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Australia Bars Huawei From Broadband Project


This is the most funniest things i have seen! Yes, a communist country is very tolerant and "liberal" LOL.

Before speaking about something, please know what you are talking about.

1.The prisoners transported to Australia in the 1800's were sent here for mostly political crimes and petty theft. Not rape and murder.

2. Descendents of prisoners only make up about 20% of the Australia population

3. When prisoners came to Australia, they were locked up in prisons.

Please learn about something before you open your mouth.

This discussion has just turned into a racist insulting thread.

It's always the same people who ruin these discussions with their silly attempts at insulting other people. Give it a rest.

Why are you telling me? speak to your aussie brother who is insulting Indians and calling us pigs
Right...You have to drag up fairly ancient history to show China's so-called 'tolerance' when there are existing laws that say...

* A person born in China to at least one parent who is a Chinese national is a Chinese citizen. (Article 4)

* A person born outside of China to at least one parent who is a Chinese national is a Chinese citizen -- unless one parent has settled outside of China and has acquired foreign nationality status. (Article 5)

Please...You speak as if my company and I have no experience in mainland China, even the Chinese engineers I work with said things that refute your claim of Chinese 'tolerance'. They admitted that China is a far more racist society/country than the US is.
Right...You have to drag up fairly ancient history to show China's so-called 'tolerance' when there are existing laws that say...

* A person born in China to at least one parent who is a Chinese national is a Chinese citizen. (Article 4)

* A person born outside of China to at least one parent who is a Chinese national is a Chinese citizen -- unless one parent has settled outside of China and has acquired foreign nationality status. (Article 5)

Please...You speak as if my company and I have no experience in mainland China, even the Chinese engineers I work with said things that refute your claim of Chinese 'tolerance'. They admitted that China is a far more racist society/country than the US is.

I think usa China and elsewhere do have their own share of racism. It all boils down to resources per capita. US has more resource per capita so less tension in all competitions that will spill over to the prima facie tolerance part of accepting people of a different race
I think usa China and elsewhere do have their own share of racism. It all boils down to resources per capita. US has more resource per capita so less tension in all competitions that will spill over to the prima facie tolerance part of accepting people of a different race

There is no racism in China. Chinese may misunderstand others, but there are very few who would do what one Mr. Zimmerman did.
I think usa China and elsewhere do have their own share of racism. It all boils down to resources per capita. US has more resource per capita so less tension in all competitions that will spill over to the prima facie tolerance part of accepting people of a different race
Never said the US does not have our share of racism. But...

USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) is an Arleigh Burke-class Aegis destroyer serving in the United States Navy. Chung-Hoon was named in honor of Rear Admiral Gordon Pai'ea Chung-Hoon (1910–1979), recipient of the Navy Cross and the Silver Star.
Do let US know when China have a tip-of-the-spear warship named after a non-Chinese.
no.1, 2 and 3 australian carriers been using huawei's equipments for years. why all the sudden security scares?? lol huawe's competitors must have bribe those politicians big time.

huawei just won another big contract from optus, ozzie second biggest carrier. no one is bitching?

huawei is also top seller in lte in europe. those guys don't seems to have any problem.. should be a lot of bs security excuses to block huawei, since chinese company beating their own champions in their own market.

seems like whoever offer the biggest bribe wins.

This is democracy..buying your way in with legal bribery..aka campaign funding
Never said the US does not have our share of racism. But...

USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do let US know when China have a tip-of-the-spear warship named after a non-Chinese.

hey, no big deal for that! we will come along soon!

and how about this bizarre racism that's running beserk in us army


This is democracy..buying your way in with legal bribery..aka campaign funding

true. the most expensive photographic opportunities with the political crooks
So how many white people are Chinese citizens?

owning some other races in your country does not mean that you are not racists. USA has many blacks, but they are always discriminated by the white. China is not an immigration country, so we do not have many non-chinese races here. It's normal.
Huawei is known worldwide to provide high quality networks with unbeatable value that usually includes unbeatable financing terms. What exactly is the problem aside from Huawei taking all the business? Oh wait...that is the problem!

Just because a business is based in China does not automatically mean it is controlled by the Chinese central government. Just because a Chinese citizen is part of the CCP does not make them spies. You might as well accuse registered members of the American Democratic and Republican parties are American spies. It's absolutely ridiculous if you compare the analogies. This talk about the CCP is always based on cliched stereotypes that are perpetuated in media as fact.

No private company has any obligation to release information that is immaterial to their safe operation just because hostile parties ask for it. Besides, even after Huawei voluntarily released private information, it didn't stop the accusations or sanctions. There's always another excuse to discriminate against Huawei because the point isn't about security, it's about protection of marketshare and exclusion of a powerful and otherwise lethal competitor.

The reality is, Australian attitudes align with American attitudes, which is a combination of fear and loathing of China. There is absolutely no denying that. The question is, where do these attitudes come from and why.

I cant be bothered countering point by point so ill just sum it up.

I work in IT at a data centre, whilst most people dont realise how big Huawei is or let alone have even heard their name, our data centre and most data centres in Australia are full of Huawei equipment. They do make great products and are basically a cheaper alternative to Cisco. There will be a lot of scrutiny on the Australian government with this rollout to ensure costs do not blow out. If the issue was protectionism as you refer to why would the government invite international tenders? Please keep up with the topic here and not go off on tangents, the issue is security not protectionism.
As far as the rest of the stuff is concerned some quick research also reveals the current chair person of the board of directors, Sun Yafang is a CCP member, she also use to work for China's top security agency, the Ministry of the State. Try finding that info on any of her bio's, she has conveniently left it out.
Would you be OK with members of Conservative Party of Canada or the New Democratic Party in Canada bidding for government contracts? I dont know, I know I would, there needs to be a separation of powers to ensure corruption and fair ethical governance and business ethics are achieved.
I think its also interesting to note the recent developments regarding law in China recently. Intellectual property and the insistence of alliance to the state is now engrained in Chinese law. For example about a week ago all lawyers in China must now swear on allegiance to the state. They now must pledge and promise to "uphold the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the socialist system" They are some of the exact words that must be now pledged by all Chinese lawyers. So what happens to lawyers that are employed by Huawei that have access to sensitive information? They are now duty bound and compelled to provide any information that the state may require or want.
So yes corporate and intelligence sharing is now a requirement of the state and we should have nothing to do with it.
There is no racism in China. Chinese may misunderstand others, but there are very few who would do what one Mr. Zimmerman did.

What about Tibet forced goto brian washed and forced to learn/praise about china ...and hand china CCP pictures in their place ......
owning some other races in your country does not mean that you are not racists. USA has many blacks, but they are always discriminated by the white. China is not an immigration country, so we do not have many non-chinese races here. It's normal.
Who owns blacks today? And how is a black a US President? China is not an immigration country? Why not? The US is.
If the issue was protectionism as you refer to why would the government invite international tenders? Please keep up with the topic here and not go off on tangents, the issue is security not protectionism.
The only "real" security issue here is the security arrangement that the Australian government most likely agreed to during Obama's last visit to Australia after which time Australia suddenly had new security concerns even though Huawei already had a huge hand in building its existing network. That's an extremely interesting fact and suspiciously coincidental don't you think?

As far as the rest of the stuff is concerned some quick research also reveals the current chair person of the board of directors, Sun Yafang is a CCP member, she also use to work for China's top security agency, the Ministry of the State. Try finding that info on any of her bio's, she has conveniently left it out.
Would you be OK with members of Conservative Party of Canada or the New Democratic Party in Canada bidding for government contracts? I dont know, I know I would, there needs to be a separation of powers to ensure corruption and fair ethical governance and business ethics are achieved.
Once again, your use of present or past CCP membership as proof of wrong-doing and some sort of criminal record is discriminatory, as I already explained because it mainly applies to China. It's this sort of discrimination that treats CCP members as criminals that is the root problem because Australia does NOT do this with registered members of political parties for most other countries. Get it? If you don't, then this conversation is at an end because your prejudiced mindset is what it is. Australian society is susceptible to this sort of manipulation because it has enough sinophobes to push through this nonsense. At least it's not as bad as the United States where their politicians spread public fear of Muslims and claim all Chinese nationals and naturalized ethnic Chinese are unwitting parts of an unofficial network of spies working together gathering commercial and military "secrets". According to American leaders, it would be best to keep China in the Stone Age because the Chinese are actually able to learn the same things everybody else does. Tell me that isn't paranoia!

I think its also interesting to note the recent developments regarding law in China recently. Intellectual property and the insistence of alliance to the state is now engrained in Chinese law. For example about a week ago all lawyers in China must now swear on allegiance to the state. They now must pledge and promise to "uphold the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the socialist system" They are some of the exact words that must be now pledged by all Chinese lawyers. So what happens to lawyers that are employed by Huawei that have access to sensitive information? They are now duty bound and compelled to provide any information that the state may require or want.
So yes corporate and intelligence sharing is now a requirement of the state and we should have nothing to do with it.
Pretty much every citizen of every independent country on Earth is intrinsically bound to allegiance of their respective country. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as treason! LOL Besides, that is irrelevant to the reasons why Australia banned Huawei from the bidding process, which was purely based around suspicions of potential backdoors for espionage, a purely technical operation that if it was based on reality would not involve lawyers, OBVIOUSLY! :cheesy: Stop making excuses for discrimination.
Who owns blacks today? And how is a black a US President? China is not an immigration country? Why not? The US is.

the US black president is as rare as rare earth. China is not an immigration country because it is developing and it has more than 4x the population and the resource is already too scarce
There is no racism in China. Chinese may misunderstand others, but there are very few who would do what one Mr. Zimmerman did.
I am in a huge debate, fighting off something like 100 people, over the Trayvon Martin case and George Zimmerman looks like he is innocent. The mainstream media has been distorting the real picture from the beginning and recent news has come out to indicate Zimmerman was walking back to his SUV before being confronted by Trayvon Martin. From then on, it looks like Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and forced Zimmerman to the ground where he proceeded to beat him up. Zimmerman started screaming for help but none of the witnesses did, while they called 9-1-1. After receiving an extended beating from Trayvon, Zimmerman shot Trayvon in self-defense. Trayvon died on the spot and the police did not arrest Zimmerman because his injuries were consistent with an attack where he was the one getting beaten up since he had a broken nose, bloody lip and a bleeding gash at the back of his head. Trayvon had no such obvious injuries other than the gunshot wound.

The main witnesses supporting the murder theory said that the screaming was from a small child, who they said was Trayvon. The problem with this is the screams for help was recorded in the 9-1-1 calls and it sounds like Zimmerman. In addition, other witnesses said they specifically saw Zimmerman on the ground screaming for help while being beaten by Trayvon.

The earlier description of Trayvon being a young boy of 17 who looks like a 13 year old weighing 140 pounds...and Zimmerman being a 28 year old 250 pound man is actually from years ago because today Trayvon is/was a 6'2" 160 pound football player with a Facebook page looking like a gangbanger while Zimmerman is a 5'9" pudgy 180 pound mortgage broker with asthma. In other words, Trayvon probably looked alot more threatening and gangbanger-like than simply wearing a hoody.

It has also been discovered that Trayvon hit a bus driver for no reason, spray painted wall graffiti, suspended from school 3 times for fighting and marijuana, and committed burglary where he was found with stolen jewelry. Nice kid, NOT. Zimmerman on the other hand is a married family man who was a neighborhood watchman and volunteered with his wife with a local outreach program for underprivileged black youth. Yes, you read that right, for underprivileged black youth. His black friend of over 10 years, Joe Oliver, who has been on the news vouching for Zimmerman will attest to that. Zimmerman is also half-Hispanic and looks 100% Hispanic, not the white racist murderer that you probably have been spoon fed by the mainstream news. The main negative against Zimmerman is that he was charged with domestic abuse 5 years ago, but is otherwise a model citizen.

What is happening to the Zimmerman family is an injustice and he will never get justice even if he is acquitted. He is now a symbol of race intolerance and his family will either be destroyed via some sort of civil case, or he will be sacrificed and sent to jail where he will most likely be beaten, raped and maybe killed by blacks in the name of social justice. Not a very convincing incentive to join your neighborhood watch.

Nice post, marshall.

Obama must be real embarrass since he said Trayvon Martin is the kind of son he would love to have. He sounds like Bush shooting off his mouth.
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