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Australia demands better treatment at CWG closing ceremony

buddy Australians are famous for bitching. They have something to say at every event. The Aussies should learn to appreciate the hospitality and planning of the host country. aussies have many flaws themselves. now people shoudl stop caring about their complains. they should shut their mouth and play

Lol living in Australia for 7 years and going to an Australian school in Dubai (some of them just looooooove talking about arabs and Muslims in that manner), I agree.

Just shut up and play!
Australia was formed to put thieves and robbers into a distant place away from Britain and now these pricks want better conditions lolz :lol: :lol:

Ohh God..even Adolf Hitler would agree that the comment was a racist one.....:argh::argh:
Pretty lousy comments from Indians, even after fully well knowing and admitting that the problems have all been of Indian sub-standards, Indian corruption and Indian incompetency.

You're giving your corrupt people a pat on the back and a clean bill of moral health with such comments.
Pretty lousy comments from Indians, even after fully well knowing and admitting that the problems have all been of Indian sub-standards, Indian corruption and Indian incompetency.

You're giving your corrupt people a pat on the back and a clean bill of moral health with such comments.

Well of course, there are problems, no one's denying that. But why is that out of 71 countries that are participating only one of them is complaining again and again.

If this is not whining then what is it ?
Pretty lousy comments from Indians, even after fully well knowing and admitting that the problems have all been of Indian sub-standards, Indian corruption and Indian incompetency.

You're giving your corrupt people a pat on the back and a clean bill of moral health with such comments.

my friend no one is saying that india is perfect here. indian's are only commenting on the superior subordinate attitude of these aussies.
Well i agree with what Deckingraj said........ we should not be trigger happy. Gosh! standing 1 hour in a suffocating environment will make anyone uneasy....its just that we are used to it...and they arn't.No matter how rude they might be......we gotta provide the best we can to the visitors.In the end we will be known for our hospitality...and they for"whining"
Though i do believe that the Aussies should keep a watch on their tone.....I mean,A\C s have been put up in the tunnels right?.....and they were not functioning due to some technical glitches...this is not somthing anyone wanted.A simple mention of the inconvenience would have sufficed.The "warning" is goin a bit too far.
lets keep it simple...they have an issue,which is genuine...they might be whining too much, but we should make sure, nothing is left undone from our side..dont give them an opportunity to spread BS about us.
this time humiliate them....i wish some spectators slap these Aussie players.

Aussi are parochial racists ,no doubt about it.

Worst of all is Aussie media reporting about CWG which is horrendous .

I have been following Aussie media, even when their athletes are mostly in praise about in conditions at the games , Aussie media is looking for loopholes with microscopes.

Now for the hitting part, we aren't Aussie ,we are Indians and top of that host at the CWG games .Let the Aussie media ***** and in their heart they know games are successful and India is rising.
I am amazed to learn that TOI is the largest circulated English daily in the world. Is it true?
I am amazed to learn that TOI is the largest circulated English daily in the world. Is it true?

Possibly, because of the population and sheer numbers... Even if you can reach 1% of the population, it still is 12 million copies. (assuming 1.2 billion population). That in itself is a huge number compared to so many other english speaking countries.
It's perfectly ok for Indians to ask for reasonable treatment, but when anyone else asks Indians for reasonable treatment they get responses like

"stop whining" "stop complaining" "You should be slapped"

Alot of Indians in this thread have shown disgusting attitudes and have posted absurd and rude comments. Shame on them.

But i am glad to see there is nice Indians on these forums and not just foul mouthed idiot ones.
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