it that refuted my argument, which is why i'm asking you to point out where exactly you proved me wrong since you claimed so, but since you are hesitant to do so which clearly indicates that you can't point out where exactly you have proven my argument wrong because even you know you haven't proven anything.

You just replied for the sake of replying.

No, sorry but i'm not like you.

If you really want to understand my logic, please go through each and every posts along with the links provided, CAREFULLY.

You have no logic, i already refuted those silly links you provided (wikipedia, and some prehistoric studies from 1960's and 80's:lol:).
#1."The findings of a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry (December 2003) suggest higher incidences of illegal drug usage, alcoholism, psychological problems, and violence in the gay community than in the general population.
Couldn't you say the same for example, black people? (don't know if it's true or not) Are they evil and immoral?
First of all, i don't know what you are basing your claim on. So?????

Do you think Black people are evil and immoral?
I'm saying you think gays are evil, immoral whatever, because of the reasons I quoted from you. The same could be said for many other sections of the population. For example blacks/Asians/whites whatever, if that is true are they immoral and evil as well?
havent you read your scriptures??:what:

Leviticus 18:22. "V'ish asher yishkav et zachar mishk'vei ishah to'evah asu shneihem mot yumatu d'meihem bam."

"If a man lies with a male, as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Relgion should stay out of peoples lives. In our country, religion is seperate from the state and it's laws. Religion doesnt to come first before peoples human rights.

This is the difference between my country which is a free democratic one and you country which is still partly living in the middle ages.

It's 2011, not 1376.
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