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Australia Bars Huawei From Broadband Project

]Yep. You quoted a piece of writing that said "Britain" and then said "this proves Australia is Americas lapdop" The United States has no connection to this whatsoever.

yes, australia is americas lapdog. the britsh advised by americans to block huawei too, but they didn't just follow them blindly.

We make our own decisions as this proves. ASIO looked at the experience Britain had and decided that they wouldn't want to go through all that so they made their decision. Has nothing to do with the U.S.

Whipping out stupid conspiracy theories without any evidence or facts is completely pointless. I don't even know why you would bother.

If you actually knew anything about this subject, you would know that the Australian government has invited Huawei to tender for other projects relating to the NBN.

bs. aussie just following the yanks like a dog using exactly same excuse "huawei's boss is a former PLA officer blabla.." lol

Huawei has participated in projects in Australia before too. Which further proves that the ASIO decision is legit and the decision wasn't made to "stop Chinese businesses" or any of the other rubbish false allegations made by members on this forum.

Due to some connections Huawei has with certain individuals, an independent decision was made that they should not be allowed to participate in 1 specific tender. They are welcome to participate in any other tender unless security concerns are raised.

more proof that all these security bs don't make sense

t's about being "scared" You need to have a good understanding of the situation to be able to comment. People need to take things by face value and not make up wild theories. In Australia, we do things properly and our institutions are made independent so that they make independent decisions based on our countries best interest and not on outside interference

yeah, like blindly following your uncle to iraq, afghanistan and now this..lol
yes, australia is americas lapdog. the britsh advised by americans to block huawei too, but they didn't just follow them blindly.

Your made up conspiracy theories aren't fact. So don't write like they are.

bs. aussie just following the yanks like a dog using exactly same excuse "huawei's boss is a former PLA officer blabla.." lol

Your made up conspiracy theories aren't fact. So don't write like they are.

more proof that all these security bs don't make sense
My post was pretty clear. Not all details are released and won't be released. Doesn't mean you should be making up false allegations. Our institutions aren't corrupt

Provide evidence or don't bother commenting
Believe what you want to. That seems to be the answer that everyone says for everything "oh it must be stupidity, racism, prejudice blah blah" The most silliest assumption i have seen so far is some members saying "oh Australia doesn't want Chinese companies doing business Australia" when theres literally thousands of Chinese companies doing business in Australia. Why even bother making such a stupid statement? Why not post something that actually makes sense and is factual?

The fact is our security agency is Independent and makes decisions purely based on national security. It does not make decisions based off domestic politics, international politics, discrimination or any other rubbish suggested.

People are making silly assumptions because they don't have all the details.

People are making silly assumptions because they don't have all the details

That include you too ,what make you think you know more than any one else here unless you work for the australia government.
People are making silly assumptions because they don't have all the details

That include you too ,what make you think you know more than any one else here unless you work for the australia government.

...but being a recent Indian immigrant to Australia surely qualifies him to comment like an "Aussi" brute, mate? :tongue:
People are making silly assumptions because they don't have all the details

That include you too ,what make you think you know more than any one else here unless you work for the australia government.

I am posting the facts that have been reported and that have been released by ASIO and the Australian government.

Making stupid comments like "AUSTRALIA IS DOING WHAT THE US IS SAYING" and "OH AUSTRALIA IS TRYING TO STOP CHINESE COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS" is just stupid, it's not factual and it adds nothing to the discussion.

I don't see why it's so hard for people to say things that are logical and civil?

...but being a recent Indian immigrant to Australia surely qualifies him to comment like an "Aussi" brute, mate? :tongue:

I am not Indian, nor have i immigrated here.
I am posting the facts that have been reported and that have been released by ASIO and the Australian government.

Making stupid comments like "AUSTRALIA IS DOING WHAT THE US IS SAYING" and "OH AUSTRALIA IS TRYING TO STOP CHINESE COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS" is just stupid, it's not factual and it adds nothing to the discussion.

I don't see why it's so hard for people to say things that are logical and civil?

Logic and civilty seem not your strong suit, then?

I am not Indian, nor have i immigrated here.

So you are still a stud without even an immigration visa?

That explains why you struggle at written English, grinding an axe aside.

Given your enthusiastic long comment history mostly in threads mainly concerning Indians here, it's hard to imagine they are from an Aussi who has nothing to do with South Asia. You know, self-denial is a low IQ symdrone which usually reflects some extreme psychological draumas suffered during childhood....you're free to share with us thus...

As for Huawei allegation, after meeting with their far-left Kenyan community organiser, libtard Aussi poodle govenment naturally dances to the tune of the Hilarious State Department to poke on the Chinese using an easy redherring. Nothing special.
Wow speeder2 all kinds of fail. You should really research things before you speak.

So you are still a stud without even an immigration visa?

I'm a born and raised Australian

That explains why you struggle at written English, grinding an axe aside.
My English is perfect.

Given your enthusiastic long comment history mostly in threads mainly concerning Indians here

If you look through my post history, you will see that the majority of threads i respond to are about Australia. Try researching before speaking.

As for Huawei allegation, after meeting with their far-left Kenyan community organiser

libtard Aussi poodle govenment
Our current government is a labor government. EPIC FAIL. :rofl: The liberal party isn't a left wing party and it's leader isn't Kenyan.

Man oh man, i love when people fail hard.

Our current government is a labor government. EPIC FAIL. :rofl: The liberal party isn't a left wing party and it's leader isn't Kenyan.

Man oh man, i love when people fail hard.

^^Priceless! --- the concrete proofs that you are not an Aussi, but a false flag Indian!

That's why I quote this in case you'd deny it.

* Labour, or Aussi Labor, is categorily LEFT since Day 1 whether from Aus, or Eng or NZ or HK, or elsewhere!

* So is Liberal party or Libdem, the only diff is either central-left or far left.

What you have claimed are 2 most basic "mistakes" that no one who grows up

in the West, particularly Western Common Wealth countries, will ever make - it's

like being a Hindu and has no clue on what the major Hindu gods are called. :rofl:

Consider you are exposed officially, Patel!
^^Priceless! --- the concrete proofs that you are not an Aussi, but a false flag Indian!

That's why I quote this in case you'd deny it.

What's "priceless" about it? Everything i said in that particular text you quoted is correct. Also it's "Aussie" not "Aussi"

Labour, or Aussi Labor, is categorily LEFT since Day 1 whether from Aus, or Eng or NZ or HK, or elsewhere

It's called the Australian Labor Party and i know it's left wing. I didn't say it wasn't. YOU said that the Liberal Party is a left wing party which is incorrect hence why i corrected you on that. YOU said our current government is a liberal government which it is not.

So is Liberal party or Libdem, the only diff is either central-left or far left.
It's called the Liberal Party of Australia, not libdem. That's a British Party. The Liberal Party of Australia is a centre-right conservative party. It's not left wing whatsoever.

EPIC FAIL ONCE AGAIN. If you do not know what you are talking about(which you clearly don't), don't speak and certainly don't try to say other people have no idea what they are talking about when you are the one posting nonsense.
What's "priceless" about it? Everything i said in that particular text you quoted is correct. Also it's "Aussie" not "Aussi"

It's called the Australian Labor Party and i know it's left wing. I didn't say it wasn't. YOU said that the Liberal Party is a left wing party which is incorrect hence why i corrected you on that. YOU said our current government is a liberal government which it is not.

It's called the Liberal Party of Australia, not libdem. That's a British Party. The Liberal Party of Australia is a centre-right conservative party. It's not left wing whatsoever.

EPIC FAIL ONCE AGAIN. If you do not know what you are talking about(which you clearly don't), don't speak and certainly don't try to say other people have no idea what they are talking about when you are the one posting nonsense.
is it necessary for you to take such pain to explain yourself to a person who is dilluded by his prejudice that you are an INDIAN.
Not necessary, but very fun and entertaining to correct him :)
Not necessary, but very fun and entertaining to correct him :)

So you're still here, Patel? Still believe that you are an "aussi"?

See, one thing that seperates high iq and low one is that the latter believes lies of his own making so much so to the point that he delusionally thinks the former will buy the snakeoil. :rofl:

The pleasure is all mine, as the more you speak, the more evidences will show up that you're a false flag dimwit:

1. your English "is perfect"? :rofl: "very fun and entertaining" is very perfect Hindi English, eh? Not to mention that unbearable accent, say South Mumbai? :rofl:

2. don't think you can google a word or two on Aussi Liberal Party to tell us it's center-right or not, any moron can do that to "prove" he is an aussi. You've showed that you obviously have no idea on Aussi political landscape in its essence.

The founder of Aussi Liberal Party, R Menzies, upheld classical Edmund Burke, both of whom were undisputed on the left side of wing faction according to most international right wing observers, even including some left-wing pundits, in spite of the fact that the Liberal Party (claiming to be socially conservative ) was anti communism, and some members and voters of the party have been historically more conservative than those of the Labor.

In essence, Australia has no traditional conservative party, hence no classical right wing party!

The so called "certer-right" Liberal Party :-)rofl: only can trick Indians like you from Internet) is de facto left-wing in disguise, which has engineered single-handedly ( and keep doing so as we speak) many, if not the majority of, classical liberal economic and social polices in post WWII Australia.

So much this time, Patel, I mean x-drive, you must work in outsoucing industry, huh? :wave:
The funniest thing is that he is trying to lecture me on my own country, yet he can't seem to understand that "Aussie" is spelt "Aussie" and not "Aussi" and his posts continually contain information that is not correct.

He is a great source of comedy, that's for sure.
speeder talking about logic and civility :lol:
thanks for the morning chuckles :tup:

and you keep posting porns (Mods take note here!) . Obviously those are a part of fanboy's moring chuckles and self-pleasement.
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