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[ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

well people, you can say i'm indian, you can say i came from mars or im an ET or whatever u like, that's fine. this has nothing to do with the topic.

here i bring you some interesting development of the ASBM report:

someone just posted a thread in the bbs attached to the 两弹一星 website hours ago:

w w w. ldyx.org/bbs/read.php?tid=170&page=1&toread=1#tpc

guy quotes something allegedly from a magazine called "glory of the red star" (红星风采). it says that in a war game a second artillery unit luanched 2 missiles and destroyed the enemy fleet from 2000KM away.

but in fact the original article is from CHINA NATIONAL RADIO. (that's really something official). and in that original article, the above mentioned luanch against enemy fleet is nowhere to find. The ASBM war game is simply inserted into the original official report, in order to make the story look authentic with a reliable source.

the officail report from China National Radio: w w w.cnr.cn/junshi/zgjd/ep/201003/t20100326_506208163.h t m l
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here is the official report from China National Radio:

and the UNDERLINED part, which says that in a war game a second artillery unit luanched 2 missiles and destroyed the enemy fleet from 2000KM away, is inserted into the official report :

中广网江南3月26日消息(通讯员吴天喜 记者梁永春 陈寿富)










another vivid example showing us how an official report is being misrepresented and distorted.
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to support their story, they even made a snapshot of the "glory of the red star" (红星风采) magazine. u can see the word "glory" and read the ASBM war game story which is inserted into the CNR official report. the problem is, cant even testify that the magazine ever existed, cant tell (even if there is such a magazine) if it is an official/ legal publication and why it published a distorted report. like i said, dont wanna discuss ASBM matters. but one needs to check the credibility of such reports before making a judgement. Or let me rephrase, one needs to prove that the magazine "glory of the red star" exists, is more official and authoritative than China National Radio and the snapshot itself is not a fake one.

the snapshot:

w w w. top81.cn/top81bbs/uploads/2010/05/22/1274535857_55245.j p g
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. . .
How come you're dragging up old articles?

I was searching things regarding DF-21, Yuan class subs, HQ-9A and other systems.

THere is a search option on PDF. I used it and found many funny things. This is s professtional fourm and people are behaving like KIDS!!!!
I was searching things regarding DF-21, Yuan class subs, HQ-9A and other systems.

THere is a search option on PDF. I used it and found many funny things. This is s professtional fourm and people are behaving like KIDS!!!!

hahaha professional...
I was searching things regarding DF-21, Yuan class subs, HQ-9A and other systems.

THere is a search option on PDF. I used it and found many funny things. This is s professtional fourm and people are behaving like KIDS!!!!

This is what happens when you give kids too much freedom of speech and expression :lol:
Hmmm...Not every Chinese is communist...Hmmm...That mean what I said is correct...That it is extremely difficult for a communist to be an honest person.

^^^is a Fascist statement.

A translation of the article???
The concept of maneuverable reentry vehicles is not new in the PLA. Missiles like the DF-31, DF-41, JL-2, DF-11/15, are reported to incorporate this technology.
. .
Do we need to learn Chinese?
Well, Its very interesting design, cant understand what it is. I thought English was the only lanuage to be used.

Anyways, waiting for English version.
I was searching things regarding DF-21, Yuan class subs, HQ-9A and other systems.

THere is a search option on PDF. I used it and found many funny things. This is s professtional fourm and people are behaving like KIDS!!!!

It can't be very professional if people are behaving like kids can it?:what:

There are professionals who post, but this is not a 'professional' forum.
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