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Aussies F35 will lose out to PAK FA

Storm Force

Sep 19, 2009
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United Kingdom
This is the first detailed analysis from the highly critcal aussie aerospace anlyst team on the Russian Pak FA T50

A stunning close up shot accompanys some damining assessments and huge mistakes by USA complancy of F22 fighter programme early closure.

Aussies suggesting F35 lacks aginst both su35b FLANKERS AND THE NEW PAK FA

At a muchy lower cost and with out sanction PAK FA may start to take the F35 market off the Americans even Israel may get involved on sensor fusion work with the indians on the pak fa

Sukhoi PAK-FA - Russia's Strategic ?Game Changer?
Up until now the USA has refused to sell F22 to both Japan and israel.

They have also denied the best Tech to UK on their F35 versions and the whole project is being delayed to start date of at least 2015.

Unit cost of a F35 $130M Each approx

F22 $200M EACH ++

PAK FA could be around $100m carrying twice the weapons load internally over twice the range with a 3d TVC new engine..
Australians don't need airplane , they are seperated form rest of world by oceans they live alone on their own seperate detached home:coffee:
No problems
PAK-FA will force U.S. to build more F-22 versions.
Pak-fa will really be a game changer and fortunately India is part of it.(whatever other poster says that India contributes 0% in tech. and provides just $$$,but who cares, the end result will be India own these birds, by 2020 latest. )

for the posters who says russian technology are crap, well !!!keep :argh::argh:
Australians don't need airplane , they are seperated form rest of world by oceans they live alone on their own seperate detached home:coffee:
No problems

Not really.

We are very close to Indonesia, Malaysia, china.

Australia's air force is the second oldest in the world.
Aussies are not happy with F-35 and are showing their anger of not being able to procure F- 22.

No thing else worth mentioning in the report.

PAK FA will be a good fighter but it "will be" and this doesnot mean F-22 and F-35 are junk. Modern warfare is quite sophisticated and one factor can not decide its fate.
Not really.

We are very close to Indonesia, Malaysia, china.

Australia's air force is the second oldest in the world.

This is off topic but are you Australian or Pakistani ?
I don't think Australians need to worry about this PAKFA at all. Just as the United States has manufactured F-22 for itself, Russians intend to have the PAKFA for their own needs in this case, there is joint Indian involvement and therefore the only countries likely to field such a high tech and secretive technology in Asia-Pacific region will be Russia and Indians--both of whom have absolutely no rivalries or disputes with Australia.

According to the number of fighters that have been committed by both Russian and Indian air forces, it is very unlikely that PAKFA will be exported to third countries. If at all, the export variant will be a "watered-down" version of the actual stealth fighter both Moscow and New Delhi wield.

Since the stealth capabilities of this are unknown yet to the world and according to Russian reports this fighter matches the American F-22, the potential export "watered down" variant would perhaps match the F-35 JSF which the Australians are already acquiring.

I don't see why Australia has to feel threatened at all from the closest of the two PAKFA partners New Delhi, which shares no common borders or has any territorial disputes with them. Malaysia and Indonesia have recently acquired the Su-30 MKMs but Russia giving them access to such exclusive technology at least in the coming 2 decades is very unlikely.

Air power Australia is needlessly worried as in the near future it would likely regain its air dominance with the F-35.
i think we forget something while we talk about these toys.
We shouldnt seek the best plane, we shouldnt compare them with eachother as if they will get in to a dog fight.(surely, russian planes will beat the westerns...)
The thing we need to compare are systems and strategies. Each country has its own air doctrine. if USA thinks JSF is good and capable enough to meet the requirements, if JSF will be enough as a multi role plane for air to air and for CAS, it means its ok. Somehow They will have other things to support those planes as best as possible.

Today's world is different than cold war era. The biggest threat against states are terrorist groups supported by other countries. Low asimetric threats play a key role in todays world. and countries shape their army organisations, logistic chains, doctrines and their defence systems according to these new threats.
Honestly, i dont expect a total war between any major country in Today's world. nevermind a war between russia and USA. if the thing we speak is quality and anti terror duty, The plane providing best close air support will dominate the market. also costs per plane is important.

Lets imagine the present situation of Turkey, what will happen if we intend to buy pak-fa instead of JSF?
at first we will be have to change the hangars. then we will re-train our support and maintenance units. we will be have train our pilots, some of the personal working in different sectors should learn russian for better co-operation with russians. and so on and so on... And most important thing is Turkey is a NATO member. and any nato member except greece doesnt buy russian systems.

So, a pak fa may seem the price/performance leader. but there are other expenses we should take in to consideration. only planes performance is not an enough to decide.

So what? nothing=) Western wing will keep using JSF and other old american planes, russians and allies of russia will use Pak-fa and other sukhoi models. Nothing will change, these countries will keep fighting in 3. countries, they will convert a 3. country in to a battlefield and decide on winner. ( please look at : Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, afghanistan, yemen, pakistan-taleban, india-mumbai, turkey, iraq, iran, russia-chechen war, saudi arabia, somali and so on...)

thats why i find comparing these two planes a little bit strange. They probably will never get in to a total war in next 30 years...
I don't think Australians need to worry about this PAKFA at all. Just as the United States has manufactured F-22 for itself, Russians intend to have the PAKFA for their own needs in this case, there is joint Indian involvement and therefore the only countries likely to field such a high tech and secretive technology in Asia-Pacific region will be Russia and Indians--both of whom have absolutely no rivalries or disputes with Australia.

According to the number of fighters that have been committed by both Russian and Indian air forces, it is very unlikely that PAKFA will be exported to third countries. If at all, the export variant will be a "watered-down" version of the actual stealth fighter both Moscow and New Delhi wield.

Since the stealth capabilities of this are unknown yet to the world and according to Russian reports this fighter matches the American F-22, the potential export "watered down" variant would perhaps match the F-35 JSF which the Australians are already acquiring.

I don't see why Australia has to feel threatened at all from the closest of the two PAKFA partners New Delhi, which shares no common borders or has any territorial disputes with them. Malaysia and Indonesia have recently acquired the Su-30 MKMs but Russia giving them access to such exclusive technology at least in the coming 2 decades is very unlikely.

Air power Australia is needlessly worried as in the near future it would likely regain its air dominance with the F-35.
I agree that if the PAK-FA can match the F-22 in term of stealth, the Russian would not trust anyone to the point that they would sell it, it will be another "monkey" model that would be downgraded for sure
I agree that if the PAK-FA can match the F-22 in term of stealth, the Russian would not trust anyone to the point that they would sell it, it will be another "monkey" model that would be downgraded for sure
Exactly. APA is merely wasting too many brain cells worrying about the JSF's capabilities/ limitations since neither the Indians nor the Russians would ever be fighting Canberra in the future and there is a very "fat" chance of Malaysia, Indonesia etc getting (of at all they get as I said earlier) a configuration even close to what PAK-FA model that Moscow and New Delhi would wield. Aus Air power is normally seen worrying way too much about its neighbourhood even though they are un-rivaled in Oceania and Pacific region.

I expect that the export model of PAKFA to third countries would be similar to the difference between F-22 Raptor and the F-15 Silent Eagle, i.e. internal weapons but a capped stealth and radar capability

The JSF I feel is a really classy fighter with everything that Australia needs for its defense requirements. Australia doesn't have to project power beyond its immediate territory when it comes to national defense. Its commitment to NATO is more or less in terms of ground forces and RAAF doesn't essentially come into this picture. Therefore JSF coupled with a few aerial re-fuelers (it is a huge country) should take care of everything that Australians need for their defense. It is not like the Malays or Indonesians would have the will to attack a NATO member.

Personally I think that we Swiss had any serious national threats or committed to international military agreements, the JSF would our first choice ( notwithstanding the constraints on our limited military budget).
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