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Australia And Pakistan Are In A Huge Fight Over 21,000 Dead Sheep.

IF you have option of vegetables and grains but you want to kill and eat an animal for taste where as you can get same nutrients in other ways, your logic doesn't hold.

I am not against eating meat. I just don't get weird logic people give regarding eating meat.

But as Safriz said, it is off topic and requires different thread which will end up in no conclusion so I will put this to rest. :D
Muslims never think of killing an animal -that we kill for meat- in any other way except that is described in Quran. Killing an animal in any other ways is thought to be done with malice.
IF you have option of vegetables and grains but you want to kill and eat an animal for taste where as you can get same nutrients in other ways, your logic doesn't hold.

I am not against eating meat. I just don't get weird logic people give regarding eating meat.

But as Safriz said, it is off topic and requires different thread which will end up in no conclusion so I will put this to rest. :D

If you have the option of having chemically synthesized food containing all nutrients required for human, and say it's cheap compared to food of palnt or animal source, would you stop eating rice/dal/sabji altogether?
Scabby mouth excuse 'may be used again'

The usual bullshit, the shipment arrives the importer in Bahrain tries to screw the price down by claiming the sheep are dangerous better to just cancel the live sheep trade.

Yeh it's very typical. Trying to cheat exporters.

Customer's confidence has been shaken on Australia's live stock - now they are trying to coverup by coming up with stories, excuses and rants.

Thanks God - At-Least our govt. did one good thing in their 5 years term. Pakistan is already suffering from dengue, we can't risk more diseases. That greedy business must be given maximum possible punishment to make example if we want to avoid this kind of incidents in future.

Not true. The only story here is that perfectly healthy sheep have been killed horrifically and in response Australia has suspended live exports to Pakistan while the Pakistani government investigates.

Pakistani's responding to this thread need to stop being so nationalistic. Your own government admits that it was done wrong.

Australia's govt throws a hissyfit over sheep being killed on another country's territory but of course turns a blind eye to the brutal oppression of aboriginals.

Classic Australia.

Theres no "brutal oppression" of aboriginals in Australia.

If you are going to reply with something stupid, don't bother replying. Strawman arguments are pointless not to mention what you said is offtopic.

Australians questioning the culling? Maybe they should be watchful over what they export first!!

Perfectly healthy sheep is what was exported. The fact is the sheep weren't culled to Pakistans own industry standards and laws.

They were brutally and horrifically tortured, when they could have been humanly culled.
If animal rights is so sensitive then why sell them in the first place? :lol:

Because they are meant for consumption. Not meant for torture.

It's eye opening to see that some Pakistani's in this thread can't seem to comprehend the concept of not torturing animals. They take the attitude of "oh, they are just animals, who cares?"

That may be true, but is it really really necessary to torture animals for completely no reason? The only reason for torturing animals would be that you have some sort of sick fantasy

And breeding them to kill them for food is not evil ? A man can choose not to kill animals for food if he has option of vegetables and grains.

It all depends on perception and norm of the particular society. Its all relative. Ask a vegetarian. For them, people who kill animals for food are as evils as those who torture them.

Problem is where the line is drawn by the majority.

No, it's not evil it's part of human nature. What we are saying is "evil" and horrific is killing the animals in a barbaric way and torturing them for no good reason.

Why wouldn't they kill the animals so they are dead instantly? Instead of half cutting their throats so they stay alive bleeding for 30 minutes and instead of burying some alive so they take 5 minutes to suffocate.
People eat meat for a source of protein. It is a mechanism of survival.

I am just saying that If you have a problem with killing an animal and eating it's meat then you are not worthy of eating meat.

Stick to daal.

In my family, it is a tradition that every male performs the duties of Bakra Eid at least once in their life time.

Do you think that a man can go swinging a knife at a goat's neck without experience?

Can you understand how much pressure it can put on someone?

To do it correctly without inflicting pain on the animal.

It is not easy, but If you want to eat meat, then it is a must.

If you can not tolerate this, then stop eating meat.

I had practiced on rabbits, and also Kuggi(game bird), before a bakra.

Which is ancient Pagan practice..
Hi Xdrive i am glad that you have expressed your concern of sheep being slaughtered but and half throat slashed ,oh this is the humane way of slaughtering the animals ,you see animal body is connected with the spinal like any vertebrates body is eg your body its the spinal cord and reflex that the animal make when the throat is slashed but we don't even do this way we cut the throat of the animal in such a way that both the carotids are cut in this way the blood supply to the brain is cut and the animal he turns up unconscious (deep state of comma you can imagine the blood to the brain more than 5 mins cut it causes brain death totally painless the movement of the animal after throat slitting is purely spinal b/c the nervous system recieves no messages from the lower half of the body this was the method used by ABRAHAM (PBUH) and his son ISMAIL (PBUH) thousands of years ago remember no scientific method is superior to this of killing the animal instantly and pain free .
Another time wasters ...........................go search the internet before you suggest any other method
Which is ancient Pagan practice..

you mean to say that sacrificing is a Pagan Practice???? sure sacrificing to Fire Sun Moon etc gods is a pagan custom especially when men/women/babies were being sacrificed for rain, protection, feuding gods and what not.... In Islam sacrificing is a testament of faith in fact this is probably the oldest of tradition for that please see Habil/Qabil or Cain or Abel similar we commemorate Prophet Abraham "testament of faith" by not only sacrificing but also by undertaking the Haj (Pilgrimage)
We don't sacrifice for Allah but in his name
Hi Xdrive i am glad that you have expressed your concern of sheep being slaughtered but and half throat slashed ,oh this is the humane way of slaughtering the animals ,you see animal body is connected with the spinal like any vertebrates body is eg your body its the spinal cord and reflex that the animal make when the throat is slashed but we don't even do this way we cut the throat of the animal in such a way that both the carotids are cut in this way the blood supply to the brain is cut and the animal he turns up unconscious (deep state of comma you can imagine the blood to the brain more than 5 mins cut it causes brain death totally painless the movement of the animal after throat slitting is purely spinal b/c the nervous system recieves no messages from the lower half of the body this was the method used by ABRAHAM (PBUH) and his son ISMAIL (PBUH) thousands of years ago remember no scientific method is superior to this of killing the animal instantly and pain free .
Another time wasters ...........................go search the internet before you suggest any other method

Must read this xdrive.

The issue with the culling is that it was NOT done in proper halal way. Some of the sheep were still alive when bulldozed..
you mean to say that sacrificing is a Pagan Practice???? sure sacrificing to Fire Sun Moon etc gods is a pagan custom especially when men/women/babies were being sacrificed for rain, protection, feuding gods and what not.... In Islam sacrificing is a testament of faith in fact this is probably the oldest of tradition for that please see Habil/Qabil or Cain or Abel similar we commemorate Prophet Abraham "testament of faith" by not only sacrificing but also by undertaking the Haj (Pilgrimage)
We don't sacrifice for Allah but in his name

No matter you do in his name or not, Its still a Pagan practice... Act is same , God is changed.. Some sacrifice for Him, some sacrifie in his name.. (Ultimately they do it for taste..:P)

@Scientists of PDF: No need to give scientific explanation of old tradition..

If you don't change you simply say "This is our tradition, we won't leave it. No one is pushing you".

Who spewed venom in your mind that Pagans were sacrificing Human??? Pagans were not, what you read or heard. Some Pagans were more civilized than others.

Devil worship among Pagan: It was a propaganda run by Abrahmic religions. For Abrahmic religion there god were god, other's god were devil.
Hi Xdrive i am glad that you have expressed your concern of sheep being slaughtered but and half throat slashed ,oh this is the humane way of slaughtering the animals ,you see animal body is connected with the spinal like any vertebrates body is eg your body its the spinal cord and reflex that the animal make when the throat is slashed but we don't even do this way we cut the throat of the animal in such a way that both the carotids are cut in this way the blood supply to the brain is cut and the animal he turns up unconscious (deep state of comma you can imagine the blood to the brain more than 5 mins cut it causes brain death totally painless the movement of the animal after throat slitting is purely spinal b/c the nervous system recieves no messages from the lower half of the body this was the method used by ABRAHAM (PBUH) and his son ISMAIL (PBUH) thousands of years ago remember no scientific method is superior to this of killing the animal instantly and pain free .
Another time wasters ...........................go search the internet before you suggest any other method

What about Stun gun?? It is least painful method.

One more uneducated.

Please educate me...
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