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AUDI starts feasibility study to assemble in Sindh

Skoda plant is used to manufacture Audi Cars Just like in china FAW plant is used to manufacture AUDIs but here they might set up a dedicated Audi Plant.

Skoda superb and Audi A4 are basically the same cars,but Audi A4 costs 60-70% more for "premium" branding

So what is the plant's total production capacity?

130,000 last year(though I dont think they sell that many in India)

VW diesel engines and cars are also assembled at the same plant
A1s and A3s are perfect replacements for those tin pots Suzuki Mehrans and Khybers.
A1s and A3s are perfect replacements for those tin pots Suzuki Mehrans and Khybers.

A1,A3 would be in a different price range and out of reach for most,something like this would be more suited for Pakistan
How many units do Audi need to sell annually to make such an assembly plant economically viable?

i can't gove you exact Number but many Audi sold here ... a lot of Audi cars can be seen here in Islamabad Specially A3 and A4 .... even Q7 too
i can't gove you exact Number but many Audi sold here ... a lot of Audi cars can be seen here in Islamabad Specially A3 and A4 .... even Q7 too
Karachiites prefer mercedes. But I have seen a growing number of Audis on the roads here. some auto dealers have some sort of understanding with the official Audi partner here, and they give a discount of a few thousands of rupees sometimes(I know, not a lot, but still a discount :p: ).
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A1,A3 would be in a different price range and out of reach for most,something like this would be more suited for Pakistan

Suzuki is already fleecing Pakistanis by charging astronomical prices for their tin canisters. I doubt the german car manufactures would sell theirs at anything higher if the cars are manufactured in Pakistan. They would be looking to capture strong Pakistani market first and for that they have to break the stronghold of Suzuki. Selling their products at higher prices would not be a good starting point.

Bottom line is, they are looking to manufacture in Pakistan. and if your argument of "Pakistanis cant afford A1s or A3s" then what would they be manufacturing? A4s , A5s, A6s, Q7s etc? Those are high end cars which are a lot more expensive!
Karachiites prefer mercedes. But I have seen a growing number of Audis on the roads here. some auto dealers have some sort of understanding with the official Audi partner here, and they give a discount of a thousand rupees sometimes(I know, not a lot, but still a discount :p: ).

:D :D Mercedes for sure has a class of it's own... and many prefer it still but once Audi Set up assembly plant here and new Models wil come out you'll see many Audi cars :D
Skoda superb and Audi A4 are basically the same cars,but Audi A4 costs 60-70% more for "premium" branding

130,000 last year(though I dont think they sell that many in India)

VW diesel engines and cars are also assembled at the same plant
i can't gove you exact Number but many Audi sold here ... a lot of Audi cars can be seen here in Islamabad Specially A3 and A4 .... even Q7 too

Let us see what their cost-benefit analysis tells Audi what to do with this new suggested plant. It may or may not work out, given the numbers.
Renault is Coming in Pakistan
Audi is Coming in Pakistan
Volkswagen is considering to come in Pakistan

Chinese Cars and Trucks are coming to Pakistan
Volvo Buses already here in Pakistan

CPEC Effects :D :D


(if not premature.)
Let us see what their cost-benefit analysis tells Audi what to do with this new suggested plant. It may or may not work out, given the numbers.
the federal and provincial govts may offer more incentives, if the numbers dont add up. hoping for the best here.
Renault is Coming in Pakistan
Audi is Coming in Pakistan
Volkswagen is considering to come in Pakistan

Chinese Cars and Trucks are coming to Pakistan
Volvo Buses already here in Pakistan

CPEC Effects :D :D
VW and Audi both have shown interest, not confirmed, yet.
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